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t give him the right To turn fiercely round on the speaker; but yet To a trite and irreverent compliment set!


Slowly; slowly; usurping that place in his soul Where the thought of Lucile was enshrined; did there roll Back again; back again; on its smooth downward course O'er his nature; with gather'd momentum and force; THE WORLD。


           〃No!〃 he mutter'd; 〃she cannot have sinn'd! True! women there are (self…named women of mind!) Who love rather libertyliberty; yes! To choose and to leavethan the legalized stress Of the lovingest marriage。  But sheis she so? I will not believe it。  Lucile! O no; no! Not Lucile!             〃But the world? and; ah; what would it say? O the look of that man; and his laughter; to…day! The gossip's light question! the slanderous jest! She is right! no; we could not be happy。  'Tis best As it is。  I will write to herwrite; O my heart! And accept her farewell。  OUR farewell! must we part Part thus; thenforever; Lucile?  Is it so? Yes! I feel it。  We could not be happy; I know。 'Twas a dream! we must waken!〃


                               With head bow'd; as though By the weight of the heart's resignation; and slow Moody footsteps; he turned to his inn。                                        Drawn apart From the gate; in the courtyard; and ready to start; Postboys mounted; portmanteaus packed up and made fast; A travelling…carriage; unnoticed; he pass'd。 He order'd his horse to be ready anon: Sent; and paid; for the reckoning; and slowly pass'd on; And ascended the staircase; and enter'd his room。 It was twilight。  The chamber was dark in the gloom Of the evening。  He listlessly kindled a light On the mantel…piece; there a large card caught his sight A large card; a stout card; well…printed and plain; Nothing flourishing; flimsy; affected; or vain。 It gave a respectable look to the slab That it lay on。  The name was

                SIR RIDLEY MACNAB。

Full familiar to him was the name that he saw; For 'twas that of his own future uncle…in…law。 Mrs。 Darcy's rich brother; the banker; well known As wearing the longest philacteried gown Of all the rich Pharisees England can boast of; A shrewd Puritan Scot; whose sharp wits made the most of This world and the next; having largely invested Not only where treasure is never molested By thieves; moth; or rust; but on this earthly ball Where interest was high; and security small。 Of mankind there was never a theory yet Not by some individual instance upset: And so to that sorrowful verse of the Psalm Which declares that the wicked expand like the palm In a world where the righteous are stunted and pent; A cheering exception did Ridley present。 Like the worthy of Uz; Heaven prosper'd his piety。 The leader of every religious society; Christian knowledge he labor'd t though life to promote With personal profit; and knew how to quote Both the Stocks and the Scripture; with equal advantage To himself and admiring friends; in this Cant…Age。


Whilst over this card Alfred vacantly brooded; A waiter his head through the doorway protruded; 〃Sir Ridley MacNab with Milord wish'd to speak。〃 Alfred Vargrave could feel there were tears on his cheek; He brushed them away with a gesture of pride。 He glanced at the glass; when his own face he eyed; He was scared by its pallor。  Inclining his head; He with tones calm; unshaken; and silvery; said; 〃Sir Ridley may enter。〃                         In three minutes more That benign apparition appeared at the door。 Sir Ridley; released for a while from the cares Of business; and minded to breathe the pure airs Of the blue Pyrenees; and enjoy his release; In company there with his sister and niece; Found himself now at Luchondistributing tracts; Sowing seed by the way; and collecting new facts For Exeter Hall; he was starting that night For Bigorre: he had heard; to his cordial delight; That Lord Alfred was there; and; himself; setting out For the same destination: impatient; no doubt! Here some commonplace compliments as to 〃the marriage Through his speech trickled softly; like honey: his carriage Was ready。  A storm seem'd to threaten the weather; If his young friend agreed; why not travel together? With a footstep uncertain and restless; a frown Of perplexity; during this speech; up and down Alfred Vargrave was striding; but; after a pause And a slight hesitation; the which seem'd to cause Some surprise to Sir Ridley; he answer'd〃My dear Sir Ridley; allow me a few moments here Half an hour at the mostto conclude an affair Of a nature so urgent as hardly to spare My presence (which brought me; indeed; to this spot); Before I accept your kind offer。〃                                    〃Why not?〃 Said Sir Ridley; and smiled。  Alfred Vargrave; before Sir Ridley observed it; had pass'd through the door。 A few moments later; with footsteps revealing Intense agitation of uncontroll'd feeling; He was rapidly pacing the garden below。 What pass'd through his mind then is more than I know。 But before one half…hour into darkness had fled; In the courtyard he stood with Sir Ridley。  His tread Was firm and composed。  Not a sign on his face Betrayed there the least agitation。  〃The place You so kindly have offer'd;〃 he said; 〃I accept。〃 And he stretch'd out his hand。  The two travellers stepp'd Smiling into the carriage。                            And thus; out of sight; They drove down the dark road; and into the night。


Sir Ridley was one of those wise men who; so far As their power of saying it goes; say with Zophar; 〃We; no doubt; are the people; and wisdom shall die with us!〃 Though of wisdom like theirs there is no small supply with us。 Side by side in the carriage ensconced; the two men Began to converse somewhat drowsily; when Alfred suddenly thought〃Here's a man of ripe age; At my side; by his fellows reputed as sage; Who looks happy; and therefore who must have been wise; Suppose I with caution reveal to his eyes Some few of the reasons which make me believe That I neither am happy nor wise? 'twould relieve And enlighten; perchance; my own darkness and doubt。〃 For which purpose a feeler he softly put out。 It was snapp'd up at once。                            〃What is truth? 〃jesting Pilate Ask'd; and pass'd from the question at once with a smile at Its utter futility。  Had he address'd it To Ridley MacNab; he at least had confess'd it Admitted discussion! and certainly no man Could more promptly have answer'd the sceptical Roman Than Ridley。  Hear some street astronomer talk! Grant him two or three hearers; a morsel of chalk; And forthwith on the pavement he'll sketch you the scheme Of the heavens。  Then hear him enlarge on his theme! Not afraid of La Place; nor of Arago; he! He'll prove you the whole plan in plain A B C。 Here's your suncall him A; B's the moon; it is clear How the rest of the alphabet brings up the rear Of the planets。  Now ask Arago; ask La Place; (Your sages; who speak with the heavens face to face!) Their science in plain A B C to accord To your point…blank inquiry; my friends! not a word Will you get for your pains from their sad lips。  Alas! Not a drop from the bottle that's quite full will pass。 'Tis the half…empty vessel that freest emits The water that's in it。  'Tis thus with men's wits; Or at least with their knowledge。  A man's capability Of imparting to others a truth with facility Is proportion'd forever with painful exactness To the portable nature; the vulgar compactness; The minuteness in size; or the lightness in weight; Of the truth he imparts。  So small coins circulate More freely than large ones。  A beggar asks alms; And we fling him a sixpence; nor feel any qualms; But if every street charity shook an investment; Or each beggar to clothe we must strip off a vestment; The length of the process would limit the act; And therefore the truth that's summ'd up in a tract Is most lightly dispensed。                            As for Alfred; indeed; On what spoonfuls of truth he was suffer'd to feed By Sir Ridley; I know not。  This only I know; That the two men thus talking continued to go Onward somehow; togetheron into the night The midnightin which they escape from our sight。


And meanwhile a world had been changed i

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