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an historical mystery-第51章

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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At the time of his death no one had ever fathomed the mystery of the
senator's abduction。 Louis XVIII。 did not neglect to repair; as far as
possible; the wrongs done by that affair; but he was silent as to the
causes of the disaster。 From that time forth the Marquise de Cinq…
Cygne believed him to have been an accomplice in the catastrophe。



The late Marquis de Cinq…Cygne had used his savings; as well as those
of his father and mother; in the purchase of a fine house in the rue
de Faubourg…du…Roule; entailing it on heirs male for the support of
the title。 The sordid economy of the marquis and his parents; which
had often troubled Laurence; was then explained。 After this purchase
the marquise; who lived at Cinq…Cygne and economized on her own
account for her children; spent her winters in Paris;all the more
willingly because her daughter Berthe and her son Paul were now of an
age when their education required the resources of Paris。

Madame de Cinq…Cygne went but little into society。 Her husband could
not be ignorant of the regrets which lay in her tender heart; but he
showed her always the most exquisite delicacy; and died having loved
no other woman。 This noble soul; not fully understood for a period of
time but to which the generous daughter of the Cinq…Cygnes returned in
his last years as true a love as that he gave to her; was completely
happy in his married life。 Laurence lived for the joys of home。 No
woman has ever been more cherished by her friends or more respected。
To be received in her house is an honor。 Gentle; indulgent;
intellectual; above all things simple and natural; she pleases choice
souls and draws them to her in spite of her saddened aspect; each
longs to protect this woman; inwardly so strong; and that sentiment of
secret protection counts for much in the wondrous charm of her
friendship。 Her life; so painful during her youth; is beautiful and
serene towards evening。 Her sufferings are known; and no one asks who
was the original of that portrait by Lefebvre which is the chief and
sacred ornament of her salon。 Her face has the maturity of fruits that
have ripened slowly; a hallowed pride dignifies that long…tried brow。

At the period when the marquise came to Paris to open the new house;
her fortune; increased by the law of indemnities; gave her some two
hundred thousand francs a year; not counting her husband's salary;
besides this; Laurence had inherited the money guarded by Michu for
his young masters。 From that time forth she made a practice of
spending half her income and of laying by the rest for her daughter

Berthe is the living image of her mother; but without her warrior
nerve; she is her mother in delicacy; in intellect;〃more a woman;〃
Laurence says; sadly。 The marquise was not willing to marry her
daughter until she was twenty years of age。 Her savings; judiciously
invested in the Funds by old Monsieur d'Hauteserre at the moment when
consols fell in 1830; gave Berthe a dowry of eighty thousand francs a
year in 1833; when she was twenty。

About that time the Princesse de Cadignan; who was seeking to marry
her son; the Duc de Maufrigneuse; brought him into intimate relations
with Madame de Cinq…Cygne。 Georges de Maufrigneuse dined with the
marquise three times a week; accompanied the mother and daughter to
the Opera; and curvetted in the Bois around their carriage when they
drove out。 It was evident to all the world of the Faubourg Saint…
Germain that Georges loved Berthe。 But no one could discover to a
certainty whether Madame de Cinq…Cygne was desirous of making her
daughter a duchess; to become a princess later; or whether it was only
the princess who coveted for her son the splendid dowry。 Did the
celebrated Diane court the noble provincial house? and was the
daughter of the Cinq…Cygnes frightened by the celebrity of Madame de
Cadignan; her tastes and her ruinous extravagance? In her strong
desire not to injure her son's prospects the princess grew devout;
shut the door on her former life; and spent the summer season at
Geneva in a villa on the lake。

One evening there were present in the salon of the Princesse de
Cadignan; the Marquise d'Espard; and de Marsay; then president of the
Council (on this occasion the princess saw her former lover for the
last time; for he died the following year); Eugene de Rastignac;
under…secretary of State attached to de Marsay's ministry; two
ambassadors; two celebrated orators from the Chamber of Peers; the old
dukes of Lenoncourt and de Navarreins; the Comte de Vandenesse and his
young wife; and d'Arthez;who formed a rather singular circle; the
composition of which can be thus explained。 The princess was anxious
to obtain from the prime minister of the crown a permit for the return
of the Prince de Cadignan。 De Marsay; who did not choose to take upon
himself the responsibility of granting it came to tell the princess
the matter had been entrusted to safe hands; and that a certain
political manager had promised to bring her the result in the course
of that evening。

Madame and Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne were announced。 Laurence; whose
principles were unyielding; was not only surprised but shocked to see
the most illustrious representatives of Legitimacy talking and
laughing in a friendly manner with the prime minister of the man whom
she never called anything but Monsieur le Duc d'Orleans。 De Marsay;
like an expiring lamp; shone with a last brilliancy。 He laid aside for
the moment his political anxieties; and Madame de Cinq…Cygne endured
him; as they say the Court of Austria endured de Saint…Aulaire; the
man of the world effaced the minister of the citizen…king。 But she
rose to her feet as though her chair were of red…hot iron when the
name was announced of 〃Monsieur le Comte de Gondreville。〃

〃Adieu; madame;〃 she said to the princess in a curt tone。

She left the room with Berthe; measuring her steps to avoid
encountering that fatal being。

〃You may have caused the loss of Georges' marriage;〃 said the princess
to de Marsay; in a low voice。 〃Why did you not tell me your agent's

The former clerk of Arcis; former Conventional; former Thermidorien;
tribune; Councillor of State; count of the Empire and senator; peer of
the Restoration; and now peer of the monarchy of July; made a servile
bow to the princess。

〃Fear nothing; madame;〃 he said; 〃we have ceased to make war on
princes。 I bring you an assurance of the permit;〃 he added; seating
himself beside her。

Malin was long in the confidence of Louis XVIII。; to whom his varied
experience was useful。 He had greatly aided in overthrowing Decazes;
and had given much good advice to the ministry of Villele。 Coldly
received by Charles X。; he had adopted all the rancors of Talleyrand。
He was now in high favor under the twelfth government he had served
since 1789; and which in turn he would doubtless betray。 For the last
fifteen months he had broken the long friendship which had bound him
for thirty…six years to our greatest diplomat; the Prince de
Talleyrand。 It was in the course of this very evening that he made
answer to some one who asked why the Prince showed such hostility to
the Duc de Bordeaux; 〃The Pretender is too young!〃

〃Singular advice to give young men;〃 remarked Rastignac。

De Marsay; who grew thoughtful after Madame de Cadignan's reproachful
speech; took no notice of these jests。 He looked askance at
Gondreville and was evidently biding his time until that now old man;
who went to bed early; had taken leave。 All present; who had witnessed
the abrupt departure of Madame de Cinq…Cygne (whose reasons were well…
known to them); imitated de Marsay's conduct and kept silence。
Gondreville; who had not recognized the marquise; was ignorant of the
cause of the general reticence; but the habit of dealing with public
matters had given him a certain tact; he was moreover a clever man; he
saw that his presence was embarrassing to the company and he took
leave。 De Marsay; standing with his back to the fire; watched the slow
departure of the old man in a manner which revealed the gravity of his

〃I did wrong; madame; not t

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