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the jerusalem sinner saved-第7章

小说: the jerusalem sinner saved 字数: 每页4000字

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her; then them。

This woman; as I said; was a Samaritan sinner; a sinner of the worst
complexion:  for the Jews abhorred to have ought to do with them;
ver。 9; wherefore none more fit than she to be made one of the decoys
of heaven; to bring others of these Samaritan wild…fowls under the
net of the grace of Christ。  And she did the work to purpose。  Many;
and many more of the Samaritans believed on him; ver。 40…42。  The
heart of man; though set on sin; will; when it comes once to a
persuasion that God is willing to have mercy upon us; incline to come
to Jesus Christ for life。

Witness those turn…aways from God that you also read of in Jeremiah;
for after they had heard three or four times over; that God had mercy
for backsliders; they broke out; and said; 〃Behold; we come unto
thee; for thou art the Lord our God。〃  Or as those in Hosea did; 〃For
in thee the fatherless find mercy;〃 Jer。 iii。 22; Hos。 xiv。 1…3。

Mercy; and the revelation thereof; is the only antidote against sin。
It is of a thawing nature; it will loose the heart that is frozen up
in sin; yea; it will make the unwilling willing to come to Jesus
Christ for life。  Wherefore; do you think; was it that Jesus Christ
told the adulterous woman; and that before so many sinners; that he
had not condemned her; but to allure her; with them there present; to
hope to find favour at his hands?  (As he also saith in another
place; 〃I came not to judge; but to save the world。〃)  For might they
not thence most rationally conclude; that if Jesus Christ had rather
save than damn an harlot; there was encouragement for them to come to
him for mercy。

I heard once a story from a soldier; who with his company had laid
siege against a fort; that so long as the besieged were persuaded
their foes would shew them no favour; they fought like madmen; but
when they saw one of their fellows taken; and received to favour;
they all came tumbling down from their fortress; and delivered
themselves into their enemies' hands。

I am persuaded; did men believe that there is that grace and
willingness in the heart of Christ to save sinners; as the word
imports there is; they would come tumbling into his arms:  but Satan
has blinded their minds; that they cannot see this thing。  Howbeit;
the Lord Jesus has; as I said; that others might take heart and come
to him; given out a commandment; that mercy should in the first place
be offered to the biggest sinners。  〃Begin;〃 saith he; 〃at
Jerusalem。〃  And thus I end the third reason。

Fourthly; Jesus Christ would have mercy offered in the first place to
the biggest sinners; because that is the way; if they receive it;
most to weaken the kingdom of Satan; and to keep it lowest in every
age of the world。  The biggest sinners; they are Satan's colonels and
captains; the leaders of his people; and they that most stoutly make
head against the Son of God。  Wherefore let these first be conquered;
and his kingdom will be weak。  When Ishbosheth had lost his Abner;
his kingdom was made weak:  nor did he sit but tottering then upon
his throne。  So when Satan loseth his strong men; them that are
mighty to work iniquity; and dexterous to manage others in the same;
then is his kingdom weak; 2 Sam。 iii。  Therefore; I say; Christ doth
offer mercy in the first place to such; the more to weaken his
kingdom。  Christ Jesus was glad to see Satan fall like lightning from
heaven; that is; suddenly or head long; and it was; surely; by
casting of him out of strong possessions; and by recovering of some
notorious sinners out of his clutches; Luke x。 17…19。

Samson; when he would pull down the Philistines temple; took hold of
the two main pillars of it; and breaking them; down came the house。
Christ came to destroy the works of the devil; and to destroy by
converting grace; as well as by redeeming blood。  Now sin swarms; and
lieth by legions; and whole armies; in the souls of the biggest
sinners; as in garrisons:  wherefore the way; the most direct way to
destroy it; is first to deal with such sinners by the word of his
gospel; and by the merits of his passion。

For example; though I shall give you but a homely one:  suppose a
family to be troubled with vermin; and one or two of the family to be
in chief the breeders; the way; the quickest way to clear that
family; or at least to weaken the so swarming of those vermin; is; in
the first place; to sweeten the skin; head; and clothes of the chief
breeders; and then; though all the family should be apt to breed
them; the number of them; and so the greatness of that plague there;
will be the more impaired。

Why; there are some people that are in chief the devil's sin…breeders
in the towns and places where they live。  The place; town; or family
where they live; must needs be horribly verminous; as it were; eaten
up with vermin。  Now; let the Lord Jesus; in the first place; cleanse
these great breeders; and there will be given a nip to those swarms
of sins that used to be committed in such places throughout the town;
house; or family; where such sin…breeding persons used to be。

I speak by experience:  I was one of these verminous ones; one of
these great sin…breeders; I infected all the youth of the town where
I was born; with all manner of youthful vanities。  The neighbours
counted me so; my practice proved me so:  wherefore Christ Jesus took
me first; and taking me first; the contagion was much allayed all the
town over。  When God made me sigh; they would hearken; and
enquiringly say; What is the matter with John?  They also gave their
various opinions of me:  but; as I said; sin cooled; and failed; as
to his full career。  When I went out to seek the bread of life; some
of them would follow; and the rest be put into a muse at home。  Yea;
almost the town; at first; at times would go out to hear at the place
where I found good; yea; young and old for a while had some
reformation on them; also some of them; perceiving that God had mercy
upon me; came crying to him for mercy too。

But what need I give you an instance of poor I; I will come to
Manasseh the king。  So long as he was a ring…leading sinner; the
great idolater; the chief for devilism; the whole land flowed with
wickedness; for he 〃made them to sin;〃 and do worse than the heathen
that dwelt round about them; or that was cast out from before them:
but when God converted him; the whole land was reformed。  Down went
the groves; the idols; and altars of Baal; and up went true religion
in much of the power and purity of it。  You will say; The king
reformed by power。  I answer; doubtless; and by example too; for
people observe their leaders; as their fathers did; so did they; 2
Chron。 xxxiii。 2。

This; therefore; is another reason why Jesus would have mercy offered
in the first place to the biggest sinners; because that is the best
way; if they receive it; most to weaken the kingdom of Satan; and to
keep it poor and low。

And do you not think now; that if God would but take hold of the
hearts of some of the most notorious in your town; in your family; or
country; that this thing would be verified before your faces?  It
would; it would; to the joy of you that are godly; to the making of
hell to sigh; to the great suppressing of sin; the glory of Christ;
and the joy of the angels of God。  And ministers should; therefore;
that this work might go on; take advantages to persuade with the
biggest sinners to come into Christ; according to my text; and their
commissions; 〃Beginning at Jerusalem。〃

Fifthly; Jesus Christ would have mercy offered; in the first place;
to the biggest sinners; because such; when converted; are usually the
best helps in the church against temptations; and fittest for the
support of the feeble…minded there。  Hence; usually; you have some
such in the first plantation of churches; or quickly upon it。
Churches would do but sorrily; if Christ Jesus did not put such
converts among them:  they are the monuments and mirrors of mercy。
The very sight of such a sinner in God's house; yea; the very thought
of him; where the sight of him cannot be had; is ofttimes greatly for
the help of the faith of the feeble。

〃When the churches (said Paul) that wer

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