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  • 大小:452K
  • 热度: 47
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2017-03-20


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beasts, men and gods 上传者:淋雨

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Beasts, Men and Godsby Ferdinand OssendowskiEXPLANATORY NOTEWhen one of the leading publicists in America, Dr. Albert Shaw of the Review of Reviews, after reading the manuscript of Part I of this volume, characterized the author as "The Robinson Crusoe of the Twentieth Century," he touched the feature of the narrative which is at once most attractive and most dangerous; for the succession of trying and thrilling experiences recorded seems in places too highly colored to be real or, sometimes, even possible in this day and generation. I desire, therefore, to assure the reader at the outset that Dr. Ossendowski is a man of long and diverse experience as a scientist and writer with a training


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