贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the fifth string >


the fifth string-第9章

小说: the fifth string 字数: 每页4000字

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Love to a man of his nobility is too

serious to be treated so lightly。''

‘‘Very true; and that's what has

excited my curiosity!'' whereupon the old

man smoked away in silence。

‘‘Excited your curiosity!'' said

Mildred。 ‘‘What do you mean?''

‘‘It may be something; it may be

nothing; but my speculative instinct has

been aroused by a strange peculiarity in

his playing。''

‘‘His playing is wonderful!'' replied

Mildred proudly。

‘‘Aye; more than wonderful! I

watched him intently;'' said the old

man; ‘‘I noted with what marvelous

facility he went from one string to the

other。 But however rapid; however difficult

the composition; he steadily avoided

one string; in fact; that string remained

untouched during the entire hour he

played for us。''

‘‘Perhaps the composition did not

call for its use;'' suggested Mildred;

unconscious of any other meaning in the

old man's observation; save praise for

her lover。

‘‘Perhaps so; but the oddity

impressed me; it was a new string to me。

I have never seen one like it on a violin


‘‘That can scarcely be; for I do not

remember of Signor Diotti telling me

there was anything unusual about his


‘‘I am sure it has a fifth string。''

‘‘And I am equally sure the string

can be of no importance or Angelo

would have told me of it;'' Mildred

quickly rejoined。

‘‘I recall a strange story of

Paganini;'' continued the old man;

apparently not noticing her interruption; ‘‘he

became infatuated with a lady of high

rank; who was insensible of the admiration

he had for her beauty。

‘‘He composed a love scene for two

strings; the ‘E' and ‘G;' the first was

to personate the lady; the second himself。

It commenced with a species of

dialogue; intending to represent her

indifference and his passion; now sportive;

now sad; laughter on her part and

tears from him; ending in an apotheosis

of loving reconciliation。 It affected the

lady to that degree that ever after she

loved the violinist。''

‘‘And no doubt they were happy?''

Mildred suggested smilingly。

‘‘Yes;'' said the old man; with

assumed sentiment; ‘‘even when his

profession called him far away; for she had

made him promise her he never would

play upon the two strings whose music

had won her heart; so those strings were

mute; except for her。''

The old man puffed away in silence

for a moment; then with logical directness

continued: ‘‘Perhaps the string

that's mute upon Diotti's violin is mute

for some such reason。''

‘‘Nonsense;'' said the girl; half impatiently。

‘‘The string is black and glossy as

the tresses that fall in tangled skeins on

the shoulders of the dreamy beauties of

Tuscany。 It may be an idle fancy; but

if that string is not a woven strand from

some woman's crowning glory; then I

have no discernment。''

‘‘You are jesting; uncle;'' she

replied; but her heart was heavy already。

‘‘Ask him to play on that string; I'll

wager he'll refuse;'' said the old man;


‘‘He will not refuse when I ask him;

but I will not to…night;'' answered the

unhappy girl; with forced determina…

tion。 Then; taking the old man's hands;

she said: ‘‘Good…night; I am going to

my room; please make my excuses to

Signor Diotti and father;'' and wearily

she ascended the stairs。

Mr。 Wallace and the violinist soon

after joined old Sanders; fresh cigars

were lighted and regrets most earnestly

expressed by the violinist for Mildred's

‘‘sick headache。''

‘‘No need to worry; she will be all

right in the morning;'' said Sanders;

and he and the violinist buttoned their

coats tightly about them; for the night

was bitter cold; and together they left

the house。

In her bed…chamber Mildred stood

looking at the portrait of her lover。 She

studied his face long and intently; then

crossing the room she mechanically took

a volume from the shelf; and as she

opened it her eyes fell on these lines:

‘‘How art thou fallen from Heaven;

O Lucifer; son of the Morning!''


Old Sanders builded better than he knew。


When Diotti and old Sanders left

the house they walked rapidly

down Fifth Avenue。 It was after eleven;

and the streets were bare of pedestrians;

but blinking…eyed cabs came up the avenue;

looking at a distance like a trail

of Megatheriums; gliding through the

darkness。 The piercing wind made the

men hasten their steps; the old man by

a semi…rotary motion keeping up with

the longer strides and measured tread of

the younger。

When they reached Fourteenth Street;

the elder said; ‘‘I live but a block from

here;'' pointing eastward; ‘‘what do

you say to a hot toddy? It will warm

the cockles of your heart; come over to

my house and I'll mix you the best

drink in New York。''

The younger thought the suggestion

a good one and they turned toward the

house of old Sanders。

It was a neat; red brick; two…story

house; well in from the street; off the

line of the more pretentious buildings on

either side。 As the old man opened the

iron gate; the police officer on the beat

passed; he peered into the faces of the

men; and recognizing Sanders; said;

‘‘tough night; sir。''

‘‘Very;'' replied the addressed。

‘‘All good old gentlemen should be in

bed at this hour;'' said the officer; lifting

one foot after the other in an effort

to keep warm; and in so doing showing

little terpsichorean grace。

‘‘It's only the shank of the evening;

officer;'' rejoined the old man; as he

fumbled with the latch key and finally

opened the door。 The two men entered

and the officer passed on。

Every man has a fad。 One will tell

you he sees nothing in billiards or pool

or golf or tennis; but will grow enthusiastic

over the scientific possibilities of

mumble…peg; you agree with him; only

you substitute ‘‘skittles'' for ‘‘mumble…


Old Sanders' fad was mixing toddies

and punches。

‘‘The nectar of the gods pales into

nothingness when compared with a toddy

such as I make;'' said he。 ‘‘Ambrosia

may have been all right for the

degenerates of the old Grecian and

Roman days; but an American gentleman

demands a toddya hot toddy。'' And

then he proceeded with circumspection

and dignity to demonstrate the process

of decocting that mysterious beverage。

The two men took off their overcoats

and went into the sitting…room。 A pile

of logs burned brightly in the fire…place。

The old man threw another on the burning

heap; filled the kettle with water and

hung it over the fire。 Next he went to

the sideboard and brought forth the

various ingredients for the toddy。

‘‘How do you like America?'' said

the elder; with commonplace indifference;

as he crunched a lump of sugar in

the bottom of the glass; dissolving the

particles with a few drops of water。

‘‘Very much; indeed;'' said the

Tuscan; with the air of a man who had

answered the question before。

‘‘Great country for girls!'' said

Sanders; pouring a liberal quantity of Old

Tom gin in the glass and placing it

where it gradually would get warm。

‘‘And for men!'' responded Diotti;


‘‘Men don't amount to much here;

women run everything;'' retorted the

elder; while he repeated the process of

preparing the sugar and gin in the second

glass。 The kettle began to sing。

‘‘That's music for you;'' chuckled the

old man; raising the lid to see if the

water had boiled sufficiently。 ‘‘Do you

know I think a dinner horn and a singing

kettle beat a symphony all hollow

for real down…right melody;'' and he

lifted the kettle from the fire…place。

Diotti smiled。

With mathematical accuracy the old man

filled the two tumblers with boiling water。

‘‘Try that;'' handing a glass of the

toddy to Diotti; ‘‘you wil

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