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the vicar of wakefield-第27章

小说: the vicar of wakefield 字数: 每页4000字

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 dispatch; lest in the mean time another should step in with more advantageous proposals。 The next morning; therefore; our young soldier was early prepared for his departure; and seemed the only person among us that was not affected by it。 Neither the fatigues and dangers he was going to encounter; nor the friends and mistress; for Miss Wilmot actually loved him; he was leaving behind; any way damped his spirits。 After he had taken leave of the rest of the company; I gave him all I had; my blessing。 'And now; my boy;' cried I; 'thou art going to fight for thy country; remember how thy brave grandfather fought for his sacred king; when loyalty among Britons was a virtue。 Go; my boy; and immitate him in all but his misfortunes; if it was a misfortune to die with Lord Falkland。 Go; my boy; and if you fall; tho' distant; exposed and unwept by those that love you; the most precious tears are those with which heaven bedews the unburied head of a soldier。'

The next morning I took leave of the good family; that had been kind enough to entertain me so long; not without several expressions of gratitude to Mr Thornhill for his late bounty。 I left them in the enjoyment of all that happiness which affluence and good breeding procure; and returned towards home; despairing of ever finding my daughter more; but sending a sigh to heaven to spare and to forgive her。 I was now come within about twenty miles of home; having hired an horse to carry me; as I was yet but weak; and comforted myself with the hopes of soon seeing all I held dearest upon earth。 But the night coming on; I put up at a little public…house by the roadside; and asked for the landlord's company over a pint of wine。 We sate beside his kitchen fire; which was the best room in the house; and chatted on politics and the news of the country。 We happened; among other topics; to talk of young 'Squire Thornhill; who the host assured me was hated as much as his uncle Sir William; who sometimes came down to the country; was loved。 He went on to observe; that he made it his whole study to betray the daughters of such as received him to their houses; and after a fortnight or three weeks possession; turned them out unrewarded and abandoned to the world。 As we continued our discourse in this manner; his wife; who had been out to get change; returned; and perceiving that her husband was enjoying a pleasure in which she was not a sharer; she asked him; in an angry tone; what he did there; to which he only replied in an ironical way; by drinking her health。 'Mr Symmonds;' cried she; 'you use me very ill; and I'll bear it no longer。 Here three parts of the business is left for me to do; and the fourth left unfinished; while you do nothing but soak with the guests all day long; whereas if a spoonful of liquor were to cure me of a fever; I never touch a drop。' I now found what she would be at; and immediately poured her out a glass; which she received with a curtesy; and drinking towards my good health; 'Sir;' resumed she; 'it is not so much for the value of the liquor I am angry; but one cannot help it; when the house is going out of the windows。 If the customers or guests are to be dunned; all the burthen lies upon my back; he'd as lief eat that glass as budge after them himself。' There now above stairs; we have a young woman who has come to take up her lodgings here; and I don't believe she has got any money by her over…civility。 I am certain she is very slow of payment; and I wish she were put in mind of it。''What signifies minding her;' cried the host; 'if she be slow; she is sure。''I don't know that;' replied the wife; 'but I know that I am sure she has been here a fortnight; and we have not yet seen the cross of her money。''I suppose; my dear;' cried he; 'we shall have it all in a; lump。''In a lump!' cried the other; 'I hope we may get it any way; and that I am resolved we will this very night; or out she tramps; bag and baggage。''Consider; my dear;' cried the husband; 'she is a gentlewoman; and deserves more respect。''As for the matter of that;' returned the hostess; 'gentle or simple; out she shall pack with a sassarara。 Gentry may be good things where they take; but for my part I never saw much good of them at the sign of the Harrow。'Thus saying; she ran up a narrow flight of stairs; that went from the kitchen to a room over…head; and I soon perceived by the loudness of her voice; and the bitterness of her reproaches; that no money was to be had from her lodger。 I could hear her remonstrances very distinctly: 'Out I say; pack out this moment; tramp thou infamous strumpet; or I'll give thee a mark thou won't be the better for this three months。 What! you trumpery; to come and take up an honest house; without cross or coin to bless yourself with; come along I say。''O dear madam;' cried the stranger; 'pity me; pity a poor abandoned creature for one night; and death will soon do the rest。' I instantly knew the voice of my poor ruined child Olivia。 I flew to her rescue; while the woman was dragging her along by the hair; and I caught the dear forlorn wretch in my arms。'Welcome; any way welcome; my dearest lost one; my treasure; to your poor old father's bosom。 Tho' the vicious forsake thee; there is yet one in the world that will never forsake thee; tho' thou hadst ten thousand crimes to answer for; he will forget them all。''O my own dear'for minutes she could no more'my own dearest good papa! Could angels be kinder! How do I deserve so much! The villain; I hate him and myself; to be a reproach to such goodness。 You can't forgive me。 I know you cannot。''Yes; my child; from my heart I do forgive thee! Only repent; and we both shall yet be happy。 We shall see many pleasant days yet; my Olivia!''Ah! never; sir; never。 The rest of my wretched life must be infamy abroad and shame at home。 But; alas! papa; you look much paler than you used to do。 Could such a thing as I am give you so much uneasiness? Sure you have too much wisdom to take the miseries of my guilt upon yourself。''Our wisdom; young woman;' replied I。'Ah; why so cold a name papa?' cried she。 'This is the first time you ever called me by so cold a name。''I ask pardon; my darling;' returned I; 'but I was going to observe; that wisdom makes but a slow defence against trouble; though at last a sure one。

The landlady now returned to know if we did not chuse a more genteel apartment; to which assenting; we were shewn a room; where we could converse more freely。 After we had talked ourselves into some degree of tranquillity; I could not avoid desiring some account of the gradations that led to her present wretched situation。 'That villain; sir;' said she; 'from the first day of our meeting made me honourable; though private; proposals。'

'Villain indeed;' cried I; 'and yet it in some measure surprizes me; how a person of Mr Burchell's good sense and seeming honour could be guilty of such deliberate baseness; and thus step into a family to undo it。'

'My dear papa;' returned my daughter; 'you labour under a strange mistake; Mr Burchell never attempted to deceive me。 Instead of that he took every opportunity of privately admonishing me against the artifices of Mr Thornhill; who I now find was even worse than he represented him。''Mr Thornhill;' interrupted I; 'can it be?' 'Yes; Sir;' returned she; 'it was Mr Thornhill who seduced me; who employed the two ladies; as he called them; but who; in fact; were abandoned women of the town; without breeding or pity; to decoy us up to London。 Their artifices; you may remember would have certainly succeeded; but for Mr Burchell's letter; who directed those reproaches at them; which we all applied to ourselves。 How he came to have so much influence as to defeat their intentions; still remains a secret to me; but I am convinced he was ever our warmest sincerest friend。'

'You amaze me; my dear;' cried I; 'but now I find my first suspicions of Mr Thornhill's baseness were too well grounded: but he can triumph in security; for he is rich and we are poor。 But tell me; my child; sure it was no small temptation that could thus obliterate all the impressions of such an education; and so virtuous a disposition as thine。'

'Indeed; Sir;' replied she; 'he owes all his triumph to the desire I had of making hi

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