the city of the sun-第3章
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All things are common with them; and their dispensation is by
the authority of the magistrates。 Arts and honors and pleas…
ures are common; and are held in such a manner that no one
can appropriate anything to himself。
They say that all private property is acquired and improved
for the reason that each one of us by himself has his own home
and wife and children。 From this; self…love springs。 For
when we raise a son to riches and dignities; and leave an heir to
much wealth; we become either ready to grasp at the property of
the State; if in any case fear should be removed from the power
which belongs to riches and rank; or avaricious; crafty; and
hypocritical; if anyone is of slender purse; little strength; and
mean ancestry。 But when we have taken away self…love; there
remains only love for the State。
G。M。 Under such circumstances no one will be willing to
labor; while he expects others to work; on the fruit of whose
labors he can live; as Aristotle argues against Plato。
Capt。 I do not know how to deal with that argument; but
I declare to you that they burn with so great a love for their
fatherland; as I could scarcely have believed possible; and in…
deed with much more than the histories tell us belonged to the
Romans; who fell willingly for their country; inasmuch as they
have to a greater extent surrendered their private property。
I think truly that the friars and monks and clergy of our coun…
try; if they were not weakened by love for their kindred and
friends or by the ambition to rise to higher dignities; would be
less fond of property; and more imbued with a spirit of charity
toward all; as it was in the time of the apostles; and is now in a
great many cases。
G。M。 St。 Augustine may say that; but I say that among this
race of men; friendship is worth nothing; since they have not
the chance of conferring mutual benefits on one another。
Capt。 Nay; indeed。 For it is worth the trouble to see that
no one can receive gifts from another。 Whatever is necessary
they have; they receive it from the community; and the magis…
trate takes care that no one receives more than he deserves。 Yet
nothing necessary is denied to anyone。 Friendship is recog…
nized among them in war; in infirmity; in the art contests; by
which means they aid one another mutually by teaching。 Some…
times they improve themselves mutually with praises; with con…
versation; with actions; and out of the things they need。 All
those of the same age call one another brothers。 They call all
over twenty…two years of age; fathers; those that are less than
twenty…two are named sons。 Moreover; the magistrates gov…
ern well; so that no one in the fraternity can do injury to an…
G。M。 And how?
Capt。 As many names of virtues as there are among us; so
many magistrates there are among them。 There is a magis…
trate who is named Magnanimity; another Fortitude; a third
Chastity; a fourth Liberality; a fifth Criminal and Civil Justice;
a sixth Comfort; a seventh Truth; an eighth Kindness; a tenth
Gratitude; an eleventh Cheerfulness; a twelfth Exercise; a thir…
teenth Sobriety; etc。 They are elected to duties of that kind;
each one to that duty for excellence in which he is known from
boyhood to be most suitable。 Wherefore among them neither
robbery nor clever murders; nor lewdness; incest; adultery; or
other crimes of which we accuse one another; can be found。
They accuse themselves of ingratitude and malignity when any…
one denies a lawful satisfaction to another of indolence; of sad…
ness; of anger; of scurrility; of slander; and of lying; which
curseful thing they thoroughly hate。 Accused persons under…
going punishment are deprived of the common table; and other
honors; until the judge thinks that they agree with their cor…
G。M。 Tell me the manner in which the magistrates are
Capt。 You would not rightly understand this; unless you
first learned their manner of living。 That you may know; then;
men and women wear the same kind of garment; suited for war。
The women wear the toga below the knee; but the men above;
and both sexes are instructed in all the arts together。 When
this has been done as a start; and before their third year; the
boys learn the language and the alphabet on the walls by walk…
ing round them。 They have four leaders; and four elders; the
first to direct them; the second to teach them; and these are men
approved beyond all others。 After some time they exercise
themselves with gymnastics; running; quoits; and other games;
by means of which all their muscles are strengthened alike。
Their feet are always bare; and so are their heads as far as the
seventh ring。 Afterward they lead them to the offices of the
trades; such as shoemaking; cooking; metal…working; carpentry;
painting; etc。 In order to find out the bent of the genius of
each one; after their seventh year; when they have already gone
through the mathematics on the walls; they take them to the
readings of all the sciences; there are four lectures at each read…
ing; and in the course of four hours the four in their order ex…
plain everything。
For some take physical exercise or busy themselves with pub…
lic services or functions; others apply themselves to reading。
Leaving these studies all are devoted to the more abstruse sub…
jects; to mathematics; to medicine; and to other sciences。 There
are continual debate and studied argument among them; and
after a time they become magistrates of those sciences or me…
chanical arts in which they are the most proficient; for every…
one follows the opinion of his leader and judge; and goes out
to the plains to the works of the field; and for the purpose of
becoming acquainted with the pasturage of the dumb animals。
And they consider him the more noble and renowned who has
dedicated himself to the study of the most arts and knows how
to practise them wisely。 Wherefore they laugh at us in that we
consider our workmen ignoble; and hold those to be noble who
have mastered no pursuit; but live in ease and are so many
slaves given over to their own pleasure and lasciviousness; and
thus; as it were; from a school of vices so many idle and wicked
fellows go forth for the ruin of the State。
The rest of the officials; however; are chosen by the four
chiefs; Hoh; Pon; Sin and Mor; and by the teachers of that art
over which they are fit to preside。 And these teachers know
well who is most suited for rule。 Certain men are proposed
by the magistrates in council; they themselves not seeking to
become candidates; and he opposes who knows anything against
those brought forward for election; or; if not; speaks in favor
of them。 But no one attains to the dignity of Hoh except him
who knows the histories of the nations; and their customs and
sacrifices and laws; and their form of government; whether a
republic or a monarchy。 He must also know the names of the
lawgivers and the inventors in science; and the laws and the
history of the earth and the heavenly bodies。 They think it
also necessary that he should understand all the mechanical
arts; the physical sciences; astrology and mathematics。 Near…
ly every two days they teach our mechanical art。 They are not
allowed to overwork themselves; but frequent practice and the
paintings render learning easy to them。 Not too much care
is given to the cultivation of languages; as they have a goodly
number of interpreters who are grammarians in the State。
But beyond everything else it is necessary that Hoh should
understand metaphysics and theology; that he should know
thoroughly the derivations; foundations; and demonstrations of
all the arts and sciences; the likeness and difference of things;
necessity; fate; and the harmonies of the universe; power; wis…
dom; and the love of things and of God; the stages of life and
its symbols; everything relating to the heavens; the earth; and
the sea; and the ideas of God; as much as mortal man can know
of him。 He must also be well read in the prophets and in as…
trology。 And thus they know long beforehand who will be
Hoh。 He is not chosen to so great a dignity unless he has