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the jerusalem sinner saved-第16章

小说: the jerusalem sinner saved 字数: 每页4000字

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first place; should be offered to the biggest sinners。  Besides; he
hath said; 〃And let him that is athirst come; and whosoever will; let
him take the water of life freely;〃 that is; with all my heart。  What
ground now is here for despair?  If thou sayst; The number and burden
of my sins; I answer; Nay; that is rather a ground for faith:
because such an one; above all others; is invited by Christ to come
unto him; yea; promised rest and forgiveness if they come; Matt。 xi。
28。  What ground then to despair?  Verily none at all。  Thy despair
then is a thing unreasonable and without footing in the word。

But I have no experience of God's love; God hath given me no comfort;
or ground of hope; though I have waited upon him for it many a day。

Thou hast experience of God's love; for that he has opened thine eyes
to see thy sins:  and for that he has given thee desires to be saved
by Jesus Christ。  For by thy sense of sin thou art made to see thy
poverty of spirit; and that has laid thee under a sure ground to hope
that heaven shall be thine hereafter。

Also thy desires to be saved by Christ; has put thee under another
promise; so there is two to hold thee up in them; though thy present
burden be never so heavy; Matt。 v。 3; 6。  As for what thou sayst; as
to God's silence to thee; perhaps he has spoken to thee once or twice
already; but thou hast not perceived it; Job xxxiii。 14; 15。

However; thou hast Christ crucified; set forth before thine eyes in
the Bible; and an invitation to come unto him; though thou be a
Jerusalem sinner; though thou be the biggest sinner; and so no ground
to despair。  What; if God will be silent to thee; is that ground of
despair?  Not at all; so long as there is a promise in the Bible that
God will in no wise cast away the coming sinner; and so long as he
invites the Jerusalem sinner to come unto him John vi。 37。

Build not therefore despair upon these things; they are no sufficient
foundations for it; such plenty of promises being in the Bible; and
such a discovery of his mercy to great sinners of old; especially
since we have withal a clause in the commission given to ministers to
preach; that they should begin with the Jerusalem sinners in their
offering of mercy to the world。

Besides; God says; They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; but perhaps it
may be long first。  〃I waited long;〃 saith David; 〃and did seek the
Lord;〃 and at length his cry was heard:  wherefore he bids his soul
wait on God; and says; For it is good so to do before thy saints;
Psalm xl。 1; lxii。 5; lii。 9。

And what if thou waitest upon God all thy days?  Is it below thee?
And what if God will cross his book; and blot out the hand…writing
that is against thee; and not let thee know it as yet?  Is it fit to
say unto God; Thou art hard…hearted?  Despair not; thou hast no
ground to despair; so long as thou livest in this world。  It is a sin
to begin to despair before one sets his foot over the threshold of
hell…gates。  For them that are there; let them despair and spare not;
but as for thee; thou hast no ground to do it。  What! despair of
bread in a land that is full of corn! despair of mercy when our God
is full of mercy! despair of mercy; when God goes about by his
ministers; beseeching of sinners to be reconciled unto him!  2 Cor。
v。 18…20。

Thou scrupulous fool; where canst thou find that God was ever false
to his promise; or that he ever deceived the soul that ventured
itself upon him?  He often calls upon sinners to trust him; though
they walk in darkness; and have no light; Isa。 1。 10。

They have his promise and oath for their salvation; that flee for
refuge to the hope set before them; Heb。 vi。 17; 18。

Despair! when we have a God of mercy; and a redeeming Christ alive!
For shame; forbear:  let them despair that dwell where there is no
God; and that are confined to those chambers of death which can be
reached by no redemption。

A living man despair when he is chid for murmuring and complaining!
Lam。 iii。 39。  Oh! so long as we are where promises swarm; where
mercy is proclaimed; where grace reigns; and where Jerusalem sinners
are privileged with the first offer of mercy; it is a base thing to

Despair undervalues the promise; undervalues the invitation;
undervalues the proffer of grace。  Despair undervalues the ability of
God the Father; and the redeeming blood of Christ his Son。  Oh
unreasonable despair!

Despair makes man God's judge; it is a controller of the promise; a
contradicter of Christ in his large offers of mercy:  and one that
undertakes to make unbelief the great manager of our reason and
judgment; in determining about what God can and will do for sinners。

Despair!  It is the devil's fellow; the devil's master; yea; the
chains with which he is captivated and held under darkness for ever:
and to give way thereto in a land; in a state and time that flows
with milk and honey; is an uncomely thing。

I would say to my soul; O my soul! this is not the place of despair;
this is not the time to despair in:  as long as mine eyes can find a
promise in the Bible; as long as there is the least mention of grace;
as long as there is a moment left me of breath or life in this world;
so long will I wait or look for mercy; so long will I fight against
unbelief and despair。

This is the way to honour God and Christ; this is the way to set the
crown on the promise; this is the way to welcome the invitation and
inviter; and this is the way to thrust thyself under the shelter and
protection of the word of grace。  Never despair so long as our text
is alive; for that doth sound it out;that mercy by Christ is
offered; in the first place; to the biggest sinner。

Despair is an unprofitable thing; it will make a man weary of waiting
upon God; 2 Kings vi。 33; it will make a man forsake God; and seek
his heaven in the good things of this world; Gen。 iv。 13…18。  It will
make a man his own tormentor; and flounce and fling like a wild bull
in a net; Isa。 ii。 20。

Despair! it drives a man to the study of his own ruin; and brings him
at last to be his own executioner; 2 Sam。 xvii。 23; Matt。 xxvii。 3…5。

Besides; I am persuaded also; that despair is the cause that there
are so many that would fain be Atheists in the world:  For because
they have entertained a conceit that God will never be merciful to
them; therefore they labour to persuade themselves that there is no
God at all; as if their misbelief would kill God; or cause him to
cease to be。  A poor shift for an immortal soul; for a soul who
liketh not to retain God in its knowledge!  If this be the best that
despair can do; let it go; man; and betake thyself to faith; to
prayer; to wait for God; and to hope; in despite of ten thousand
doubts。  And for thy encouragement; take yet (as an addition to what
has already been said) the following scripture; 〃The Lord taketh
pleasure in them that fear him; in those that hope in his mercy;〃
Psal。 cxlvii。 11。

Whence note; They fear not God; that hope not in his mercy:  also God
is angry with them that hope not in his mercy:  for he only taketh
pleasure in them that hope。  He that believeth; or hath received his
testimony; 〃hath set to his seal that God is true;〃 John iii。 33; but
he that receiveth it not hath made him a liar; and that is a very
unworthy thing; 1 John v。 10; 11。  〃Let the wicked forsake his ways;
and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord;
and he will have mercy on him; and to our God; for he will abundantly
multiply pardons。〃  Perhaps thou art weary of thy ways; but art not
weary of thy thoughts; of thy unbelieving and despairing thoughts;
now; God also would have thee cast away these thoughts; as such which
he deserveth not at thy hands; for he will have mercy upon thee; and
he will abundantly pardon。

〃O fools; and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have
spoken!〃 Luke xxiv。 25。  Mark you here; slowness to believe is a
piece of folly。  Ay! but sayst thou; I do believe some; and I believe
what can make against me。  Ay; but sinner; Christ Jesus here calls
thee fool for not believing all。  Beli

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