cyrano de bergerac-第25章
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SISTER MARTHA: None help him?
MOTHER MARGUERITE: He permits not。 (In an alley at the back Roxane appears; dressed in black; with a widow's coif and veil。 De Guiche; imposing…looking and visibly aged; walks by her side。 They saunter slowly。 Mother Marguerite rises): 'Tis time we go in; Madame Madeleine Walks in the garden with a visitor。
SISTER MARTHA (to Sister Claire; in a low voice): The Marshal of Grammont?
SISTER CLAIRE (looking at him): 'Tis he; I think。
SISTER MARTHA: 'Tis many months now since he came to see her。
THE SISTERS: He is so busy!The Court;the camp!。 。 。
(They go out。 De Guiche and Roxane come forward in silence; and stop close to the embroidery frame。)
Scene 5。II。
Roxane; the Duke de Grammont; formerly Count de Guiche。 Then Le Bret and Ragueneau。
THE DUKE: And you stay here stillever vainly fair; Ever in weeds?
THE DUKE: Still faithful?
ROXANE: Still。
THE DUKE (after a pause): Am I forgiven?
ROXANE: Ay; since I am here。
(Another pause。)
THE DUKE: His was a soul; you say?。 。 。
ROXANE: Ah!when you knew him!
THE DUKE: Ah; may be!。 。 。I; perchance; too little knew him! 。 。 。And his last letter; ever next your heart?
ROXANE: Hung from this chain; a gentle scapulary。
THE DUKE: And; dead; you love him still?
ROXANE: At times;meseems He is but partly deadour hearts still speak; As if his love; still living; wrapped me round!
THE DUKE (after another pause): Cyrano comes to see you?
ROXANE: Often; ay。 Dear; kind old friend! We call him my 'Gazette。' He never fails to come: beneath this tree They place his chair; if it be fine:I wait; I broider;the clock strikes;at the last stroke I hear;for now I never turn to look Too sure to hear his cane tap down the steps; He seats himself:with gentle raillery He mocks my tapestry that's never done; He tells me all the gossip of the week。 。 。 (Le Bret appears on the steps): Why; here's Le Bret! (Le Bret descends): How goes it with our friend?
LE BRET: Ill!very ill。
ROXANE (to the Duke): He exaggerates!
LE BRET: All that I prophesied: desertion; want!。 。 。 His letters now make him fresh enemies! Attacking the sham nobles; sham devout; Sham brave;the thieving authors;all the world!
ROXANE: Ah! but his sword still holds them all in check; None get the better of him。
THE DUKE (shaking his head): Time will show!
LE BRET: Ah; but I fear for himnot man's attack; Solitudehungercold December days; That wolf…like steal into his chamber drear: Lo! the assassins that I fear for him! Each day he tightens by one hole his belt: That poor nosetinted like old ivory: He has retained one shabby suit of serge。
THE DUKE: Ay; there is one who has no prize of Fortune! Yet is not to be pitied!
LE BRET (with a bitter smile): My Lord Marshal!。 。 。
THE DUKE: Pity him not! He has lived out his vows; Free in his thoughts; as in his actions free!
LE BRET (in the same tone): My Lord!。 。 。
THE DUKE (haughtily): True! I have all; and he has naught;。 。 。 Yet I were proud to take his hand! (Bowing to Roxane): Adieu!
ROXANE: I go with you。
(The Duke bows to Le Bret; and goes with Roxane toward the steps。)
THE DUKE (pausing; while she goes up): Ay; true;I envy him。 Look you; when life is brimful of success Though the past hold no action foulone feels A thousand self…disgusts; of which the sum Is not remorse; but a dim; vague unrest; And; as one mounts the steps of worldly fame; The Duke's furred mantles trail within their folds A sound of dead illusions; vain regrets; A rustlescarce a whisperlike as when; Mounting the terrace steps; by your mourning robe Sweeps in its train the dying autumn leaves。
ROXANE (ironically): You are pensive?
THE DUKE: True! I am! (As he is going out; suddenly): Monsieur Le Bret! (To Roxane): A word; with your permission? (He goes to Le Bret; and in a low voice): True; that none Dare to attack your friend;but many hate him; Yesterday; at the Queen's card…play; 'twas said 'That Cyrano may dieby accident!' Let him stay inbe prudent!
