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le sense of the deja connu!


Perchance 'twas the fault of the life that they led; Perchance 'twas the fault of the novels they read; Perchance 'twas a fault in themselves; I am bound not To say: this I knowthat these two creatures found not In each other some sign they expected to find Of a something unnamed in the heart or the mind; And; missing it; each felt a right to complain Of a sadness which each found no word to explain。 Whatever it was; the world noticed not it In the light…hearted beauty; the light…hearted wit。 Still; as once with the actors in Greece; 'tis the case; Each must speak to the crowd with a mask on his face。 Praise follow'd Matilda wherever she went; She was flatter'd。  Can flattery purchase content? Yes。  While to its voice for a moment she listen'd; The young cheek still bloom'd and the soft eyes still glisten'd; And her lord; when; like one of those light vivid things That glide down the gauzes of summer with wings Of rapturous radiance; unconscious she moved Through that buzz of inferior creatures; which proved Her beauty; their envy; one moment forgot; 'Mid the many charms there; the one charm that was not: And when o'er her beauty enraptured he bow'd; (As they turn'd to each other; each flush'd from the crowd;) And murmur'd those praises which yet seem'd more dear Than the praises of others had grown to her ear; She; too; ceased awhile her own fate to regret: 〃Yes! 。 。 。 he loves me;〃 she sigh'd; 〃this is love; thenand YET!〃


Ah; that YET! fatal word! 'tis the moral of all Thought and felt; seen or done; in this world since the Fall! It stands at the end of each sentence we learn; It flits in the vista of all we discern; It leads us; forever and ever; away To find in to…morrow what flies with to…day。 'Twas the same little fatal and mystical word That now; like a mirage; led my lady and lord To the waters of Ems from the waters of Marah; Drooping Pilgrims in Fashion's blank; arid Sahara!


At the same time; pursued by a spell much the same; To these waters two other worn pilgrims there came: One a man; one a woman: just now; at the latter; As the Reader I mean by and by to look at her And judge for himself; I will not even glance。


Of the self…crown'd young kings of the Fashion in France Whose resplendent regalia so dazzled the sight; Whose horse was so perfect; whose boots were so bright; Who so hail'd in the salon; so mark'd in the Bois; Who so welcomed by all; as Eugene de Luvois? Of all the smooth…brow'd premature debauchees In that town of all towns; where Debauchery sees On the forehead of youth her mark everywhere graven; In Paris I mean;where the streets are all paven By those two fiends whom Milton saw bridging the way From Hell to this planet;who; haughty and gay; The free rebel of life; bound or led by no law; Walk'd that causeway as bold as Eugene de Luvois? Yes! he march'd through the great masquerade; loud of tongue; Bold of brow: but the motley he mask'd in; it hung So loose; trail'd so wide; and appear'd to impede So strangely at times the vex'd effort at speed; That a keen eye might guess it was madenot for him; But some brawler more stalwart of stature and limb。 That it irk'd him; in truth; you at times could divine; For when low was the music; and spilt was the wine; He would clutch at the garment; as though it oppress'd And stifled some impulse that choked in his breast。


What! he; 。 。 。 the light sport of his frivolous ease! Was he; too; a prey to a mortal disease? My friend; hear a parable: ponder it well: For a moral there is in the tale that I tell。 One evening I sat in the Palais Royal; And there; while I laugh'd at Grassot and Arnal; My eye fell on the face of a man at my side; Every time that he laugh'd I observed that he sigh'd; As though vex'd to be pleased。  I remark'd that he sat Ill at ease on his seat; and kept twirling his hat In his hand; with a look of unquiet abstraction。 I inquired the cause of his dissatisfaction。 〃Sir;〃 he said; 〃if what vexes me here you would know; Learn that; passing this way some few half…hours ago; I walk'd into the Francais; to look at Rachel。 (Sir; that woman in Phedre is a miracle!)Well; I ask'd for a box: they were occupied all: For a seat in the balcony: all taken! a stall: Taken too: the whole house was as full as could be; Not a hole for a rat!  I had just time to see The lady I love tete…a…tete with a friend In a box out of reach at the opposite end: Then the crowd push'd me out。  What was left me to do? I tried for the tragedy 。 。 。 que voulez…vous? Every place for the tragedy book'd! 。 。 。 mon ami。 The farce was close by: 。 。 。 at the farce me voici。 The piece is a new one: and Grassot plays well: There is drollery; too; in that fellow Ravel: And Hyacinth's nose is superb: 。 。 。 yet I meant My evening elsewhere; and not thus to have spent。 Fate orders these things by her will; not by ours! Sir; mankind is the sport of invisible powers。〃

I once met the Duc de Luvois for a moment; And I mark'd; when his features I fix'd in my comment; O'er those features the same vague disquietude stray I had seen on the face of my friend at the play; And I thought that he too; very probably; spent His evenings not wholly as first he had meant。


O source of the holiest joys we inherit; O Sorrow; thou solemn; invisible spirit! Ill fares it with man when; through life's desert sand; Grown impatient too soon for the long…promised land; He turns from the worship of thee; as thou art; An expressless and imageless truth in the heart; And takes of the jewels of Egypt; the pelf And the gold of the Godless; to make to himself A gaudy; idolatrous image of thee; And then bows to the sound of the cymbal the knee。 The sorrows we make to ourselves are false gods: Like the prophets of Baal; our bosoms with rods We may smite; we may gash at our hearts till they bleed; But these idols are blind; deaf; and dumb to our need。 The land is athirst; and cries out! 。 。 。 'tis in vain; The great blessing of Heaven descends not in rain。


It was night; and the lamps were beginning to gleam Through the long linden…trees; folded each in his dream; From that building which looks like a temple 。 。 。 and is The Temple ofHealth?  Nay; but enter! I wis That never the rosy…hued deity knew One votary out of that sallow…cheek'd crew Of Courlanders; Wallacs; Greeks; affable Russians; Explosive Parisians; potato…faced Prussians; JewsHamburghers chiefly;pure patriots;Suabians; 〃Cappadocians and Elamites; Cretes and Arabians; And the dwellers in Pontus〃 。 。 。 My muse will not weary More lines with the list of them 。 。 。 cur fremuere? What is it they murmur; and mutter; and hum? Into what Pandemonium is Pentecost come? Oh; what is the name of the god at whose fane Every nation is mix'd in so motley a train? What weird Kabala lies on those tables outspread? To what oracle turns with attention each head? What holds these pale worshippers each so devout; And what are those hierophants busied about?


Here passes; repasses; and flits to and fro; And rolls without ceasing the great Yes and No: Round this altar alternate the weird Passions dance; And the God worshipp'd here is the old God of Chance。 Through the wide…open doors of the distant saloon Flute; hautboy; and fiddle are squeaking in tune; And an indistinct music forever is roll'd; That mixes and chimes with the chink of the gold; From a vision; that flits in a luminous haze; Of figures forever eluding the gaze; It fleets through the doorway; it gleams on the glass; And the weird words pursue itRouge; Impair; et Passe! Like a sound borne in sleep through such dreams as encumber With haggard emotions the wild wicked slumber Of some witch when she seeks; through a nightmare; to grab at The hot hoof of the fiend; on her way to the Sabbat。


The Duc de Luvois and Lord Alfred had met Some few evenings ago (for the season as yet Was but young) in this selfsame Pavilion of Chance。 The idler from England; the idler from France; Shook hands; each; of course; with much cordial pleasure: An acquaintance at Ems is to most men a treasure; And they both were too well…bred in aught to betray One discourteous remembrance of things pass'd aw

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