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old christmas-第13章

小说: old christmas 字数: 每页4000字

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st Beef; Plum Pudding; and other worthies celebrated in ancient maskings。  The whole was under the control of the Oxonian; in the appropriate character of Misrule; and I observed that he exercised rather a mischievous sway with his wand over the smaller personages of the pageant。

The irruption of this motley crew; with beat of drum; according to ancient custom; was the consummation of uproar and merriment。 Master Simon covered himself with glory by the stateliness with which; as Ancient Christmas; he walked a minuet with the peerless; though giggling; Dame Mince…Pie。  It was followed by a dance of all the characters; which; from its medley of costumes; seemed as though the old family portraits had skipped down from their frames to join in the sport。  Different centuries were figuring at cross hands and right and left; the dark ages were cutting pirouettes and rigadoons; and the days of Queen Bess jigging merrily down the middle; through a line of succeeding generations。

The worthy Squire contemplated these fantastic sports; and this resurrection of his old wardrobe; with the simple relish of childish delight。  He stood chuckling and rubbing his hands; and scarcely hearing a word the parson said; notwithstanding that the latter was discoursing most authentically on the ancient and stately dance at the Paon; or Peacock; from which he conceived the minuet to be derived。*  For my part; I was in a continual excitement; from the varied scenes of whim and innocent gaiety passing before me。  It was inspiring to see wild…eyed frolic and warm…hearted hospitality breaking out from among the chills and glooms of winter; and old age throwing off his apathy; and catching once more the freshness of youthful enjoyment。  I felt also an interest in the scene; from the consideration that these fleeting customs were posting fast into oblivion; and that this was; perhaps; the only family in England in which the whole of them were still punctiliously observed。  There was a quaintness; too; mingled with all this revelry that gave it a peculiar zest; it was suited to the time and place; and as the old Manor House almost reeled with mirth and wassail; it seemed echoing back the joviality of long…departed years。

* See Note K。

But enough of Christmas and its gambols; it is time for me to pause in this garrulity。  Methinks I hear the questions asked by my graver readers; 〃To what purpose is all this?how is the world to be made wiser by this talk?〃  Alas! is there not wisdom enough extant for the instruction of the world?  And if not; are there not thousands of abler pens labouring for its improvement?It is so much pleasanter to please than to instructto play the companion rather than the preceptor。

What; after all; is the mite of wisdom that I could throw into the mass of knowledge? or how am I sure that my sagest deductions may be safe guides for the opinions of others?  But in writing to amuse; if I fail; the only evil is my own disappointment。  If; however; I can by any lucky chance; in these days of evil; rub out one wrinkle from the brow of care; or beguile the heavy heart of one moment of sorrow; if I can now and then penetrate through the gathering film of misanthropy; prompt a benevolent view of human nature; and make my reader more in good humour with his fellow beings and himself; surely; surely; I shall not then have written entirely in vain。




The misletoe is still hung up in farmhouses and kitchens at Christmas; and the young men have the privilege of kissing the girls under it; plucking each time a berry from the bush。  When the berries are all plucked; the privilege ceases。


The Yule…clog is a great log of wood; sometimes the root of a tree; brought into the house with great ceremony; on Christmas eve; laid in the fireplace; and lighted with the brand of last year's clog。 While it lasted there was great drinking; singing; and telling of tales。  Sometimes it was accompanied by Christmas candles; but in the cottages the only light was from the ruddy blaze of the great wood fire。  The Yule…clog was to burn all night; if it went out; it was considered a sign of ill luck。

Herrick mentions it in one of his songs:

       〃Come; bring with a noise         My merrie; merrie boyes;      The Christmas log to the firing:         While my good dame; she         Bids ye all be free;      And drink to your hearts' desiring。〃

The Yule…clog is still burnt in many farmhouses and kitchens in England; particularly in the north; and there are several superstitions connected with it among the peasantry。  If a squinting person come to the house while it is burning; or a person barefooted; it is considered an ill omen。  The brand remaining from the Yule…clog is carefully put away to light the next year's Christmas fire。


From the Flying Eagle; a small gazette; published December 24; 1652: 〃The House spent much time this day about the business of the Navy; for settling the affairs at sea; and before they rose; were presented with a terrible remonstrance against Christmas day; grounded upon divine Scriptures; 2 Cor。 v。 16; 1 Cor。 xv。 14; 17; and in honour of the Lord's Day; grounded upon these Scriptures; John xx。 I; Rev。 i。 10; Psalm cxviii。 24; Lev。 xxiii。 7; 11; Mark xvi。 8; Psalm lxxxiv。 10; in which Christmas is called Anti… Christ's masse; and those Mass…mongers and Papists who observe it; etc。  In consequence of which Parliament spent some time in consultation about the abolition of Christmas day; passed orders to that effect; and resolved to sit on the following day; which was commonly called Christmas day。〃


An English gentleman at the opening of the great day; i。 e。 on Christmas day in the morning; had all his tenants and neighbours enter his hall by daybreak。  The strong beer was broached; and the black jacks went plentifully about with toast; sugar; nutmeg; and good Cheshire cheese。  The hackin (the great sausage) must be boiled by daybreak; or else two young men must take the maiden (i。e。 the cook) by the arms and run her round the market…place till she is shamed of her laziness。Round about our Sea…coal Fire。


The old ceremony of serving up the boar's head on Christmas day is still observed in the hall of Queen's College; Oxford。  I was favoured by the parson with a copy of the carol as now sung; and as it may be acceptable to such of my readers as are curious in these grave and learned matters; I give it entire。

    〃The boar's head in hand bear I;      Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary;      And I pray you; my masters; be merry;        Quot estia in convivio。          Caput apri defero          Reddens laudes Domino。

    〃The boar's head; as I understand;      Is the rarest dish in all this land;      Which thus bedeck'd with a gay garland        Let us servire cantico。          Caput apri defero; etc。

    〃Our Steward hath provided this      In honour of the King of Bliss;      Which on this day to be served is        In Reginensi Atrio。          Caput apri defero;〃                    Etc。; etc。; etc。


The peacock was anciently in great demand for stately entertainments。  Sometimes it was made into a pie; at one end of which the head appeared above the crust in all its plumage; with the beak richly gilt; at the other end the tail was displayed。 Such pies were served up at the solemn banquets of chivalry; when knights…errant pledged themselves to undertake any perilous enterprise; whence came the ancient oath; used by Justice Shallow; 〃by cock and pie。〃

The peacock was also an important dish for the Christmas feast; and Massinger; in his 〃City Madam;〃 gives some idea of the extravagance with which this; as well as other dishes; was prepared for the gorgeous revels of the olden times:

〃Men may talk of country Christmasses; Their thirty pound butter'd eggs; their pies of carps' tongues: Their pheasants drench'd with ambergris; the carcases of three fat wethers bruised for gravy; to make sauce for a single peacock!〃


The Wassail Bowl was sometimes composed of ale instead of wine; with nutmeg; sugar; toast; ginger; and roasted crabs; in this way the nut…brown beverage is still pr

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