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小说: rezanov 字数: 每页4000字

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e the hides we sold him。  Now; alas! they are no longer permitted to enter our ports。  Governor Arrillaga will have none of contra… band trade and slaying of our otter。  And as for Europeans other than Spaniards; save for an Eng… lish sea captain now and then; they know naught of our existence。〃

But Rezanov had not come to California on the impulse of a moment。  He replied suavely: 〃There you are mistaken。  Your illustrious father; Don Jose Mario de Arguello; is well known to us as the most respected; eminent and influential character in the Californias。  It was my intention; after paying a visit of ceremony to his excellency; Governor Ar… rillaga; to come to San Francisco for the sole pur… pose of meeting a man whose record has inspired me with the deepest interest。  And we have all heard such wonderful tales of your California; of its beauty; its fertility; of the beneficent lives of your missionariesso different from oursand of the hospitality and elegance of the Spaniards; that it has been the objective point of my travels; and I have found it difficult to curb my impatience while attending to imperative duties elsewhere。〃

〃Ay! senor!〃 exclaimed the young Californian。 〃What you say fills me with a pride I cannot ex… press; and I can only regret that the reports of our poor habitations should be so sadly exaggerated。 Such as our possessions are; however; they are yours while you deign to remain in our midst。  This is my father's house。  I beg that you will regard it as your own。  Burn it if you will!〃 he cried with more enthusiasm than commonly enlivened the phrases of hospitality。  〃He will be proud to know that a lifetime of severe attention to duty and of devotion to his King have won him fame abroad as well as at home。  He has risen to his present position from the ranks; but he is of pure Spanish blood; not a drop of Indian; and my mother was a Moraga; of the best blood of Spain;〃 he added art… lessly。  〃As to the beauty and variety of our country; senor; of course you will visit our opulent south; but〃  They had dismounted at the Comman… dante's house in the southeast corner of the square。 Arguello impulsively led Rezanov back to the gates and pointed to the east。  〃I have crossed those mountains and the mountains beyond; Excellency; and seen fertile and beautiful valleys of a vast ex… tent; watered by five rivers and bound far; far away by mountains covered with snow and gigantic trees。 The valley beyond the southern edge of the bay; where the Missions of Santa Clara and San Jose are; is also rich; but those between the ranges is an empire; and one day when the King sends us more colonists; we shall recompense Spain for all she has lost。〃

〃I congratulate you!〃  Rezanov; indifferent to his host's ancestral tree; had lifted an alert ear。  His quick incisive brain was at work。  〃I should like to stretch my legs over a horse for a week at a time; and even to climb your highest mountains。  You may imagine how much exercise a man may get on a vessel of two hundred and six tons; and it is thirty…two days since I left Sitka。  To look upon a vast expanse of greento say nothing of possible sportafter a winter of incessant rain and impene… trable forestswhat a prospect!  I beg you will take me off into the wilderness as soon as possible。〃

〃I promise you the Governor shall not withhold his consentand there are bear and deerquail; wild duckyour excellency will enjoy that beauti… ful wild country as I have done。〃  Arguello was enchanted at the prospect of fresh adventure in the company of this fascinating stranger。  〃But we are once more at our poor abode; senor。  I beg you to remember that it is your own。〃

They ascended the steps of the piazza; suddenly deserted; and it seemed to Rezanov that every sense in his being quivered responsively to the poignant sweetness of the Castilian roses。  He throbbed with a sudden exultant premonition that he stood on the threshold of an historic future; with a pagan joy in mere existence; a sudden rush of desire for the keen wild happiness of youth。  Such is the elixir of California in the north and the spring。

They entered a long sala typical of its day and of many to come; whitewashed walls hung with colored prints of the Virgin and saints; horsehair furniture; matting; deep window seats; and a perennial coolness。  The Chamberlain (his court title and the one commonly attached to his name) made himself as comfortable as the slippery chair would permit; and Arguello went for his mother。

Langsdorff; who had lingered on the piazza with the priest; entered in a moment。

〃The good padre tells me that this rose of Cas… tile is the only imported flower in California;〃 he cried; with enthusiasm; for although not a bot… anist; there was a bump between his eyes as big as a child's fist and he had a nose like the prow of a toy ship。  〃Many cuttings were brought from Spain〃

〃What difference does it make where it came from?〃 interrupted Rezanov testily。  〃Is it not enough that it is beautiful; but it must have a pin stuck through it like some poor devil of a butter… fly?〃

〃Your excellency has also the habit to probe into things he deems worthy of his attention;〃 re… torted the offended scientist; but he was obliged to closet his wrath。  An inner door opened and the host reappeared with his mother and a fair demonstration of her virtues。  She was a very large woman dressed loosely in black; but she car… ried herself with an air of complete; if somewhat sleepy; dignity; and it was evident that her beauty had been great。  Her full face had lost its con… tours; but time had spared the fine Roman nose and the white skin; that birthright of the high…bred Castilian。  Arguello presented his family ceremo… niously as the guest of honor rose and bowed with formal deference。

〃My mother; Dona Ignacia Arguello; your ex… cellency; who unites with me in praying that you will regard our home as yours during your so… journ in the north。  My sister; Maria de la Con… cepcion Marcella Arguello; and my little sisters; Ana Paula and Gertrudis Rudisinda。  My brothers: Gervasiosoldado distinguido of the San Francisco Company; Santiago; a cadet in the same company; Francesco and Toribio; whose presence at the table I beg you will overlook; for when we are so fortunate as to be all together; senor; we cannot bear to be separated。  My oldest brother; alasIgnaciois studying for holy or… ders in Mexico; and my sister Isabel visits at the Presidio of Santa Barbara。  I beg that you will be seated; Excellency。〃  And he continued the intro… duction to the lesser luminaries; with equal cour… tesy but fewer periods。

Rezanov exchanged a few pleasant words with his smiling hostess before she returned to her dis… tracted maids preparing the dinner; but his eyes during Arguello's declamation had wandered with a singular fidelity to the beautiful face of the eld… est daughter of the house。  She had responded with a humorous twinkle in her magnificent black eyes and not a hint of diffidence。  As she entered the room his brain had flashed out the thought: 〃Thank heaven for a pretty girl after these three abominable years!〃  Possibly his pleasure would have been salted with pique had he guessed that her thought was the twin of his own。  He was the first man of any world more considerable than the petty court of the viceroy of Mexico that had vis… ited California in her time; and excellent as she found his tall military figure and pale cold face; the novelty of the circumstance fluttered her more。

Dona 〃Concha〃 Arguello was the beauty of California; and although her years were but six… teen her blood was Spanish; and she carried her tall deep figure and fine head with the grace and dignity of an accomplished woman。  She had in… herited the white skin and delicate Roman…Span… ish profile of the Moragas; but there was an in… telligent fire in her eyes; a sharp accentuation of nostril; and a full mobility of mouth; childish; half… developed as that feature still was; that betrayed a strong cross…current forcing the placid maternal flow into rugged and unexplored channels; while assimilating its fine qualities of pride and high breeding。  Gervasio and Santiago resembled their sister in coloring and profile; but lacked her s

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