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hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica-第25章

小说: hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica 字数: 每页4000字

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Apollodorus; ii。 2。1。4: Acrisius was king of Argos and Proetus of Tiryns。  And Acrisius had by Eurydice the daughter of Lacedemon; Danae; and Proetus by Stheneboea ‘Lysippe and Iphinoe and Iphianassa'。  And these fell mad; as Hesiod states; because they would not receive the rites of Dionysus。

Probus (17) on Vergil; Eclogue vi。 48: These (the daughters of Proetus); because they had scorned the divinity of Juno; were overcome with madness; such that they believed they had been turned into cows; and left Argos their own country。  Afterwards they were cured by Melampus; the son of Amythaon。

Suidas; s。v。: (18) ‘Because of their hideous wantonness they lost their tender beauty。。。。'

Eustathius; Hom。 1746。7: ‘。。。。For he shed upon their heads a fearful itch: and leprosy covered all their flesh; and their hair dropped from their heads; and their fair scalps were made bare。'

Fragment #19A  (19) Oxyrhynchus Papyri 1358 fr。 1 (3rd cent。 A。D。): (20) (ll。 1…32) ‘。。。。So she (Europa) crossed the briny water from afar to Crete; beguiled by the wiles of Zeus。  Secretly did the Father snatch her away and gave her a gift; the golden necklace; the toy which Hephaestus the famed craftsman once made by his cunning skill and brought and gave it to his father for a possession。  And Zeus received the gift; and gave it in turn to the daughter of proud Phoenix。  But when the Father of men and of gods had mated so far off with trim…ankled Europa; then he departed back again from the rich…haired girl。  So she bare sons to the almighty Son of Cronos; glorious leaders of wealthy men  Minos the ruler; and just Rhadamanthys and noble Sarpedon the blameless and strong。  To these did wise Zeus give each a share of his honour。  Verily Sarpedon reigned mightily over wide Lycia and ruled very many cities filled with people; wielding the sceptre of Zeus: and great honour followed him; which his father gave him; the great…hearted shepherd of the people。  For wise Zeus ordained that he should live for three generations of mortal men and not waste away with old age。  He sent him to Troy; and Sarpedon gathered a great host; men chosen out of Lycia to be allies to the Trojans。  These med did Sarpedon lead; skilled in bitter war。  And Zeus; whose wisdom is everlasting; sent him forth from heaven a star; showing tokens for the return of his dear son。。。。 。。。。for well he (Sarpedon) knew in his heart that the sign was indeed from Zeus。  Very greatly did he excel in war together with man…slaying Hector and brake down the wall; bringing woes upon the Danaans。  But so soon as Patroclus had inspired the Argives with hard courage。。。。'

Fragment #19  Scholiast on Homer; Il。 xii。 292: Zeus saw Europa the daughter of Phoenix gathering flowers in a meadow with some nymphs and fell in love with her。  So he came down and changed himself into a bull and breathed from his mouth a crocus (21)。  In this way he deceived Europa; carried her off and crossed the sea to Crete where he had intercourse with her。  Then in this condition he made her live with Asterion the king of the Cretans。  There she conceived and bore three sons; Minos; Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys。  The tale is in Hesiod and Bacchylides。

Fragment #20  Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius; Arg。 ii。 178: But according to Hesiod (Phineus) was the son of Phoenix; Agenor's son and Cassiopea。

Fragment #21  Apollodorus (22); iii。 14。4。1: But Hesiod says that he (Adonis) was the son of Phoenix and Alphesiboea。

Fragment #22  Porphyrius; Quaest。 Hom。 ad Iliad。 pert。 p。 189: As it is said in Hesiod in the 〃Catalogue of Women〃 concerning Demodoce the daughter of Agenor: ‘Demodoce whom very many of men on earth; mighty princes; wooed; promising splendid gifts; because of her exceeding beauty。'

Fragment #23  Apollodorus; iii。 5。6。2: Hesiod says that (the children of Amphion and Niobe) were ten sons and ten daughters。

Aelian (23); Var。 Hist。 xii。 36: But Hesiod says they were nine boys and ten girls;  unless after all the verses are not Hesiod but are falsely ascribed to him as are many others。

Fragment #24  Scholiast on Homer; Il。 xxiii。 679: And Hesiod says that when Oedipus had died at Thebes; Argea the daughter of Adrastus came with others to the funeral of Oedipus。

