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old christmas-第14章

小说: old christmas 字数: 每页4000字

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The Wassail Bowl was sometimes composed of ale instead of wine; with nutmeg; sugar; toast; ginger; and roasted crabs; in this way the nut…brown beverage is still prepared in some old families; and round the hearths of substantial farmers at Christmas。  It is also called Lambs' Wool; and is celebrated by Herrick in his 〃Twelfth Night:〃

       〃Next crowne the bowle full         With gentle Lambs' Wool;      Add sugar; nutmeg; and ginger;         With store of ale too;         And thus ye must doe      To make the Wassaile a swinger。〃


The custom of drinking out of the same cup gave place to each having his cup。  When the steward came to the doore with the Wassel; he was to cry three times; Wassel; Wassel; Wassel; and then the chappel (chaplain) was to answer with a song。Archaeologia。


At Christmasse there was in the Kings's house; wheresoever hee was lodged; a lorde of misrule; or mayster of merry disportes; and the like had ye in the house of every nobleman of honour; or good worshippe; were he spirituall or temporall。Stow。


Maskings or mummeries were favourite sports at Christmas in old times; and the wardrobes at halls and manor…houses were often laid under contribution to furnish dresses and fantastic disguisings。  I strongly suspect Master Simon to have taken the idea of his from Ben Jonson's 〃Masque of Christmas。〃


Sir John Hawkins; speaking of the dance called the Pavon; from pavo; a peacock; says: 〃It is a grave and majestic dance; the method of dancing it anciently was by gentlemen dressed with caps and swords; by those of the long robe in their gowns; by the peers in their mantles; and by the ladies in gowns with long trains; the motion whereof; in dancing; resembled that of a peacock。〃History of Music。


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