the vicar of wakefield-第30章
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at once as his mother; and fell at her feet。 The rest may be easily supposed: the captive was set free; and all the happiness that love; friendship; and duty could confer on each; were united。'
In this manner I would attempt to amuse my daughter; but she listened with divided attention; for her own misfortunes engrossed all the pity she once had for those of another; and nothing gave her ease。 In company she dreaded contempt; and in solitude she only found anxiety。 Such was the colour of her wretchedness; when we received certain information; that Mr Thornhill was going to be married to Miss Wilmot; for whom I always suspected he had a real passion; tho' he took every opportunity before me to express his contempt both of her person and fortune。 This news only served to encrease poor Olivia's affliction; such a flagrant breach of fidelity; was more than her courage could support。 I was resolved; however; to get more certain information; and to defeat; if possible; the completion of his designs; by sending my son to old Mr Wilmot's; with instructions to know the truth of the report; and to deliver Miss Wilmot a letter; intimating Mr Thornhill's conduct in my family。 My son went; in pursuance of my directions; and in three days returned; assuring us of the truth of the account; but that he had found it impossible to deliver the letter; which he was therefore obliged to leave; as Mr Thornhill and Miss Wilmot were visiting round the country。 They were to be married; he said; in a few days; having appeared together at church the Sunday before he was there; in great spiendour; the bride attended by six young ladies; and he by as many gentlemen。 Their approaching nuptials filled the whole country with rejoicing; and they usually rode out together in the grandest equipage that had been seen in the country for many years。 All the friends of both families; he said; were there; particularly the 'Squire's uncle; Sir William Thornhill; who bore so good a character。 He added; that nothing but mirth and feasting were going forward; that all the country praised the young bride's beauty; and the bridegroom's fine person; and that they were immensely fond of each other; concluding; that he could not help thinking Mr Thornhill one of the most happy men in the world。
'Why let him if he can;' returned I: 'but; my son; observe this bed of straw; and unsheltering roof; those mouldering walls; and humid floor; my wretched body thus disabled by fire; and my children weeping round me for bread; you have come home; my child; to all this; yet here; even here; you see a man that would not for a thousand worlds exchange situations。 O; my children; if you could but learn to commune with your own hearts; and know what noble company you can make them; you would little regard the elegance and splendours of the worthless。 Almost all men have been taught to call life a passage; and themselves the travellers。 The similitude still may be improved when we observe that the good are joyful and serene; like travellers that are going towards home; the wicked but by intervals happy; like travellers that are going into exile。'
My compassion for my poor daughter; overpowered by this new disaster; interrupted what I had farther to observe。 I bade her mother support her; and after a short time she recovered。 She appeared from that time more calm; and I imagined had gained a new degree of resolution; but appearances deceived me; for her tranquility was the langour of over…wrought resentment。 A supply of provisions; charitably sent us by my kind parishioners; seemed to diffuse new cheerfulness amongst the rest of the family; nor was I displeased at seeing them once more sprightly and at ease。 It would have been unjust to damp their satisfactions; merely to condole with resolute melancholy; or to burthen them with a sadness they did not feel。 Thus; once more; the tale went round and the song was demanded; and cheerfulness condescended to hover round our little habitation。
Fresh calamities
The next morning the sun rose with peculiar warmth for the season; so that we agreed to breakfast together on the honeysuckle bank: where; while we sate; my youngest daughter; at my request; joined her voice to the concert on the trees about us。 It was in this place my poor Olivia first met her seducer; and every object served to recall her sadness。 But that melancholy; which is excited by objects of pleasure; or inspired by sounds of harmony; sooths the heart instead of corroding it。 Her mother too; upon this occasion; felt a pleasing distress; and wept; and loved her daughter as before。 'Do; my pretty Olivia;' cried she; 'let us have that little melancholy air your pappa was so fond of; your sister Sophy has already obliged us。 Do child; it will please your old father。' She complied in a manner so exquisitely pathetic as moved me。
When lovely woman stoops to folly; And finds too late that men betray; What charm can sooth her melancholy; What art can wash her guilt away?
The only art her guilt to cover; To hide her shame from every eye; To give repentance to her lover; And wring his bosomis to die。
As she was concluding the last stanza; to which an interruption in her voice from sorrow gave peculiar softness; the appearance of Mr Thornhill's equipage at a distance alarmed us all; but particularly encreased the uneasiness of my eldest daughter; who; desirous of shunning her betrayer; returned to the house with her sister。 In a few minutes he was alighted from his chariot; and making up to the place where I was still sitting; enquired after my health with his usual air of familiarity。 'Sir;' replied I; 'your present assurance only serves to aggravate the baseness of your character; and there was a time when I would have chastised your insolence; for presuming thus to appear before me。 But now you are safe; for age has cooled my passions; and my calling restrains them。'
'I vow; my dear sir;' returned he; 'I am amazed at all this; nor can I understand what it means! I hope you don't think your daughter's late excursion with me had any thing criminal in it。'
'Go;' cried I; 'thou art a wretch; a poor pitiful wretch; and every way a lyar; but your meanness secures you from my anger! Yet sir; I am descended from a family that would not have borne this! And so; thou vile thing; to gratify a momentary passion; thou hast made one poor creature wretched for life; and polluted a family that had nothing but honour for their portion。'
'If she or you;' returned he; 'are resolved to be miserable; I cannot help it。 But you may still be happy; and whatever opinion you may have formed of me; you shall ever find me ready to contribute to it。 We can marry her to another in a short time; and what is more; she may keep her lover beside; for I protest I shall ever continue to have a true regard for her。'
I found all my passions alarmed at this new degrading proposal; for though the mind may often be calm under great injuries; little villainy can at any time get within the soul; and sting it into rage。'Avoid my sight; thou reptile;' cried I; 'nor continue to insult me with thy presence。 Were my brave son at home; he would not suffer this; but I am old; and disabled; and every way undone。'
'I find;' cried he; 'you are bent upon obliging me to talk in an harsher manner than I intended。 But as I have shewn you what may be hoped from my friendship; it may not be improper to represent what may be the consequences of my resentment。 My attorney; to whom your late bond has been transferred; threatens hard; nor do I know how to prevent the course of justice; except by paying the money myself; which; as I have been at some expences lately; previous to my intended marriage; is not so easy to be done。 And then my steward talks of driving for the rent: it is certain he knows his duty; for I never trouble myself with affairs of that nature。 Yet still I could wish to serve you; and even to have you and your daughter present at my marriage; which is shortly to be solemnized with Miss Wilmot; it is even the request of my charming Arabella herself; whom I hope you will not refuse。'
'Mr Thornhill;' replied I; 'hear me once for all: as to your marriage with any but my daughter; t