Fragment #25  Herodian (24) in Etymologicum Magnum; p。 60; 40: Tityos the son of Elara。

Fragment #26  (25) Argument: Pindar; Ol。 xiv: Cephisus is a river in Orchomenus where also the Graces are worshipped。  Eteoclus the son of the river Cephisus first sacrificed to them; as Hesiod says。

Scholiast on Homer; Il。 ii。 522: ‘which from Lilaea spouts forth its sweet flowing water。。。。'

Strabo; ix。 424: ‘。。。。And which flows on by Panopeus and through fenced Glechon and through Orchomenus; winding like a snake。'

Fragment #27  Scholiast on Homer; Il。 vii。 9: For the father of Menesthius; Areithous was a Boeotian living at Arnae; and this is in Boeotia; as also Hesiod says。

Fragment #28  Stephanus of Byzantium: Onchestus: a grove (26)。  It is situate in the country of Haliartus and was founded by Onchestus the Boeotian; as Hesiod says。

Fragment #29  Stephanus of Byzantium: There is also a plain of Aega bordering on Cirrha; according to Hesiod。

Fragment #30  Apollodorus; ii。 1。1。5: But Hesiod says that Pelasgus was autochthonous。

Fragment #31  Strabo; v。 p。 221: That this tribe (the Pelasgi) were from Arcadia; Ephorus states on the authority of Hesiod; for he says: ‘Sons were born to god… like Lycaon whom Pelasgus once begot。'

Fragment #32  Stephanus of Byzantium: Pallantium。  A city of Arcadia; so named after Pallas; one of Lycaon's sons; according to Hesiod。

Fragment #33  (Unknown): ‘Famous Meliboea bare Phellus the good spear…man。'

Fragment #34  Herodian; On Peculiar Diction; p。 18: In Hesiod in the second Catalogue: ‘Who once hid the torch (27) within。'

Fragment #35  Herodian; On Peculiar Diction; p。 42: Hesiod in the third Catalogue writes: ‘And a resounding thud of feet rose up。'

Fragment #36  Apollonius Dyscolus (28); On the Pronoun; p。 125: ‘And a great trouble to themselves。'

Fragment #37  Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius; Arg。 i。 45: Neither Homer nor Hesiod speak of Iphiclus as amongst the Argonauts。

Fragment #38  ‘Eratosthenes' (29); Catast。 xix。 p。 124: The Ram。'  This it was that transported Phrixus and Helle。  It was immortal and was given them by their mother Nephele; and had a golden fleece; as Hesiod and Pherecydes say。

Fragment #39  Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius; Arg。 ii。 181: Hesiod in the 〃Great Eoiae〃 says that Phineus was blinded because he revealed to Phrixus the road; but in the third 〃Catalogue〃; because he preferred long life to sight。

Hesiod says he had two sons; Thynus and Mariandynus。

Ephorus (30) in Strabo; vii。 302: Hesiod; in the so…called Journey round the Earth; says that Phineus was brought by the Harpies ‘to the land of milk…feeders (31) who have waggons for houses。'

Fragment #40A  (Cp。 Fr。 43 and 44) Oxyrhynchus Papyri 1358 fr。 2 (3rd cent。 A。D。): (32) ((LACUNA  Slight remains of 7 lines))

(ll。 8…35) ‘(The Sons of Boreas pursued the Harpies) to the lands of the Massagetae and of the proud Half…Dog men; of the Underground…folk and of the feeble Pygmies; and to the tribes of the boundless Black…skins and the Libyans。  Huge Earth bare these to Epaphus  soothsaying people; knowing seercraft by the will of Zeus the lord of oracles; but deceivers; to the end that men whose thought passes their utterance (33) might be subject to the gods and suffer harm  Aethiopians and Libyans and mare…milking Scythians。  For verily Epaphus was the child of the almighty Son of Cronos; and from him sprang the dark Libyans; and high…souled Aethiopians; and the Underground…folk and feeble Pygmies。  All these are the offspring of the lord; the Loud…thunderer。  Round about all these (the Sons of Boreas) sped in darting flight。。。。 。。。。of the well…horsed Hyperboreans  whom Earth the all… nourishing bare far off by the tumbling streams of deep…flowing Eridanus。。。。 。。。。of amber; feeding her wide…scattered offspring  and about the steep Fawn mountain and rugged Etna to the isle Ortygia and the people sprung from Laestrygon who was the son of wide…reigning Po

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