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the jerusalem sinner saved-第23章

小说: the jerusalem sinner saved 字数: 每页4000字

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heels?  Dost fly to him that is a Saviour from the wrath to come; for
life?  If these be thy desires; and if they be unfeigned; fear not。
Thou art one of those runaways which God has commanded our Lord to
receive; and not to send thee back to the devil thy master again; but
to give thee a place in his house; even the place which liketh thee
best。  〃Thou shalt not deliver to his master;〃 says he; 〃the servant
which is escaped from his master unto thee。  He shall dwell with
thee; even among you in that place which he shall choose; in one of
thy gates where it liketh him best; thou shalt not oppress him;〃
Deut。 xxiii。 15; 16。

This is a command to the church; consequently to the Head of the
church; for all commands from God come to her through her Head。
Whence I conclude; that as Israel of old was to receive the runaway
servant who escaped from a heathen master to them; and should not
dare to send him back to his master again; so Christ's church now;
and consequently Christ himself; may not; will not; refuse that soul
that has made his escape from sin; Satan; the world; and hell; unto
him; but will certainly let him dwell in his house; among his saints;
in that place which he shall choose; even where it liketh him best。
For he says in another place; 〃And him that cometh to me; I will in
no wise cast out。〃  In no wise; let his crimes be what they will;
either for nature; multitude; or the attendance of aggravating

Wherefore; if thy desires be firm; sound; and unfeigned to become the
saved of Christ; and his servant; fear not; he will not; he will in
no wise put thee away; or turn thee over to thy old master again。

Thirdly; As to they fears; whatever they are; let that be supposed
which is supposed before; and they are groundless; and so of no

Object。  But I am afraid I am not elected; or chosen to salvation;
though you called me fool a little before for so fearing。

Ans。  Though election is; in order; before calling; as to God; yet
the knowledge of calling must go before the belief of my election as
to myself。  Wherefore; souls that doubt of the truth of their
effectual calling; do but plunge themselves into a deeper labyrinth
of confusion that concern themselves with their election; I mean;
while they labour to know it before they prove their calling。  〃Make
your calling; and so your election; sure;〃 2 Pet。 i。 4…11。

Wherefore; at present; lay the thoughts of thy election by; and ask
thyself these questions:  Do I see my lost condition?  Do I see
salvation is nowhere but in Christ?  Would I share in this salvation
by faith in him?  And would I; as was said before; be thoroughly
saved; to wit; from the filth as from the guilt?  Do I love Christ;
his Father; his saints; his words; and ways?  This is the way to
prove we are elect。  Wherefore; sinner; when Satan; or thine own
heart seeks to puzzle thee with election; say thou; I cannot attend
to talk of this point now; but stay till I know that I am called of
God to the fellowship of his Son; and then I will shew you that I am
elect; and that my name is written in the book of life。

If poor distressed souls would observe this order; they might save
themselves the trouble of an unprofitable labour under these
unreasonable and soul…sinking doubts。

Let us therefore; upon the sight of our wretchedness; fly and
venturously leap into the arms of Christ; which are now as open to
receive us into his bosom; as they were when nailed to the cross。
This is coming to Christ for life aright; this is right running away
from thy master to him; as was said before。  And for this we have
multitudes of scriptures to support; encourage; and comfort us in our
so doing。

But now; let him that doth thus be sure to look for it; for Satan
will be with him to…morrow; to see if he can get him again to his old
service; and if he cannot do that; then will he enter into dispute
with him; to wit; about whether he be elect to life; and called
indeed to partake of this Christ; to whom he is fled for succour; or
whether he comes to him of his own presumptuous mind。  Therefore we
are bid; as to come; so to arm ourselves with that armour which God
has provided; that we may resist; quench; stand against; and
withstand all the fiery darts of the devil; Eph。 vi。 11…18。

If; therefore; thou findest Satan in this order to march against
thee; remember then thou hadst this item about it; and betake thyself
to faith and good courage; and be sober; and hope to the end。

Object。  But how if I should have sinned the sin unpardonable; or
that called the sin against the Holy Ghost?

Answer。  If thou hast; thou art lost for ever; but yet before it is
concluded by thee that thou hast so sinned; know that they that would
be saved by Jesus Christ through faith in his blood; cannot be
counted for such。

1。  Because of the promise; for that must not be frustrated:  and
that says; 〃And him that cometh to Christ; he will in no wise cast
out。〃  And again; 〃Whoso will; let him take of the water of life
freely;〃 John vi。 37; Rev。 xxi。 6; chap。 xxii。 17。

But I say; how can these scriptures be fulfilled; if he that would
indeed be saved; as before; has sinned the sin unpardonable?  The
scriptures must not be made void; nor their truth be cast to the
ground。  Here is a promise; and here is a sinner; a promise that says
he shall not be cast out that comes; and the sinner comes; wherefore
he must be received:  consequently he that comes to Christ for life;
has not; cannot have sinned that sin for which there is no

And this might suffice for an answer to any coming soul; that fears;
though he comes; that he has sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost。

2。  But again; he that has sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost
cannot come; has no heart to come; can by no means be made willing to
come to Jesus Christ for life; for that he has received such an
opinion of him; and of his things; as deters and holds him back。

1。  He counteth this blessed person; the Son of God; a magician; a
conjuror; a witch; or one that did; when he was in the world; what he
did by the power and spirit of the devil; Matt。 ix。 34; chap。 xii。
24; 25; &c。; Mark iii。 22…30。  Now he that has this opinion of this
Jesus; cannot be willing to cast himself at his feet for life; or to
come to him as the only way to God and to salvation。  And hence it is
said again; that such an one puts him to open shame; and treadeth him
under foot; that is; by contemning; reproaching; vilifying; and
despising of him; as if he were the vilest one; or the greatest cheat
in the world:  and has therefore; as to his esteem of him; called him
accursed; crucified him to himself; or counted him one hanged; as one
of the worst of malefactors; Heb。 vi。 6; chap。 x。 29; 1 Cor。 xii。 3。

2。  His blood; which is the meritorious cause of man's redemption;
even the blood of the everlasting covenant; he counteth an unholy
thing; or that which has no more virtue in it to save a soul from sin
than has the blood of a dog; Heb。 x。 29。  For when the Apostle says;
〃he counts it an unholy thing;〃 he means; he makes it of less value
than that of a sheep or cow; which were clean according to the law;
and therefore must mean; that his blood was of no more worth to him
in his account than was the blood of a dog; an ass; or a swine; which
always was; as to sacrifices; rejected by the God of heaven; as
unholy or unclean。

Now he who has no better esteem of Jesus Christ; and of his death and
blood; will not be persuaded to come to him for life; or to trust in
him for salvation。

3。  But further; all this must be done against manifest tokens to
prove the contrary; or after the shining of gospel light upon the
soul; or some considerable profession of him as the Messiah; or that
he was the Saviour of the world。

1。  It must be done against manifest tokens to prove the contrary;
and thus the reprobate Jews committed it when they saw the works of
God; which put forth themselves in him; and called them the works of
the devil and Beelzebub。

2。  It must be done against some shining light of the gospel upon
them。  And thus it was with Judas; and with those who; 

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