an historical mystery-第19章
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foundations of the former abbey。 He continued; all alone; this
archaeological enterprise; he sounded the earth and discovered a
hollowness on the level of the pond between two trees; at the foot of
the only craggy part of the hillock。
One fine night he came to the place armed with a pickaxe; and by the
sweat of his brow uncovered a succession of cellars; which were
entered by a flight of stone steps。 The pond; which was three feet
deep in the middle; formed a sort of dipper; the handle of which
seemed to come from the little eminence; and went far to prove that a
spring had once issued from the crags; and was now lost by
infiltration through the forest。 The marshy shores of the pond;
covered with aquatic trees; alders; willow; and ash; were the terminus
of all the wood…paths; the remains of former roads and forest by…ways;
now abandoned。 The water; flowing from a spring; though apparently
stagnant; was covered with large…leaved plants and cresses; which gave
it a perfectly green surface almost indistinguishable from the shores;
which were covered with fine close herbage。 The place is too far from
human habitations for any animal; unless a wild one; to come there。
Convinced that no game was in the marsh and repelled by the craggy
sides of the hills; keepers and hunters had never explored or visited
this nook; which belonged to a part of the forest where the timber had
not been cut for many years and which Michu meant to keep in its full
growth when the time came round to fell it。
At the further end of the first cellar was a vaulted chamber; clean
and dry; built with hewn stone; a sort of convent dungeon; such as
they called in monastic days the /in pace/。 The salubrity of the
chamber and the preservation of this part of the staircase and of the
vaults were explained by the presence of the spring; which had been
enclosed at some time by a wall of extraordinary thickness built in
brick and cement like those of the Romans; and received all the
waters。 Michu closed the entrance to this retreat with large stones;
then; to keep the secret of it to himself and make it impenetrable to
others; he made a rule never to enter it except from the wooded height
above; by clambering down the crag instead of approaching it from the
Just as the fugitives arrived; the moon was casting her beautiful
silvery light on the aged tree…tops above the crag; and flickering on
the splendid foliage at the corners of the several paths; all of which
ended here; some with one tree; some with a group of trees。 On all
sides the eye was irresistibly led along their vanishing perspectives;
following the curve of a wood…path or the solemn stretch of a forest
glade flanked by a wall of verdure that was nearly black。 The
moonlight; filtering through the branches of the crossways; made the
lonely; tranquil waters; where they peeped between the crosses and the
lily…pads; sparkle like diamonds。 The croaking of the frogs broke the
deep silence of this beautiful forest…nook; the wild odors of which
incited the soul to thoughts of liberty。
〃Are we safe?〃 said the countess to Michu。
〃Yes; mademoiselle。 But we have each some work to do。 Do you go and
fasten our horses to the trees at the top of the little hill; tie a
handkerchief round the mouth of each of them;〃 he said; giving her his
cravat; 〃your beast and mine are both intelligent; they will
understand they are not to neigh。 When you have done that; come down
the crag directly above the pond; but don't let your habit catch
anywhere。 You will find me below。〃
While the countess hid the horses and tied and gagged them; Michu
removed the stones and opened the entrance to the caverns。 The
countess; who thought she knew the forest by heart; was amazed when
she descended into the vaulted chambers。 Michu replaced the stones
above them with the dexterity of a mason。 As he finished; the sound of
horses' feet and the voices of the gendarmes echoed in the darkness;
but he quietly struck a match; lighted a resinous bit of wood and led
the countess to the /in pace/; where there was still a piece of the
candle with which he had first explored the caves。 An iron door of
some thickness; eaten in several places by rust; had been put in good
order by the bailiff; and could be fastened securely by bars slipping
into holes in the wall on either side of it。 The countess; half dead
with fatigue; sat down on a stone bench; above which there still
remained an iron ring; the staple of which was embedded in the
〃We have a salon to converse in;〃 said Michu。 〃The gendarmes may prowl
as much as they like; the worst they could do would be to take our
〃If they do that;〃 said Laurence; 〃it would be the death of my cousins
and the Messieurs d'Hauteserre。 Tell me now; what do you know?〃
Michu related what he had overheard Malin say to Grevin。
〃They are already on the road to Paris; they were to enter it
to…morrow morning;〃 said the countess when he had finished。
〃Lost!〃 exclaimed Michu。 〃All persons entering or leaving the barriers
are examined。 Malin has strong reasons to let my masters compromise
themselves; he is seeking to get them killed out of his way。〃
〃And I; who don't know anything of the general plan of the affair;〃
cried Laurence; 〃how can I warn Georges; Riviere; and Moreau? Where
are they?However; let us think only of my cousins and the
d'Hauteserres; you must catch up with them; no matter what it costs。〃
〃The telegraph goes faster than the best horse;〃 said Michu; 〃and of
all the nobles concerned in this conspiracy your cousins are the
closest watched。 If I can find them; they must be hidden here and kept
here till the affair is over。 Their poor father may have had a
foreboding when he set me to search for this hiding…place; perhaps he
felt that his sons would be saved here。〃
〃My mare is from the stables of the Comte d'Artois;she is the
daughter of his finest English horse;〃 said Laurence; 〃but she has
already gone sixty miles; she would drop dead before you reached
〃Mine is in good condition;〃 replied Michu; 〃and if you did sixty
miles I shall have only thirty to do。〃
〃Nearer forty;〃 she said; 〃they have been walking since dark。 You will
overtake them beyond Lagny; at Coupvrai; where they expected to be at
daybreak。 They are disguised as sailors; and will enter Paris by the
river on some vessel。 This;〃 she added; taking half of her mother's
wedding…ring from her finger; 〃is the only thing which will make them
trust you; they have the other half。 The keeper of Couvrai is the
father of one of their soldiers; he has hidden them tonight in a hut
in the forest deserted by charcoal…burners。 They are eight in all;
Messieurs d'Hauteserre and four others are with my cousins。〃
〃Mademoiselle; no one is looking for the others! let them save
themselves as they can; we must think only of the Messieurs de
Simeuse。 It is enough just to warn the rest。〃
〃What! abandon the Hauteserres? never!〃 she said。 〃They must all
perish or be saved together!〃
〃Only petty noblemen!〃 remarked Michu。
〃They are only chevaliers; I know that;〃 she replied; 〃but they are
related to the Cinq…Cygne and Simeuse blood。 Save them all; and advise
them how best to regain this forest。〃
〃The gendarmes are here;don't you hear them? they are holding a
council of war。〃
〃Well; you have twice had luck to…night; go! bring my cousins here and
hide them in these vaults; they'll be safe from all pursuitAlas! I
am good for nothing!〃 she cried; with rage; 〃I should be only a beacon
to light the enemybut the police will never imagine that my cousins
are in the forest if they see me at my ease。 So the question resolves
itself into this: how can we get five good horses to bring them in six
hours from Lagny to the forest;five horses to be killed and hidden
in some thicket。〃
〃And the money?〃 said Michu; who was thinking deeply as he listened to
the young countess。
〃I gave my cousins a hundred louis this evening;〃 she replied。
〃I'll answer for them!〃 cried Michu。 〃But once hidden here you must
not attempt to see them。 My wife; or the little one; shall bring them
food twice a week。 But; as I can't be sur