the spirit of laws-第103章
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t Rome at the rate of cent。 per cent; this profit of the Romans; being obtained from the Romans themselves; could not enrich the empire。
It may be alleged; on the other hand; that this commerce increased the Roman navigation; and of course their power; that new merchandise augmented their inland trade; gave encouragement to the arts; and employment to the industrious; that the number of subjects multiplied in proportion to the new means of support; that this new commerce was productive of luxury; which I have proved to be as favourable to a monarchical government as fatal to a commonwealth; that this establishment was of the same date as the fall of their republic; that the luxury of Rome had become necessary; and that it was extremely proper that a city which had accumulated all the wealth of the universe should refund it by its luxury。
Strabo says'124' that the Romans carried on a far more extensive commerce with the Indies than the kings of Egypt; but it is very extraordinary that those people who were so little acquainted with commerce should have paid more attention to that of India than the Egyptian kings; whose dominions lay so conveniently for it。 The reason of this must be explained。
After the death of Alexander; the kings of Egypt established a maritime commerce with the Indies; while the kings of Syria; who were possessed of the more eastern provinces; and consequently of the Indies; maintained that commerce of which we have taken notice in the sixth chapter; which was carried on partly by land; and partly by rivers; and had been further facilitated by means of the Macedonian colonies; insomuch that Europe had communication with the Indies both by Egypt and by Syria。 The dismembering of the latter kingdom; whence was formed that of Bactriana; did not prove in any way prejudicial to this commerce。 Marinus the Tyrian; quoted by Ptolemy;'125' mentions the discoveries made in India by means of some Macedonian merchants; who found out new roads; which had been unknown to kings in their military expeditions。 We find in Ptolemy'126' that they went from Peter's tower'127' as far as Sera; and the discovery made by mercantile people of so distant a mart; situated in the north…east part of China; was a kind of prodigy。 Hence; under the kings of Syria and Bactriana; merchandise was conveyed to the west from the southern parts of India; by the river Indus; the Oxus; and the Caspian Sea; while those of the more eastern and northern parts were transported from Sera; Peter's tower; and other staples; as far as the Euphrates。 Those merchants directed their route nearly by the fortieth degree of north latitude; through countries situated to the west of China; more civilised at that time than at present; because they had not as yet been infested by the Tartars。
Now while the Syrian empire was extending its trade to such a distance by land; Egypt did not greatly enlarge its maritime commerce。
The Parthians soon after appeared; and founded their empire; and when Egypt fell under the power of the Romans; this empire was at its height; and had received its whole extension。
The Romans and Parthians were two rival nations; that fought not for dominion but for their very existence。 Between the two empires deserts were formed and armies were always stationed on the frontiers; so that instead of there being any commerce; there was not so much as communication between them。 Ambition; jealousy; religion; national antipathy; and difference of manners completed the separation。 Thus the trade from east to west; which had formerly so many channels; was reduced to one; and Alexandria becoming the only staple; the trade to this city was immensely enlarged。
We shall say but one word of their inland trade。 Its principal branch was the corn brought to Rome for the subsistence of the people; but this was rather a political affair than a point of commerce。 On this account the sailors were favoured with some privileges; because the safety of the empire depended on their vigilance。'128'
17。 Of Commerce after the Destruction of the Western Empire。 After the invasion of the Roman empire one effect of the general calamity was the destruction of commerce。 The barbarous nations at first regarded it only as an opportunity for robbery; and when they had subdued the Romans; they honoured it no more than agriculture; and the other professions of a conquered people。
Soon was the commerce of Europe almost entirely lost。 The nobility; who had everywhere the direction of affairs; were in no pain about it。
The laws of the Visigoths'129' permitted private people to occupy half the beds of great rivers; provided the other half remained free for nets and boats。 There must have been very little trade in countries conquered by these barbarians。
In those times were established the ridiculous rights of escheatage and shipwrecks。 These men thought that; as strangers were not united to them by any civil law; they owed them on the one hand no kind of justice; and on the other no sort of pity。
In the narrow bounds which nature had originally prescribed to the people of the north; all were strangers to them: and in their poverty they regarded all only as contributing to their riches。 Being established; before their conquest; on the coasts of a sea of very little breadth; and full of rocks; from these very rocks they drew their subsistence。
But the Romans; who made laws for all the world; had established the most humane ones with regard to shipwrecks。'130' They suppressed the rapine of those who inhabited the coasts; and what was more still; the rapacity of their treasuries。'131'
18。 A particular Regulation。 The law of the Visigoths made; however; one regulation in favour of commerce。'132' It ordained that foreign merchants should be judged; in the differences that arose among themselves; by the laws and by judges of their own nation。 This was founded on an established custom among all mixed people; that every man should live under his own law a custom of which I shall speak more at large in another place。
19。 Of Commerce after the Decay of the Roman Power in the East。 The Mahomedans appeared; conquered; extended; and dispersed themselves。 Egypt had particular sovereigns; these carried on the commerce of India; and being possessed of the merchandise of this country; drew to themselves the riches of all other nations。 The sultans of Egypt were the most powerful princes of those times。 History informs us with what a constant and well…regulated force they stopped the ardour; the fire; and the impetuosity of the crusades。
20。 How Commerce broke through the Barbarism of Europe。 Aristotle's philosophy being carried to the west; pleased the subtle geniuses who were the virtuosi of those times of ignorance。 The schoolmen were infatuated with it; and borrowed from that philosopher'133' a great many notions on lending upon interest; whereas its source might have been easily traced in the gospel; in short; they condemned it absolutely and in all cases。 Hence commerce; which was the profession only of mean persons; became that of knaves; for whenever a thing is forbidden; which nature permits or necessity requires; those who do it are looked upon as dishonest。
Commerce was transferred to a nation covered with infamy; and soon ranked with the most shameful usury; with monopolies; with the levying of subsidies; and with all the dishonest means of acquiring wealth。
The Jews; enriched by their exactions; were pillaged by the tyranny of princes; which pleased indeed; but did not ease; the people。'134'
What passed in England may serve to give us an idea of what was done in other countries。 King John'135' having imprisoned the Jews; in order to obtain their wealth; there were few who had not at least one of their eyes plucked out。 Thus did that king administer justice。 A certain Jew; who had a tooth pulled out every day for seven days successively; gave ten thousand marks of silver for the eighth。 Henry III extorted from Aaron; a Jew at York; fourteen thousand marks of silver; and ten thousand for the queen; in those times they did by violence what is now done in Poland with some semblance of moderation。 As princes could not dive into the purses of their