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小说: rezanov 字数: 每页4000字

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ved; his black wig fastened on his bald; red…fringed pate with a silk handkerchief tied under his chin; stood; hands on hips; shaking with excite… ment and delight。  The bearded; long…haired priests; in full canonicals of black and gold; were beside the Chief…Manager; ready to escort the Chamberlain to the chapel at the head of the solitary street; where the bells were pealing and a mass of thanksgiving was to be said for his safe return。

But it was some time before Rezanov could reach the chapel or even exchange salutations with Baran… hov。  As he stepped on shore he was surrounded; almost hustled by the shouting crowd of Russians; many of them convictsAleuts and Sitkans; who knelt at his feet; endeavored to kiss his hand; his garments; in their hysterical gratitude for the food he had brought them。  For the first time he felt reconciled to his departure from California; and Concha's image faded as he looked at the tearful faces of the diseased; ill…nourished wretches who gave their mite of life that he might live as became a great noble of the Russian Empire。  But although he tingled with pleasure and was deeply moved; he by no means swelled with vanity; for he was far too clear…sighted to doubt he had done more than his duty; or that his duty was more than begun。 He made them a little speech; giving his word they should be properly fed hereafter; that he would make the improvement of their condition as well as that of all the employees of the Company throughout this vast chain of settlements on the Pacific; the chief consideration of his life; and they believed him and followed him to the chapel rejoicing; reconciled for once to their lot。

After the service Rezanov went up to the hut of the Chief…Manager; a habitation that leaked winter and summer; and was equally deficient in light; ven… tilation and order。  But Baranhov in the sixteen years of his exile had forgotten the bare lineaments of comfort; and devoted his days to advancing the interests of the Company; his nights; save when sleep overcame him; to potations that would have buried an ordinary man under Alaskan snows long since。  But Baranhov had fourteen years more of good service in him; and rescued the Company from insolvency again and again; nor ever played into the hands of marauding foreigners; with brain on fire he was shrewder than the soberest。

He listened with deep satisfaction to the Cham… berlain's account of his success with the Californi… ans and his glowing pictures of the country; nod… ding every few moments with emphatic approval。 But as the story finished his wonderful eyes were two bubbling springs of humor; and Rezanov; who knew him well; recrossed his legs nervously。

〃What is it?〃 he asked。  〃What have I done now?  Remember that you have been in this busi… ness for sixteen years; and I one〃

〃How many measures of corn did you say you had brought; Excellency?〃

〃Two hundred and ninety…four;〃 replied Reza… nov proudly。

〃A provision that exceeds my most sanguine hopes。  The only thing that mitigates my satisfac… tion is that there is not a mill in the settlement to grind it。〃

Rezanov sprang to his feet with a violent ex… clamation; his face very red。  There was no one whose good opinion he valued as he did that of this brilliant; dissipated; disinterested old genius; and he felt like a schoolboy。  But although he started for the door; he recovered half…way; and reseating himself joined in the laughter of the little man who was rocking back and forth on his bench; his weaz… ened leg clasped against his shrunken chest。

〃How on earth was I to know all your domestic arrangements?〃 he said testily。  〃God knows I found them limited enough last winter; but it never occurred to me there was any mysterious process involved in converting corn into meal。  Is it quite useless; then?〃

〃Oh; no; we can boil or roast it。  It will dispose of what teeth we have left; but that will serve the good purpose of reminding us always of your ex… cellency's interest in our welfare。〃

Rezanov shrugged his shoulders。  〃Give the corn to the natives。  It is farinaceous at all events。  And you can have nothing to say against the flour I have brought; and the peas; beans; tallow; butter; barley; salt; and salted meatsin all to the value of twenty…four thousand Spanish dollars。〃

The Chief…Manager's head nodded with the vigor and rapidity of a mechanical toy。  〃It is a God…send; a God…send。  If you did no more than that you would have earned our everlasting gratitude。  It will make us over; give us renewed courage in this cursed ex… istence。  Are you not going to get me out of it?〃

Rezanov shook his head with a smile。  〃Literally you are the whole Company。  As long as I live here you stayalthough when I reach St。 Peters… burg I shall see that you receive every possible re… ward and honor。〃

Baranhov lifted his shoulders to his ears in quiz… zical resignation。  〃I suppose it matters little where the last few years left me are spent; and I can hang the medals on the walls to console me when I have rheumatism; and shout my titles from the top of the fort when the Kolosh are yelling at the barri… cades。〃

〃You must make yourself more comfortable;〃 said Rezanov emphatically。  〃You are wrong to carry your honesty and enthusiasm to the point of living like the promuschleniki。  Take enough of their time to build you a comfortable dwelling; and I will send you; on my own account; far more sub… stantial rewards than orders and titles。  Build a big house; for that matter。  I shall be here more or lesswhen I am not in California。〃  And he told Baranhov of his proposed marriage with the daugh… ter of Don Jose Arguello。

The Chief…Manager listened to this confidence with an even livelier satisfaction than to the list of the Juno's cargo。

〃We shall have California yet!〃 he cried; his eyes snapping like live coals under the black thatch of wig。  〃Absorption or the bayonet。  It matters little。 Ten years from now and we shall have a line of settlements as far south as San Diego。  My plan was to feel my way down the northern coast of California with a colony; which should buy a tract of land from the natives and engage immediately in otter huntingsomewhere between Cape Mendo… cino and Drake's Bay。  The Spanish have no settle… ments above San Francisco and are too weak to drive us out。  They would rage and bluster and do nothing。  Then quietly push forward; building forts and ships。  But you have taken hold in the grand manner and will accomplish in ten years what would have taken me fifty。  Marry this girl; use your ad… vantage over the entire familywhose influence I well knowand that great personal power with which the Almighty has been so lavish; and you will have the whole weakly garrisoned country un… der your foot before they know where they are; and the Russian settlers pouring in。  Spain cannot come to the rescue while this devil Bonaparte is alive; and he is young; and like yourself a favorite of destiny。  Those damned Bostonians inherit the grabbing instincts of the too paternal race they have just rejected; but there are thousands of miles of desert between California and their own western outposts; hundreds of savage tribes to exterminate。 By the time they are in a position to attempt the occupation of California we shall be so securely en… trenched they will either let us alone or send troops that would be half dead by the time they reach us。  As to ships; we could soon build enough at Ok… hotsk and Petropaulovsky for our purpose。  For the matter of that; if your gifted tongue impressed the Tsar with the riches of California there would always be war ships on her coast。〃  He leaned for… ward and caught the strong shoulders above him in hands that looked like a tangle of baked nerves; and shook them vigorously。  〃You are a great boy!〃 he said with a sort of quizzical solemnity。  〃A great boy。  This damned; God…forsaken; pestilential; de… moralizing; brutalizing factory for enriching a few with the very life blood and vitals of thousands that will suffer and starve and never be heard of〃 (all his language cannot be recorded); 〃will make two or three reputations by the way。  Mine will be one; although I'll get nothing else。  Shelikov is safe; but you will 

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