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tortoise out of its shell。〃 Again; when he and Philip first met to
treat of a cessation and peace; the latter complaining that Titus came
with a mighty train; while he himself came alone and unattended;
〃Yes;〃 replied Titus; 〃you have left yourself alone by killing your
friends。〃 At another time; Dinocrates; the Messenian; having drunk too
much at a merry…meeting in Rome; danced there in woman's clothes;
and the next day addressed himself to Titus for assistance in his
design to get Messene out of the hands of the Achaeans。 〃This;〃
replied Titus; 〃will be matter for consideration; my only surprise
is that a man with such purposes on his hands should be able to
dance and sing at drinking parties。〃 When; again; the ambassadors of
Antiochus were recounting to those of Achaea the various multitudes
composing their royal master's forces; and ran over a long catalogue
of hard names; 〃I supped once;〃 said Titus; 〃with a friend; and
could not forbear expostulating with him at the number of dishes he
had provided; and said I wondered where he had furnished himself
with such a variety; 'Sir;' replied he; 'to confess the truth; it is
all hog's flesh differently cooked。' And so; men of Achaea; when you
are told of Antiochus's lancers; and pikemen; and foot…guards; I
advise you not to be surprised; since in fact they are all Syrians;
differently armed。〃
  After his achievements in Greece; and when the war with Antiochus
was at an end; Titus was created censor; the most eminent office; and;
in a manner; the highest preferment; in the commonwealth。 The son of
Marcellus; who had been five times consul; was his colleague。 These;
by virtue of their office; cashiered four senators of no great
distinction; and admitted to the roll of citizens all freeborn
residents。 But this was more by constraint than their own choice;
for Terentius Culeo; then tribune of the people; to spite the
nobility; spurred on the populace to order it to be done。 At this
time; the two greatest and most eminent persons in the city; Africanus
Scipio and Marcus Cato; were at variance。 Titus named Scipio first
member of the senate; and involved himself in a quarrel with Cato;
on the following unhappy occasion。 Titus had a brother; Lucius
Flamininus; very unlike him in all points of character; and; in
particular; low and dissolute in his pleasures; and flagrantly
regardless of all decency。 He kept as a companion a boy whom he used
to carry about with him; not only when he had troops under his charge;
but even when the care of a province was committed to him。 One day
at a drinking…bout; when the youngster was wantoning with Lucius; 〃I
love you; sir; so dearly;〃 said he; 〃that preferring your satisfaction
to my own; I came away without seeing the gladiators; though I have
never seen a man killed in my life。〃 Lucius; delighted with what the
boy said; answered; 〃Let not that trouble you; I can satisfy that
longing;〃 and with that orders a condemned man to be fetched out of
the prison; and the executioner to be sent for; and commands him to
strike off the man's head; before they rose from table。 Valerius
Antias only so far varies the story as to make it a woman for whom
he did it。 But Livy says that in Cato's own speech the statement is
that a Gaulish deserter coming with his wife and children to the door;
Lucius took him into the banqueting…room; and killed him with his
own hand; to gratify his paramour。 Cato; it is probable; might say
this by way of aggravation of the crime; but that the slain was no
such fugitive; but a prisoner; and one condemned to die; not to
mention other authorities; Cicero tells us in his treatise on Old Age;
where he brings in Cato; himself; giving that account of the matter。
  However; this is certain; Cato; during his censorship; made a severe
scrutiny into the senators' lives in order to the purging and
reforming the house; and expelled Lucius; though he had been once
consul before; and though the punishment seemed to reflect dishonour
on his brother also。 Both of them presented themselves to the assembly
of the people in a suppliant manner; not without tears in their
eyes; requesting that Cato might show the reason and cause of his
fixing such a stain upon so honourable a family。 The citizens
thought it a modest and moderate request。 Cato; however; without any
retraction or reserve; at once came forward; and standing up with
his colleague interrogated Titus as to whether he knew the story of
the supper。 Titus answered in the negative; Cato related it; and
challenged Lucius to a formal denial of it。 Lucius made no reply;
whereupon the people adjudged the disgrace just and suitable; and
waited upon Cato home from the tribunal in great state。 But Titus
still so deeply resented his brother's degradation; that he allied
himself with those who had long borne a grudge against Cato; and
winning over a major part of the senate; he revoked and made void
all the contracts; leases; and bargains made by Cato; relating to
public revenues; and also got numerous actions and accusations brought
against him; carrying on against a lawful magistrate and excellent
citizens; for the sake of one who was indeed his relation; but was
unworthy to be so; and had but gotten his deserts; a course of
bitter and violent attacks; which it would be hard to say were
either right or patriotic。 Afterwards; however; at a public
spectacle in the theatre; at which the senators appeared as usual;
sitting; as became their rank; in the first seats; when Lucius was
spied at the lower end; seated in a mean; dishonourable place; it made
a great impression upon the people; nor could they endure the sight;
but kept calling out to him to move; until he did move; and went in
among those of consular dignity; who received him into their seats。
  This natural ambition of Titus was well enough looked upon by the
world whilst the wars we have given a relation of afforded competent
fuel to feed it; as; for instance; when after the expiration of his
consulship; he had a command as military tribune; which nobody pressed
upon him。 But being now out of all employ in the government; and
advanced in years; he showed his defects more plainly; allowing
himself; in this inactive remainder of life; to be carried away with
the passion for reputation; as uncontrollably as any youth。 Some
such transport; it is thought; betrayed him into a proceeding
against Hannibal; which lost him the regard of many。 For Hannibal;
having fled his country; first took sanctuary with Antiochus; but
he; having been glad to obtain a peace; after the battle in Phrygia;
Hannibal was put to shift for himself; by a second flight; and;
after wandering through many countries; fixed at length in Bithynia;
proffering his service to King Prusias。 Every one at Rome knew where
he was; but looked upon him; now in his weakness and old age; with
no sort of apprehension; as one whom fortune had quite cast off。
Titus; however; coming thither as ambassador; though he was sent
from the senate to Prusias upon another errand; yet seeing Hannibal
resident there; it stirred up resentment in him to find that he was
yet alive。 And though Prusias used much intercession and entreaties in
favour of him; as his suppliant and familiar friend; Titus was not
to be entreated。 There was an ancient oracle; it seems; which
prophesied thus of Hannibal's end:…

        〃Libyssan earth shall Hannibal inclose。〃

He interpreted this to be meant of the African Libya; and that he
should be buried in Carthage; as if he might yet expect to return
and end his life there。 But there is a sandy place in Bithynia;
bordering on the sea; and near it a little village called Libyssa。
It was Hannibal's chance to be staying here; and; having ever from the
beginning had a distrust of the easiness and cowardice of Prusias; and
a fear of the Romans; he had; long before; ordered seven underground
passages to be dug from his house; leading from his lodging and
running a considerable distance in various opposite directions; all
undiscernible from without。 As soon; therefore; as he heard what Titus
had ordered; he attempted to make his escape through these mines;
but finding them bese

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