LE BRET (raising his arms to heaven): Prudent! He!。 。 。 He's coming here。 I'll warn himbut!。 。 。
ROXANE (who has stayed on the steps; to a sister who comes toward her): What is it?
THE SISTER: Ragueneau would see you; Madame。
ROXANE: Let him come。 (To the Duke and Le Bret): He comes to tell his troubles。 Having been An author (save the mark!)poor fellownow By turns he's singer。 。 。
LE BRET: Bathing…man。 。 。
ROXANE: Then actor。 。 。
LE BRET: Beadle。 。 。
ROXANE: Wig…maker。 。 。
LE BRET: Teacher of the lute。 。 。
ROXANE: What will he be to…day; by chance?
RAGUENEAU (entering hurriedly): Ah! Madame! (He sees Le Bret): Ah! you here; Sir!
ROXANE (smiling): Tell all your miseries To him; I will return anon。
RAGUENEAU: But; Madame。 。 。
(Roxane goes out with the Duke。 Ragueneau goes toward Le Bret。)
Scene 5。III。
Le Bret; Ragueneau。
RAGUENEAU: Since you are here; 'tis best she should not know! I was going to your friend just nowwas but A few steps from the house; when I saw him Go out。 I hurried to him。 Saw him turn The corner。 。 。suddenly; from out a window Where he was passingwas it chance?。 。 。may be! A lackey let fall a large piece of wood。
LE BRET: Cowards! O Cyrano!
RAGUENEAU: I ranI saw。 。 。
LE BRET: 'Tis hideous!
RAGUENEAU: Saw our poet; Sirour friend Struck to the grounda large wound in his head!
LE BRET: He's dead?
RAGUENEAU: NobutI bore him to his room。 。 。 Ah! his room! What a thing to see!that garret!
LE BRET: He suffers?
RAGUENEAU: No; his consciousness has flown。
LE BRET: Saw you a doctor?
RAGUENEAU: One was kindhe came。
LE BRET: My poor Cyrano!We must not tell this To Roxane suddenly。What said this leech?
RAGUENEAU: Said;what; I know notfever; meningitis! Ah! could you see himall his head bound up! But let us haste!There's no one by his bed! And if he try to rise; Sir; he might die!
LE BRET (dragging him toward the right): Come! Through the chapel! 'Tis the quickest way!
ROXANE (appearing on the steps; and seeing Le Bret go away by the colonnade leading to the chapel door): Monsieur le Bret! (Le Bret and Ragueneau disappear without answering): Le Bret goeswhen I call! 'Tis some new trouble of good Ragueneau's。
(She descends the steps。)
Scene 5。IV。
Roxane alone。 Two sisters; for a moment。
ROXANE: Ah! what a beauty in September's close! My sorrow's eased。 April's joy dazzled it; But autumn wins it with her dying calm。 (She seats herself at the embroidery frame。 Two sisters come out of the house; and bring a large armchair under the tree): There comes the famous armchair where he sits; Dear faithful friend!
SISTER MARTHA: It is the parlor's best!
ROXANE: Thanks; sister。 (The sisters go): He'll be here now。 (She seats herself。 A clock strikes): The hour strikes。 My silks?Why; now; the hour's struck! How strange To be behind his time; at last; to…day! Perhaps the portresswhere's my thimble?。 。 。 Here!Is preaching to him。 (A pause): Yes; she must be preaching! Surely he must come soon!Ah; a dead leaf! (She brushes off the leaf from her work): Nothing; besides; couldscissors?In my bag! Could hinder him。 。 。
A SISTER (coming to the steps): Monsieur de Bergerac。
Scene 5。V。
Roxane; Cyrano and; for a moment; Sister Martha。
ROXANE (without turning round): What was I saying?。 。 。 (She embroiders。 Cyrano; very pale; his hat pulled down over his eyes; appears。 The sister who had announced him retires。 He descends the steps slowly; with a visible difficulty in holding himself upright; bearing heavily on his cane。 Roxane still works at her tapestry): Time has dimmed the tints。 。 。 How harmonize them now? (To Cyrano; with playful reproach): For the first time Late!For the first time; all these fourteen years! CYRANO (who has succeeded i