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old christmas-第2章

小说: old christmas 字数: 每页4000字

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omported with the shadowy hall; the great oaken gallery; and the tapestried parlour; but are unfitted to the light showy saloons and gay drawing…rooms of the modern villa。

Shorn; however; as it is; of its ancient and festive honours; Christmas is still a period of delightful excitement in England。 It is gratifying to see that home feeling completely aroused which seems to hold so powerful a place in every English bosom。  The preparations making on every side for the social board that is again to unite friends and kindred; the presents of good cheer passing and repassing; those tokens of regard; and quickeners of kind feelings; the evergreens distributed about houses and churches; emblems of peace and gladness; all these have the most pleasing effect in producing fond associations; and kindling benevolent sympathies。  Even the sound of the waits; rude as may be their minstrelsy; breaks upon the mid…watches of a winter night with the effect of perfect harmony。  As I have been awakened by them in that still and solemn hour; 〃when deep sleep falleth upon man;〃 I have listened with a hushed delight; and; connecting them with the sacred and joyous occasion; have almost fancied them into another celestial choir; announcing peace and good…will to mankind。

How delightfully the imagination; when wrought upon by these moral influences; turns everything to melody and beauty:  The very crowing of the cock; who is sometimes heard in the profound repose of the country; 〃telling the night…watches to his feathery dames;〃 was thought by the common people to announce the approach of this sacred festival:

     〃Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes       Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated;       This bird of dawning singeth all night long:       And then; they say; no spirit dares stir abroad;       The nights are wholesomethen no planets strike;       No fairy takes; no witch hath power to charm;       So hallow'd and so gracious is the time。〃

Amidst the general call to happiness; the bustle of the spirits; and stir of the affections; which prevail at this period; what bosom can remain insensible?  It is; indeed; the season of regenerated feelingthe season for kindling; not merely the fire of hospitality in the hall; but the genial flame of charity in the heart。

The scene of early love again rises green to memory beyond the sterile waste of years; and the idea of home; fraught with the fragrance of home…dwelling joys; reanimates the drooping spirit; as the Arabian breeze will sometimes waft the freshness of the distant fields to the weary pilgrim of the desert。

Stranger and sojourner as I am in the land;though for me no social hearth may blaze; no hospitable roof throw open its doors; nor the warm grasp of friendship welcome me at the threshold;yet I feel the influence of the season beaming into my soul from the happy looks of those around me。  Surely happiness is reflective; like the light of heaven; and every countenance; bright with smiles; and glowing with innocent enjoyment; is a mirror transmitting to others the rays of a supreme and ever shining benevolence。  He who can turn churlishly away from contemplating the felicity of his fellow beings; and sit down darkling and repining in his loneliness when all around is joyful; may have his moments of strong excitement and selfish gratification; but he wants the genial and social sympathies which constitute the charm of a merry Christmas。

The Stage…coach

    Omne bene     Sine poena Tempus est ludendi;     Venit hora;     Absque mora Libros deponendi。

    Old Holiday School Song。

In the preceding paper I have made some general observations on the Christmas festivities of England; and am tempted to illustrate them by some anecdotes of a Christmas passed in the country; in perusing which; I would most courteously invite my reader to lay aside the austerity of wisdom; and to put on that genuine holiday spirit which is tolerant of folly; and anxious only for amusement。

In the course of a December tour in Yorkshire; I rode for a long distance in one of the public coaches; on the day preceding Christmas。  The coach was crowded; both inside and out; with passengers; who; by their talk; seemed principally bound to the mansions of relations or friends to eat the Christmas dinner。  It was loaded also with hampers of game; and baskets and boxes of delicacies; and hares hung dangling their long ears about the coachman's box;presents from distant friends for the impending feast。  I had three fine rosy…cheeked schoolboys for my fellow passengers inside; full of the buxom health and manly spirit which I have observed in the children of this country。  They were returning home for the holidays in high glee; and promising themselves a world of enjoyment。  It was delightful to hear the gigantic plans of pleasure of the little rogues; and the impracticable feats they were to perform during their six weeks' emancipation from the abhorred thraldom of book; birch; and pedagogue。  They were full of anticipations of the meeting with the family and household; down to the very cat and dog; and of the joy they were to give their little sisters by the presents with which their pockets were crammed; but the meeting to which they seemed to look forward with the greatest impatience was with Bantam; which I found to be a pony; and; according to their talk; possessed of more virtues than any steed since the days of Bucephalus。  How he could trot! how he could run! and then such leaps as he would takethere was not a hedge in the whole country that he could not clear。

They were under the particular guardianship of the coachman; to whom; whenever an opportunity presented; they addressed a host of questions; and pronounced him one of the best fellows in the whole world。  Indeed; I could not but notice the more than ordinary air of bustle and importance of the coachman; who wore his hat a little on one side; and had a large bunch of Christmas greens stuck in the button…hole of his coat。  He is always a personage full of mighty care and business; but he is particularly so during this season; having so many commissions to execute in consequence of the great interchange of presents。

And here; perhaps; it may not be unacceptable to my untravelled readers to have a sketch that may serve as a general representation of this very numerous and important class of functionaries who have a dress; a manner; a language; an air; peculiar to themselves; and prevalent throughout the fraternity; so that; wherever an English stage…coachman may be seen; he cannot be mistaken for one of any other craft or mystery。

He has commonly a broad; full face; curiously mottled with red; as if the blood had been forced by hard feeding into every vessel of the skin; he is swelled into jolly dimensions by frequent potations of malt liquors; and his bulk is still further increased by a multiplicity of coats; in which he is buried like a cauliflower; the upper one reaching to his heels。  He wears a broad…brimmed; low…crowned hat; a huge roll of coloured handkerchief about his neck; knowingly knotted and tucked in at the bosom; and has in summer…time a large bouquet of flowers in his buttonhole; the present; most probably; of some enamoured country lass。  His waistcoat is commonly of some bright colour; striped; and his small…clothes extend far below the knees; to meet a pair of jockey boots which reach about half…way up his legs。

All this costume is maintained with much precision; he has a pride in having his clothes of excellent materials; and; notwithstanding the seeming grossness of his appearance; there is still discernible that neatness and propriety of person which is almost inherent in an Englishman。  He enjoys great consequence and consideration along the road; has frequent conferences with the village housewives; who look upon him as a man of great trust and dependence; and he seems to have a good understanding with every bright…eyed country lass。 The moment he arrives where the horses are to be changed; he throws down the reins with something of an air; and abandons the cattle to the care of the hostler; his duty being merely to drive from one stage to another。

When off the box; his hands are 

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