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instruments of reduction-第5章

小说: instruments of reduction 字数: 每页4000字

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anew; for spasms do not arise from relaxation; but from 
tension of the

 Part 34
Excision; either of articular bones or of pieces of bones; when
not high up in the body; but about the foot or the hand; is
generally followed by recovery; unless the patient die at once from
deliquium animi。 Treatment:…As in injuries of the head; warmth。

 Part 35
Sphacelus of the fleshy parts is produced by the tight
compression of bleeding wounds; and by pressure in the fractures of
bones; and by blackening; arising from bandages。 And in 
those cases in
which a portion of the thigh or arm; both the bones and the 
flesh drop
off; many recover; the case being less dangerous than many others。
In cases; then; connected with fracture of the bones; the separation
of the flesh quickly takes place; but the separation of the bone; at
the boundary of its denuded part; is slower in taking place。 But the
parts below the seat of the injury; and the sound portion of 
the body;
are to be previously taken away (for they die previously); 
taking care
to avoid producing pain; for deliquium animi may occasion death。 The
bone of the thigh in such a case came away on the eightieth day; but
the leg was removed on the twentieth day。 The bones of the leg; in a
certain case; came away at the middle of the sixtieth day。 In these
cases the separation is quick or slow; according to the compression
applied by the physician。 When the compression is gently applied the
bones do not drop off at all; neither are they denuded of flesh; but
the gangrene is confined in the more superficial parts。 The
treatment of such cases must be undertaken; for most of them are
more formidable in appearance than in reality。 The treatment 
should be
mild; but; not withstanding; with a restricted diet; hemorrhages and
cold are to be dreaded; the position; so as that the limb may be
inclined upward; and afterward; on account of the purulent abscess;
horizontally; or such as may suit with it。 In such cases; and in
mortifications; there are usually; about the crisis; hemorrhages and
crisis; hemorrhages and violent diarrhoeas; which; however; only
last for a few days; the patients do not lose their appetite;
neither are they feverish; nor should they be put upon a 
reduced diet。

 Part 36
Displacement of the spine; if inward; threatens immediate death;
attended with retention of urine and loss of sensibility。 
Outward; the
accident is free from most of these bad effects; much more so than
where there is merely concussion without displacement; the effects
in the former case being confined to the spot affected; 
whereas in the
latter they are further communicated to the whole body; and are of a
mortal character。 In like manner; when the ribs are 
fractured; whether
one or more; provided there be no splinters; there is rarely fever;
spitting of blood; and sphacelus; and ordinary treatment without
evacuation will suffice; provided there be no fever;…bandaging;
according to rule; and the callus forms in twenty days; the 
bone being
of a porous nature。 But in cases of contusion; tubercles form; along
with cough; suppurating sores; and sphacelus of the ribs; for nerves
from all the parts run along each rib。 In many of these cases
haemoptysis and empyema also take place。 The management of this case
consists in careful treatment; bandaging according to rule; diet at
first restricted; but afterward more liberal; quiet; silence;
position; bowels; and venereal matters regulated。 Even when there is
no spitting of blood; these contusions are more painful than
fractures; and are more subject in time to relapses; and when any
mucous collection is left in the part; it makes itself be felt in
disorders of the body。 Treatment:…burning; when the bone is
affected; down to the bone; but not touching the bone itself; if in
the intercostal space; the burning must not extend through it; nor
be too superficial。 In sphacelus of the ribs; tents are to be tried;
all other particulars will be stated afterward: but they should be
learned by sight rather than by words; namely; food; drink; heat;
cold; attitude; medicines; dry; liquid; red; dark; white; sour; for
the ulcers; and so with regard to the diet。

 Part 37
Displacements (of the vertebrae) from a fall rarely admit of
being rectified; and those above the diaphragm are most difficult to
rectify。 When the accident happens to children; the body does not
grow; with the exception of the legs; the arms; and head。 
in adults; speedily relieves the individual from the disease he is
laboring under; but in time it renews its attack; with the same
symptoms as in children; but of a less serious nature。 Some
individuals have borne this affection well; and have turned out to
be brawny and fat。 But few of them have lived to the age of sixty。
Lateral curvatures also occur; the proximate cause of which is the
attitudes in which these persons lie。 These cases have their
prognostics accordingly。

 Part 38
The rule for the reduction and adjustment:…The axle; the
lever; the wedge; pressure above; the axle to separate; the lever to
push aside。 Reduction and adjustment are to be accomplished by
forcible extension; the parts being placed in such a position as
will facilitate the conveying of the displaced bone over the 
of the bone from which it was displaced: this is to be accomplished
either with the hands; or by suspension; or axles; or turned round
something。 With the hands this is to be effected properly; according
to the structure of the parts。 In the case of the wrist and 
elbow; the
parts are to be forced asunder; at the wrist in the line of 
the elbow;
and the elbow with the fore…arm at a right angle with the 
arm; as when
it is suspended in a sling。 When we want to separate the protruding
bones; and force them into place; in the case of the fingers; the
toes; or the wrist; the proper separation may be made by hands;
while the projecting part is forced into its place by pressing down
with the heel or the palm of the hand upon some resisting object;
while something moderately soft is laid under the projecting 
part; but
nothing such under the other; and then pressure is to be 
made backward
and downward; whether the dislocation be inward or outward。 
In lateral
displacement; pressure and counter…pressure must be made on the
opposite sides。 Displacements forward can be reduced neither by
sneezing; nor coughing; nor by the injection of air; nor by the
cupping…instrument; and if anything can do good in such a case; it
is extension。 People are deceived in fractures of the spinal
processes; the pain of which causing the patient to stoop 
forward; the
case is taken for dislocation inward; these fractures heal speedily
and easily。 Dislocation outward is to be remedied by succussion;
when high up; toward the feet; and when situated low down; in the
contrary direction; the part is to be pressed back into its place;
either with the foot or a board。 Dislocations to either side; if
they admit of any remedy; are to be treated by extension; 
and suitable
attitudes; with regimen。 The whole apparatus should be broad; soft;
and strong; or otherwise; they should be wrapped in rags; 
before being
used; they should all be prepared proportionately to the length;
height; and breadth。 In applying extension to the thigh; for
example; the bands should be fastened at the ankle and above 
the knee;
these stretching in the same direction; another band to be passed by
the loins; and around the armpits; and by the perineum and thigh;
one end passing up the breast and the other along the back; these
all stretching in the same direction and being fastened either to a
piece of wood resembling a pestle or to an axle。 When this is done
on a couch; either of its feet is to be fastened to the 
threshold; and
a strong block of wood is to be laid across the other; and the
pieces of wood resembling a pestle are to be raised on these; to
make extension and counter…extension; the naves of a wheel are to be
fastened in the floor; or a ladder is to be adjusted; so that
extension may be made in both directions。 The thing commonly 
used is a
bench six cubits 

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