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our androcentric culture-第23章

小说: our androcentric culture 字数: 每页4000字

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is a thing to sap and wreck; to live on。  It is his essential impulse to
want something very much; to struggle and fight for it; to take all he
can get。

Set against this the giving love that comes with motherhood; the endless
service that comes of motherhood; the peaceful administration in the
interest of the family that comes of motherhood。  We prate much of the
family as the unit of the state。  If it iswhy not run the state on
that basis?  Government by women; so far as it is influenced by their
sex; would be influenced by motherhood; and that would mean care;
nurture; provision; education。  We have to go far down the scale for any
instance of organized motherhood; but we do find it in the hymenoptera;
in the overflowing industry; prosperity; peace and loving service of the
ant…hill and bee…hive。  These are the most highly socialized types of
life; next to ours; and they are feminine types。

We as human beings have a far higher form of association; with further
issues than mere wealth and propagation of the species。  In this human
process we should never forget that men are far more advanced than
women; at present。  Because of their humanness has come all the noble
growth of civilization; in spite of their maleness。

As human beings both male and female stand alike useful and honorable;
and should in our government be alike used and honored; but as creatures
of sex; the female is fitter than the male for administration of
constructive social interests。  The change in governmental processes
which marks our times is a change in principle。  Two great movements
convulse the world to…day; the woman's movement and the labor movement。 
Each regards the other as of less moment than itself。  Both are parts of
the same world…process。

We are entering upon a period of social consciousness。  Whereas so far
almost all of us have seen life only as individuals; and have regarded
the growing strength and riches of the social body as merely so much the
more to fatten on; now we are beginning to take an intelligent interest
in our social nature; to understand it a little; and to begin to feel
the vast increase of happiness and power that comes of real Human Life。

In this change of systems a government which consisted only of
prohibition and commands; of tax collecting and making war; is rapidly
giving way to a system which intelligently manages our common interests;
which is a growing and improving method of universal service。  Here the
socialist is perfectly right in his vision of the economic welfare to be
assured by the socialization of industry; though that is but part of the
new development; and the individualist who opposes socialism; crying
loudly for the advantage of 〃free competition〃 is but voicing the spirit
of the predacious male。

So with the opposers to the suffrage of women。  They represent; whether
men or women; the male viewpoint。  They see the woman only as a female;
utterly absorbed in feminine functions; belittled and ignored as her
long tutelage has made her; and they see the man as he sees himself; the
sole master of human affairs for as long as we have historic record。

This; fortunately; is not long。  We can now see back of the period of
his supremacy; and are beginning to see beyond it。  We are well under
way already in a higher stage of social development; conscious;
well…organized; wisely managed; in which the laws shall be simple and
founded on constructive principles instead of being a set of
ring…regulations within which people may fight as they will; and in
which the government shall be recognized in its full use; not only the
sternly dominant father; and the wisely servicable mother; but the real
union of all people to sanely and economically manage their affairs。




The human concept of Sin has had its uses no doubt; and our special
invention of a thing called Punishment has also served a purpose。

Social evolution has worked in many ways wastefully; and with
unnecessary pain; but it compares very favorably with natural evolution。

As we grow wiser; as our social consciousness develops; we are beginning
to improve on nature in more ways than one; a part of the same great
process; but of a more highly sublimated sort。

Nature shows a world of varied and changing environment。  Into this
comes Lifeflushing and spreading in every direction。  A pretty hard
time Life has of it。  In the first place it is dog eat dog in every
direction; the joy of the hunter and the most unjoyous fear of the

But quite outside of this essential danger; the environment waits; grim
and unappeasable; and continuously destroys the innocent myriads who
fail to meet the one requirement of lifeAdaptation。  So we must not be
too severe in self…condemnation when we see how foolish; cruel; crazily
wasteful; is our attitude toward crime and punishment。

We become socially conscious largely through pain; and as we begin to
see how much of the pain is wholly of our own causing we are overcome
with shame。  But the right way for society to face its past is the same
as for the individual; to see where it was wrong and stop itbut to
waste no time and no emotion over past misdeeds。

What is our present state as to crime?  It is pretty bad。  Some say it
is worse than it used to be; others that it is better。  At any rate it
is bad enough; and a disgrace to our civilization。  We have murderers by
the thousand and thieves by the million; of all kinds and sizes; we have
what we tenderly call 〃immorality;〃 from the 〃errors of youth〃 to the
sodden grossness of old age; married; single; and mixed。  We have all
the old kinds of wickedness and a lot of new ones; until one marvels at
the purity and power of human nature; that it should carry so much
disease and still grow on to higher things。

Also we have punishment still with us; private and public; applied like
a rabbit's foot; with as little regard to its efficacy。  Does a child
offend?  Punish it!  Does a woman offend?  Punish her!  Does a man
offend?  Punish him!  Does a group offend?  Punish them!

〃What for?〃 some one suddenly asks。

〃To make them stop doing it!〃

〃But they have done it!〃

〃To make them not do it again; then。〃

〃But they do do it againand worse。〃

〃To prevent other people's doing it; then。〃

〃But it does not prevent themthe crime keeps on。  What good is your

What indeed!

What is the application of punishment to crime?  Its base; its
prehistoric base; is simple retaliation; and this is by no means wholly
male; let us freely admit。  The instinct of resistance; of opposition;
of retaliation; lies deeper than life itself。  Its underlying law is the
law of physicsaction and reaction are equal。  Life's expression of
this law is perfectly natural; but not always profitable。  Hit your hand
on a stone wall; and the stone wall hits your hand。  Very good; you
learn that stone walls are hard; and govern yourself accordingly。

Conscious young humanity observed and philosophized; congratulating
itself on its discernment。  〃A man hits meI hit the man a little
harderthen he won't do it again。〃  Unfortunately he did do it againa
little harder still。  The effort to hit harder carried on the action and
reaction till society; hitting hardest of all; set up a system of legal
punishment; of unlimited severity。  It imprisoned; it mutilated; it
tortured; it killed; it destroyed whole families; and razed contumelious
cities to the ground。

Therefore all crime ceased; of course?  No?  But crime was mitigated;
surely!  Perhaps。  This we have proven at last; that crime does not
decrease in proportion to the severest punishment。  Little by little we
have ceased to raze the cities; to wipe out the families; to cut off the
ears; to torture; and our imprisonment is changing from slow death and
insanity to a form of attempted improvement。

But punishment as a principle remains in good standing; and is still the
main reliance where it does the most harmin the rearing of children。 
〃Spare the rod and spoil the child〃 remains in belief; unmodified by the
millions of chi

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