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beasts and superbeasts-第11章

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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shrift and scornful rejection; and the kitchen region 

spread over the zone of dairy and market business and 

half the work of the household。  Emma; with the latest 

science of dead…poultry dressing at her finger…tips; sat 

by; an unheeded watcher; while old Martha trussed the 

chickens for the market…stall as she had trussed them for 

nearly four…score years … all leg and no breast。  And the 

hundred hints anent effective cleaning and labour…

lightening and the things that make for wholesomeness 

which the young woman was ready to impart or to put into 

action dropped away into nothingness before that wan; 

muttering; unheeding presence。  Above all; the coveted 

window corner; that was to be a dainty; cheerful oasis in 

the gaunt old kitchen; stood now choked and lumbered with 

a litter of odds and ends that Emma; for all her nominal 

authority; would not have dared or cared to displace; 

over them seemed to be spun the protection of something 

that was like a human cobweb。  Decidedly Martha was in 

the way。  It would have been an unworthy meanness to have 

wished to see the span of that brave old life shortened 

by a few paltry months; but as the days sped by Emma was 

conscious that the wish was there; disowned though it 

might be; lurking at the back of her mind。

She felt the meanness of the wish come over her with 

a qualm of self…reproach one day when she came into the 

kitchen and found an unaccustomed state of things in that 

usually busy quarter。  Old Martha was not working。  A 

basket of corn was on the floor by her side; and out in 

the yard the poultry were beginning to clamour a protest 

of overdue feeding…time。  But Martha sat huddled in a 

shrunken bunch on the window seat; looking out with her 

dim old eyes as though she saw something stranger than 

the autumn landscape。

〃Is anything the matter; Martha?〃 asked the young 


〃'Tis death; 'tis death a…coming;〃 answered the 

quavering voice; 〃I knew 'twere coming。  I knew it。  

'Tweren't for nothing that old Shep's been howling all 

morning。  An' last night I heard the screech…owl give the 

death…cry; and there were something white as run across 

the yard yesterday; 'tweren't a cat nor a stoat; 'twere 

something。  The fowls knew 'twere something; they all 

drew off to one side。  Ay; there's been warnings。  I knew 

it were a…coming。〃

The young woman's eyes clouded with pity。  The old 

thing sitting there so white and shrunken had once been a 

merry; noisy child; playing about in lanes and hay…lofts 

and farmhouse garrets; that had been eighty odd years 

ago; and now she was just a frail old body cowering under 

the approaching chill of the death that was coming at 

last to take her。  It was not probable that much could be 

done for her; but Emma hastened away to get assistance 

and counsel。  Her husband; she knew; was down at a tree…

felling some little distance off; but she might find some 

other intelligent soul who knew the old woman better than 

she did。  The farm; she soon found out; had that faculty 

common to farmyards of swallowing up and losing its human 

population。  The poultry followed her in interested 

fashion; and swine grunted interrogations at her from 

behind the bars of their styes; but barnyard and 

rickyard; orchard and stables and dairy; gave no reward 

to her search。  Then; as she retraced her steps towards 

the kitchen; she came suddenly on her cousin; young Mr。 

Jim; as every one called him; who divided his time 

between amateur horse…dealing; rabbit…shooting; and 

flirting with the farm maids。

〃I'm afraid old Martha is dying;〃 said Emma。  Jim 

was not the sort of person to whom one had to break news 


〃Nonsense;〃 he said; 〃Martha means to live to a 

hundred。  She told me so; and she'll do it。〃

〃She may be actually dying at this moment; or it may 

just be the beginning of the break…up;〃 persisted Emma; 

with a feeling of contempt for the slowness and dulness 

of the young man。

A grin spread over his good…natured features。

〃It don't look like it;〃 he said; nodding towards 

the yard。  Emma turned to catch the meaning of his 

remark。  Old Martha stood in the middle of a mob of 

poultry scattering handfuls of grain around her。  The 

turkey…cock; with the bronzed sheen of his feathers and 

the purple…red of his wattles; the gamecock; with the 

glowing metallic lustre of his Eastern plumage; the hens; 

with their ochres and buffs and umbers and their scarlet 

combs; and the drakes; with their bottle…green heads; 

made a medley of rich colour; in the centre of which the 

old woman looked like a withered stalk standing amid a 

riotous growth of gaily…hued flowers。  But she threw the 

grain deftly amid the wilderness of beaks; and her 

quavering voice carried as far as the two people who were 

watching her。  She was still harping on the theme of 

death coming to the farm。

〃I knew 'twere a…coming。  There's been signs an' 


〃Who's dead; then; old Mother?〃 called out the young 


〃'Tis young Mister Ladbruk;〃 she shrilled back; 

〃they've just a…carried his body in。  Run out of the way 

of a tree that was coming down an' ran hisself on to an 

iron post。  Dead when they picked un up。  Aye; I knew 

'twere coming。〃

And she turned to fling a handful of barley at a 

belated group of guinea…fowl that came racing toward her。

* * * *

The farm was a family property; and passed to the 

rabbit…shooting cousin as the next…of…kin。  Emma Ladbruk 

drifted out of its history as a bee that had wandered in 

at an open window might flit its way out again。  On a 

cold grey morning she stood waiting; with her boxes 

already stowed in the farm cart; till the last of the 

market produce should be ready; for the train she was to 

catch was of less importance than the chickens and butter 

and eggs that were to be offered for sale。  From where 

she stood she could see an angle of the long latticed 

window that was to have been cosy with curtains and gay 

with bowls of flowers。  Into her mind came the thought 

that for months; perhaps for years; long after she had 

been utterly forgotten; a white; unheeding face would be 

seen peering out through those latticed panes; and a weak 

muttering voice would be heard quavering up and down 

those flagged passages。  She made her way to a narrow 

barred casement that opened into the farm larder。  Old 

Martha was standing at a table trussing a pair of 

chickens for the market stall as she had trussed them for 

nearly fourscore years。


I'VE asked Latimer Springfield to spend Sunday with 

us and stop the night;〃 announced Mrs。 Durmot at the 


〃I thought he was in the throes of an election;〃 

remarked her husband。

〃Exactly; the poll is on Wednesday; and the poor man 

will have worked himself to a shadow by that time。  

Imagine what electioneering must be like in this awful 

soaking rain; going along slushy country roads and 

speaking to damp audiences in draughty schoolrooms; day 

after day for a fortnight。  He'll have to put in an 

appearance at some place of worship on Sunday morning; 

and he can come to us immediately afterwards and have a 

thorough respite from everything connected with politics。  

I won't let him even think of them。  I've had the picture 

of Cromwell dissolving the Long Parliament taken down 

from the staircase; and even the portrait of Lord 

Rosebery's 'Ladas' removed from the smoking…room。  And 

Vera;〃 added Mrs。 Durmot; turning to her sixteen…year…old 

niece; 〃be careful what colour ribbon you wear in your 

hair; not blue or yellow on any account; those are the 

rival party colours; and emerald green or orange would be 

almost as bad; with this Home Rule business to the fore。〃

〃On state occasions I always wear a black ribbon in 

my hair;〃 said Vera wi

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