the drums of jeopardy-第22章
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〃I am really interested in him;〃 went on Kitty。 〃I won't deny it。
I want to see how it's going to turn out。 He was very nice after I
let him into the kitchen。 A perfectly English manner and voice; and
Italian gestures when off his guard。 I feel so sorry for him。 What
strangers we races are to each other! Until the war we hardly knew
the Canadians。 The British didn't know us at all; and the French
became acquainted with the British for the first time in history。
And the German thought he knew us all and really knew nobody。 All
the Russians I ever saw were peasants of the cattle type; so that the
word Russian conjures up two pictures … the grand duke at Monte Carlo
and a race of men who wear long beards and never bathe except when it
rains。 Think of it! For the first time since God set mankind on
earth peoples are becoming acquainted。 I never saw a Russian of this
type before。〃。
〃A leaf in the whirlpool。 … Anyhow; we'll keep him here until he's on
his feet。 By the way; never answer any telephone call … I mean; go
anywhere on a call … unless you are sure of the speaker。〃
〃I begin to feel important。〃
〃You are important。 You have suddenly become a connecting link
between this Karlov and the man we wish to protect。 I'll confess I
wanted you out of that apartment at first; but when I saw that you
were bent on remaining; I decided to make use of you。〃
〃You are going to give me a part in the play?〃
〃Yes。 You are to go about your affairs as always; just as if nothing
had happened。 Only when you wish to come here will you play any game
like that of to…day。 Then it will be advisable。 Switch your route
each time。 Your real part is to be that of lure。 Through you we shall
gradually learn who Karlov's associates are。 If you don't care to play
the role all you have to do is to move。〃
〃The idea! I'm grateful for anything。 You men will never understand。
You go forth into the world each day … politics; diplomacy; commerce;
war … while we women stay at home and knit or darn socks or take
care of the baby or make over our clothes and hats or do household
work or play the piano or read。 Never any adventure。 Never any
games。 Never any clubs。 The leaving your house to go to the office
is an adventure。 A train from here to Philadelphia is an adventure。
We women are always craving it。 And about all we can squeeze out
of life is shopping and hiding the bills after marriage; and going
to the movies before marriage with young men our fathers don't like。
We can't even stroll the street and admire the handsome gowns of our
more fortunate sisters the way you men do。 When you see a pretty
woman on the street do you ever stop to think that there are ten at
home eating their hearts out? Of course you don't。 So I'm going
through with this; to satisfy suppressed instincts; and I shan't
promise to trot along as usual。〃
〃They may attempt to kidnap you; Kitty。〃
〃That doesn't frighten me。〃
〃So I observe。 But if they ever should have the luck to kidnap you;
tell all you know at once。 There's only one way up here … the
elevator。 I can get out to the fire escape; but none can get in
from that direction; as the door is of steel。〃
〃And; of course; you'll take me into your confidence completely?〃
〃When the time comes。 Half the fun in an adventure is the element
of the unexpected;〃 said Cutty。
〃Where did you first meet Stefani Gregor?〃
Captain Harrison laughed。 He liked this girl。 She was keen and
could be depended upon; as witness last night's work。 Her real
danger lay in being conspicuously pretty; in looking upon this affair
as merely a kind of exciting game; when it was tragedy。
〃What makes you think I know Stefani Gregor?〃 asked Cutty; genuinely
〃When I pronounced that name you whirled upon me as if I had struck
〃Very well。 When we learn who Two…Hawks is I'll tell you what I
know about Gregor。 And in the meantime you will be ceaselessly under
guard。 You are an asset; Kitty; to whichever side holds you。
Captain Harrison is going to stay for dinner。 Won't you join us?〃
〃I'm going to a studio potluck with some girls。 And it's time I was
on the way。 I'll let your Tony Bernini know。 Home probably at ten。〃
Cutty went with her to the elevator and when he returned to the tea
table he sat down without speaking。
〃Why not kidnap her yourself;〃 suggested Harrison; 〃if you don't want
her in this?〃
〃She would never forgive me。〃
〃If she found it out。〃
〃She's the kind who would。 What do you think of her; Miss Frances?〃
〃I think she is wonderful。 Frankly; I should tell her everything
… if there is anything more to be told。〃
When dinner was over; the nurse gone back to the patient and Captain
Harrison to his club; Cutty lit his odoriferous pipe and patrolled
the windows of his study。 Ever since Kitty's departure he had been
mulling over in his mind a plan regarding her future … to add a
codicil to his will; leaving her five thousand a year; so Molly's
girl might always have a dainty frame for her unusual beauty。 The
pity of it was that convention denied him the pleasure of settling
the income upon her at once; while she was young。 He might outlive
her; you never could tell。 Anyhow; he would see to the codicil。 An
accident might step in。
He got out his chrysoprase。 In one corner of the room there was a
large portfolio such as artists use for their proofs and sketches;
and from this he took a dozen twelve…by…fourteen…inch photographs
of beautiful women; most of them stage beauties of bygone years。
The one on top happened to be Patti。 The adorable Patti! 。。。 Linda;
Violetta; Lucia。 Lord; what a nightingale she had been! He laughed
laid the photograph on the desk; and dipped his hand into a canvas
bag filled with polished green stones which would have great
commercial value if people knew more about them; for nothing else in
the world is quite so beautifully green。
He built tiaras above the lovely head and laid necklaces across the
marvellous throat。 Suddenly a phenomenon took place。 The roguish
eyes of the prima donna receded and vanished and slate…blue ones
replaced them。 The odd part of it was; he could not dissipate the
fancied eyes for the replacement of the actual。 Patti; with
slate…blue eyes! He discarded the photograph and selected another。
He began the game anew and was just beginning the attack on the
problem uppermost in his mind when the phenomenon occurred again。
Kitty's eyes! What infernal nonsense! Kitty had served merely to
enliven his tender recollections of her mother。 Twenty…four and
fifty…two。 And yet; hadn't he just read that Maeterlinck; fifty…six;
had married Mademoiselle Dahon; many years younger?
In a kind of resentful fury he pushed back his chair and fell to
pacing; eddies and loops and spirals of smoke whirling and sweeping
behind him。 The only light was centred upon the desk; so he might
have been some god pacing cloud…riven Olympus in the twilight。 By
and by he laughed; and the atmosphere … mental … cleared。
Maeterlinck; fifty…six; and Cutty; fifty…two; were two different men。
Cutty might mix his metaphors occasionally; but he wasn't going to
mix his ghosts。
He returned to his singular game。 More tiaras and necklaces; and
his brain took firm hold of the theme which had in the beginning
lured him to the green stones。
Two…Hawks。 That name bothered him。 He knew he had heard it before;
but never in the Russian tongue。 It might be that the chap had been
spoofing Kitty。 Still; he had also called himself Hawksley。
The smoke thickened; there were frequent flares of matches。 One by
one Cutty discarded the photographs; dropping them on the floor
beside his chair; his mind boring this way and that for a solution。
He had now come to the point where he ceased to see the photographs
or the green stones。 The movements of his hands were almost
automatic。 And in this abstract manner he came to the last
photograph。 He built a necklace and even ventured an earring。
It was a glorious face … black eyes that followed you; full lipped;
every indication of fire and genius。 It must be understood that he