贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the girl with the golden eyes >


the girl with the golden eyes-第17章

小说: the girl with the golden eyes 字数: 每页4000字

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certain words; obscure at first; but now clear; which had escaped her
in the midst of that joy; all proved to him that he had posed for
another person。 As no social corruption was unknown to him; as he
professed a complete indifference towards all perversities; and
believed them to be justified on the simple ground that they were
capable of satisfaction; he was not startled at vice; he knew it as
one knows a friend; but he was wounded at having served as sustenance
for it。 If his presumption was right; he had been outraged in the most
sensitive part of him。 The mere suspicion filled him with fury; he
broke out with the roar of a tiger who has been the sport of a deer;
the cry of a tiger which united a brute's strength with the
intelligence of the demon。

〃I say; what is the matter with you?〃 asked Paul。


〃I should be sorry; if you were to be asked whether you had anything
against me and were to reply with a /nothing/ like that! It would be a
sure case of fighting the next day。〃

〃I fight no more duels;〃 said De Marsay。

〃That seems to me even more tragical。 Do you assassinate; then?〃

〃You travesty words。 I execute。〃

〃My dear friend;〃 said Paul; 〃your jokes are of a very sombre color
this morning。〃

〃What would you have? Pleasure ends in cruelty。 Why? I don't know; and
am not sufficiently curious to try and find out。 。 。 。 These cigars
are excellent。 Give your friend some tea。 Do you know; Paul; I live a
brute's life? It should be time to choose oneself a destiny; to employ
one's powers on something which makes life worth living。 Life is a
singular comedy。 I am frightened; I laugh at the inconsequence of our
social order。 The Government cuts off the heads of poor devils who may
have killed a man and licenses creatures who despatch; medically
speaking; a dozen young folks in a season。 Morality is powerless
against a dozen vices which destroy society and which nothing can
punish。Another cup!Upon my word of honor! man is a jester dancing
upon a precipice。 They talk to us about the immorality of the
/Liaisons Dangereuses/; and any other book you like with a vulgar
reputation; but there exists a book; horrible; filthy; fearful;
corrupting; which is always open and will never be shut; the great
book of the world; not to mention another book; a thousand times more
dangerous; which is composed of all that men whisper into each other's
ears; or women murmur behind their fans; of an evening in society。〃

〃Henri; there is certainly something extraordinary the matter with
you; that is obvious in spite of your active discretion。〃

〃Yes! 。 。 。 Come; I must kill the time until this evening。 Let's to
the tables。 。 。 。 Perhaps I shall have the good luck to lose。〃

De Marsay rose; took a handful of banknotes and folded them into his
cigar…case; dressed himself; and took advantage of Paul's carriage to
repair to the Salon des Etrangers; where until dinner he consumed the
time in those exciting alternations of loss and gain which are the
last resource of powerful organizations when they are compelled to
exercise themselves in the void。 In the evening he repaired to the
trysting…place and submitted complacently to having his eyes bandaged。
Then; with that firm will which only really strong men have the
faculty of concentrating; he devoted his attention and applied his
intelligence to the task of divining through what streets the carriage
passed。 He had a sort of certitude of being taken to the Rue Saint…
Lazare; and being brought to a halt at the little gate in the garden
of the Hotel San…Real。 When he passed; as on the first occasion;
through this gate; and was put in a litter; carried; doubtless by the
mulatto and the coachman; he understood; as he heard the gravel grate
beneath their feet; why they took such minute precautions。 He would
have been able; had he been free; or if he had walked; to pluck a twig
of laurel; to observe the nature of the soil which clung to his boots;
whereas; transported; so to speak; ethereally into an inaccessible
mansion; his good fortune must remain what it had been hitherto; a
dream。 But it is man's despair that all his work; whether for good or
evil; is imperfect。 All his labors; physical or intellectual; are
sealed with the mark of destruction。 There had been a gentle rain; the
earth was moist。 At night…time certain vegetable perfumes are far
stronger than during the day; Henri could smell; therefore; the scent
of the mignonette which lined the avenue along which he was conveyed。
This indication was enough to light him in the researches which he
promised himself to make in order to recognize the hotel which
contained Paquita's boudoir。 He studied in the same way the turnings
which his bearers took within the house; and believed himself able to
recall them。

As on the previous night; he found himself on the ottoman before
Paquita; who was undoing his bandage; but he saw her pale and altered。
She had wept。 On her knees like an angel in prayer; but like an angel
profoundly sad and melancholy; the poor girl no longer resembled the
curious; impatient; and impetuous creature who had carried De Marsay
on her wings to transport him to the seventh heaven of love。 There was
something so true in this despair veiled by pleasure; that the
terrible De Marsay felt within him an admiration for this new
masterpiece of nature; and forgot; for the moment; the chief interest
of his assignation。

〃What is the matter with thee; my Paquita?〃

〃My friend;〃 she said; 〃carry me away this very night。 Bear me to some
place where no one can answer: 'There is a girl with a golden gaze
here; who has long hair。' Yonder I will give thee as many pleasures as
thou wouldst have of me。 Then when you love me no longer; you shall
leave me; I shall not complain; I shall say nothing; and your
desertion need cause you no remorse; for one day passed with you; only
one day; in which I have had you before my eyes; will be worth all my
life to me。 But if I stay here; I am lost。〃

〃I cannot leave Paris; little one!〃 replied Henri。 〃I do not belong to
myself; I am bound by a vow to the fortune of several persons who
stand to me; as I do to them。 But I can place you in a refuge in
Paris; where no human power can reach you。〃

〃No;〃 she said; 〃you forget the power of woman。〃

Never did phrase uttered by human voice express terror more

〃What could reach you; then; if I put myself between you and the

〃Poison!〃 she said。 〃Dona Concha suspects you already 。 。 。 and;〃 she
resumed; letting the tears fall and glisten on her cheeks; 〃it is easy
enough to see I am no longer the same。 Well; if you abandon me to the
fury of the monster who will destroy me; your holy will be done! But
come; let there be all the pleasures of life in our love。 Besides; I
will implore; I will weep and cry out and defend myself; perhaps I
shall be saved。〃

〃Whom will your implore?〃 he asked。

〃Silence!〃 said Paquita。 〃If I obtain mercy it will perhaps be on
account of my discretion。〃

〃Give me my robe;〃 said Henri; insidiously。

〃No; no!〃 she answered quickly; 〃be what you are; one of those angels
whom I have been taught to hate; and in whom I only saw ogres; whilst
you are what is fairest under the skies;〃 she said; caressing Henri's
hair。 〃You do not know how silly I am。 I have learned nothing。 Since I
was twelve years old I have been shut up without ever seeing any one。
I can neither read nor write; I can only speak English and Spanish。〃

〃How is it; then; that you receive letters from London?〃

〃My letters? 。 。 。 See; here they are!〃 she said; proceeding to take
some papers out of a tall Japanese vase。

She offered De Marsay some letters; in which the young man saw; with
surprise; strange figures; similar to those of a rebus; traced in
blood; and illustrating phrases full of passion。

〃But;〃 he cried; marveling at these hieroglyphics created by the
alertness of jealousy; 〃you are in the power of an infernal genius?〃

〃Infernal;〃 she repeated。

〃But how; then; were you able to get out?〃

〃Ah!〃 she said; 〃that was my ruin。 I drove Dona Concha to choose
between the fear of immediate death and anger to be。 I h

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