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小说: rezanov 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Sixteen is quite old。〃  Concha drew herself up with an air of offended dignity。  〃Elena Castro; who lives on the other side; is but eighteen and she has three little ones。  The Virgin brought them in the night and left them in the big rosebush you see before the doorone at a time; of course。  Only the old nurse knew; the Virgin whispered it while she was saying a prayer for Elena; and early in the morning she came and found the dear little baby and put it in Elena's arms。  I am the godmother of the firstConchitita。  In Santa Barbara; where we lived for some years; Anita Amanda Carillo; the friend of Ana Paula; is married; although she is but twelve and sits on the floor all day and plays with her dolls。  She prays every night to the Virgin to bring her a real baby; but she is not old enough to take care of it and must wait。  Twelve is too young to marry。〃  Concha shook her head。  Her eyes were wise; and Rezanov noted anew that her mouth alone was as young as her years。  〃My father would not permit such a thing。  I am glad he is not anxious we should marry soon。  I should love to have the babies; though; they are so sweet to play with and make little dresses for。  But my mother says the Virgin does not bring the little ones to good girlspoor Rosa had one but it dieduntil their parents find them a husband first。  I have never wanted a husband〃  Concha darted a swift glance over her shoulder; but Santiago was in the clutches of the learned doctor and wishing that he knew no Latin; 〃so I go every day and play with Elena's babies; which is well enough。〃

Rezanov listened to this innocent revelation with the utmost gravity; but for the first time in many years he was conscious of a novel fascination in a sex to which he had paid no niggard's tribute。  In his world the married woman reigned; it was doubt… ful if he had ever had ten minutes' conversation with a young girl before; never with one whose face and form were as arresting as her crystal purity。 He was fascinated; but more than ever on his guard。 As he rode over the sand hills to the Mission she clung fast to his thoughts and he speculated upon the woman hidden away in the depths of that lovely shell like the deep color within the tight Castilian buds that opened so slowly。  He recalled the per… sonalities of the young officers that surrounded her。 They were charming fellows; gay; kindly; honest; but he felt sure that not one of them was fit to hold the cup of life to the exquisite young lips of Concha Arguello。  The very thought disposed him to twist their necks。


The Mission San Francisco de Assisi stood at the head of a great valley about a league from the Presidio and facing the eastern hills。  Behind it; yet not too close; for the priests were ever on their guard against Indians more lustful of loot than sal… vation; was a long irregular chain of hills; break… ing into twin peaks on its highest ridge; with a lone mountain outstanding。  It was an imposing but forbidding mass; as steep and bare as the walls of a fortress; but in the distance; north and south; as the range curved in a tapering arc that gave the valley the appearance of a colossal stadium; the outlines were soft in a haze of pale color。  The sheltered valley between the western heights and the sand hills far down the bay where it turned to the south; was green with wheat fields; and a small herd of cattle grazed on the lower slopes。  The beauty of this superbly proportioned valley was further enhanced by groves of oaks and bay trees; and by a lagoon; communicating with an arm of the bay; which the priests had named for their Lady of SorrowsNuestra Senora de los Dolores。  The little sheet of water was almost round; very green and set in a thicket of willows that were green; too; in the springtime; and golden in summer。  Near its banks; or closer to the protecting Missionon whose land grant they were builtwere the com… fortable adobe homes of the few Spanish pioneers that preferred the bracing north to the monotonous warmth of the south。  Some of these houses were long and rambling; others built about a court; all were surrounded by a high wall; enclosing a gar… den where the Castilian roses grew even more lux… uriantly than at the Presidio。  The walls; like the houses; were white; and on those of Don Juan Moraga; a cousin of Dona Ignacia Arguello; the roses had been trained to form a border along the top in a fashion that reminded Rezanov of the pink edged walls of Fiesole。

The white red…tiled church and the long line of rooms adjoining were built of adobe with no effort at grandeur; but with a certain noble simplicity of outline that harmonized not only with the lofty re… serve of the hills but with the innocent hope of creat… ing a soul in the lowest of human bipeds。  The Indians of San Francisco were as immedicable as they were hideous; but the fathers belabored them with sticks and heaven with prayer; and had so far succeeded that if as yet they had sown piety no higher than the knees; they had trained some twelve hundred pairs of hands to useful service。

On the right was a graveyard; with little in it as yet but rose trees; behind the church and the many spacious rooms built for the consolation of virtue in the wilderness was a large building surrounding a court。  Girls and young widows occupied the cells on the north side; and the work rooms on the east; while the youths; under the sharp eye of a lay brother; were opposite。  All lived a life of unwill… ing industry: cleaning and combing wool; spinning; weaving; manufacturing chocolate; grinding corn between stones; making shoes; fashioning the simple garments worn by priest and Indian。  Between the main group of buildings and the natural rampart of the 〃San Bruno Mountains〃 was the Rancheria; where the Indian families lived in eight long rows of isolated huts。

In spite of vigilance an Indian escaped now and again to the mountains; where he could lie naked in the sun and curse the fetich of civilization。  As the Russians approached; a friar; with deer…skin armor over his cassock; was tugging at a recalcitrant mule; while a body…guard of four Indians stood ready to attend him down the coast in search of an enviable brother。  The mule; as if in sympathy with the fugitive; had planted his four feet in the earth and lifted his voice in derision; while the young friar; a recruit at the Mission; and far from enamored of his task; strained at the rope; and an Indian pelted the hindquarters with stones。  Suddenly; the mule flung out his heels; the enemy in the rear sprawled; the rope flew loose; the beast with a loud bray fled toward the willows of Dolores。  But the young priest was both agile and angry。  With a flying leap he reached the heaving back。  The mule acknowl… edged himself conquered。  The body…guard trotted on their own feet; and the party disappeared round a bend of the hills。

Rezanov laughed heartily and even the glum vis… age of Father Abella relaxed。

〃It is a common sight; Excellency;〃 he said。  〃We are thankful to have a younger friar for such fatiguing work。  Many a time have I belabored stubborn mules and bestrode bucking mustangs while searching for one of these ungrateful but no doubt chosen creatures。  It is the will of God; and we make no complaint; but we are very willing; Father Landaeta and I; that youth should cool its ardor in so certain a fashion while we attend to the more reasonable duties at home。〃

They were dismounted at the door of the church。 The horses were led off by waiting Indians。  The soldiers on guard saluted and stepped aside; and the party entered。  Two priests in handsome vest… ments stood before the altar; but the long dim nave was empty。  The Russians had been told that a mass would be said in their honor; and they marched down the church and bent their knees with as much ceremony as had they been of the faith of their hosts。  When the short mass was over; Rezanov bethought himself of Concha's re… quest; and whispering its purport to Father Abella was led to a double iron hoop stuck with tallow dips in various stages of petition。  Rezanov lit a candle and fastened it in an empty socket。  Then with a whimsical twist of his mouth he lit and adjusted another。

〃No doubt she has some fervent

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