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the marriage contract-第24章

小说: the marriage contract 字数: 每页4000字

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occupied since then with the trivialities of social life; this nature

to which a first hatred had revealed its strength; awoke now like a

conflagration; at the moment of the woman's life when she was losing

the dearest object of her affections and needed another element for

the energy that possessed her; this flame burst forth。 Natalie could

be but three days more beneath her influence! Madame Evangelista;

vanquished at other points; had one clear day before her; the last of

those that a daughter spends beside her mother。 A few words; and the

Creole nature could influence the lives of the two beings about to

walk together through the brambled paths and the dusty high…roads of

Parisian society; for Natalie believed in her mother blindly。 What

far…reaching power would the counsel of that Creole nature have on a

mind so subservient! The whole future of these lives might be

determined by one single speech。 No code; no human institution can

prevent the crime that kills by words。 There lies the weakness of

social law; in that is the difference between the morals of the great

world and the morals of the people: one is frank; the other

hypocritical; one employs the knife; the other the venom of ideas and

language; to one death; to the other impunity。

The next morning; about mid…day; Madame Evangelista was half seated;

half lying on the edge of her daughter's bed。 During that waking hour

they caressed and played together in happy memory of their loving

life; a life in which no discord had ever troubled either the harmony

of their feelings; the agreement of their ideas; or the mutual choice

and enjoyment of their pleasures。

〃Poor little darling!〃 said the mother; shedding true tears; 〃how can

I help being sorrowful when I think that after I have fulfilled your

every wish during your whole life you will belong; to…morrow night; to

a man you must obey?〃

〃Oh; my dear mother; as for obeying!〃 and Natalie made a little

motion of her head which expressed a graceful rebellion。 〃You are

joking;〃 she continued。 〃My father always gratified your caprices; and

why not? he loved you。 And I am loved; too。〃

〃Yes; Paul has a certain love for you。 But if a married woman is not

careful nothing more rapidly evaporates than conjugal love。 The

influence a wife ought to have over her husband depends entirely on

how she begins with him。 You need the best advice。〃

〃But you will be with us。〃

〃Possibly; my child。 Last night; while the ball was going on; I

reflected on the dangers of our being together。 If my presence were to

do you harm; if the little acts by which you ought slowly; but surely;

to establish your authority as a wife should be attributed to my

influence; your home would become a hell。 At the first frown I saw

upon your husband's brow I; proud as I am; should instantly leave his

house。 If I were driven to leave it; better; I think; not to enter it。

I should never forgive your husband if he caused trouble between us。

Whereas; when you have once become the mistress; when your husband is

to you what your father was to me; that danger is no longer to be

feared。 Though this wise policy will cost your young and tender heart

a pang; your happiness demands that you become the absolute sovereign

of your home。〃

〃Then why; mamma; did you say just now I must obey him?〃

〃My dear little daughter; in order that a wife may rule; she must

always seem to do what her husband wishes。 If you were not told this

you might by some impulsive opposition destroy your future。 Paul is a

weak young man; he might allow a friend to rule him; he might even

fall under the dominion of some woman who would make you feel her

influence。 Prevent such disasters by making yourself from the very

start his ruler。 Is it not better that he be governed by you than by


〃Yes; certainly;〃 said Natalie。 〃I should think only of his


〃And it is my privilege; darling; to think only of yours; and to wish

not to leave you at so crucial a moment without a compass in the midst

of the reefs through which you must steer。〃

〃But; dearest mother; are we not strong enough; you and I; to stay

together beside him; without having to fear those frowns you seem to

dread。 Paul loves you; mamma。〃

〃Oh! oh! He fears me more than he loves me。 Observe him carefully

to…day when I tell him that I shall let you go to Paris without me;

and you will see on his face; no matter what pains he takes to conceal

it; his inward joy。〃

〃Why should he feel so?〃

〃Why? Dear child! I am like Saint…Jean Bouche…d'Or。 I will tell that

to himself; and before you。〃

〃But suppose I marry on condition that you do not leave me?〃 urged


〃Our separation is necessary;〃 replied her mother。 〃Several

considerations have greatly changed my future。 I am now poor。 You will

lead a brilliant life in Paris; and I could not live with you suitably

without spending the little that remains to me。 Whereas; if I go to

Lanstrac; I can take care of your property there and restore my

fortune by economy。〃

〃You; mamma! YOU practise economy!〃 cried Natalie; laughing。 〃Don't

begin to be a grandmother yet。 What! do you mean to leave me for such

reasons as those? Dear mother; Paul may seem to you a trifle stupid;

but he is not one atom selfish or grasping。〃

〃Ah!〃 replied Madame Evangelista; in a tone of voice big with

suggestions which made the girl's heart throb; 〃those discussions

about the contract have made me distrustful。 I have my doubts about

himBut don't be troubled; dear child;〃 she added; taking her

daughter by the neck and kissing her。 〃I will not leave you long

alone。 Whenever my return can take place without making difficulty

between you; whenever Paul can rightly judge me; we will begin once

more our happy little life; our evening confidences〃

〃Oh! mother; how can you think of living without your Natalie?〃

〃Because; dear angel; I shall live for her。 My mother's heart will be

satisfied in the thought that I contribute; as I ought; to your future


〃But; my dear; adorable mother; must I be alone with Paul; here; now;

all at once? What will become of me? what will happen? what must I do?

what must I not do?〃

〃Poor child! do you think that I would utterly abandon you to your

first battle? We will write to each other three times a week like

lovers。 We shall thus be close to each other's hearts incessantly。

Nothing can happen to you that I shall not know; and I can save you

from all misfortune。 Besides; it would be too ridiculous if I never

went to see you; it would seem to show dislike or disrespect to your

husband; I will always spend a month or two every year with you in


〃Alone; already alone; and with him!〃 cried Natalie in terror;

interrupting her mother。

〃But you wish to be his wife?〃

〃Yes; I wish it。 But tell me how I should behave;you; who did what

you pleased with my father。 You know the way; I'll obey you blindly。〃

Madame Evangelista kissed her daughter's forehead。 She had willed and

awaited this request。

〃Child; my counsels must adept themselves to circumstances。 All men

are not alike。 The lion and the frog are not more unlike than one man

compared with another;morally; I mean。 Do I know to…day what will

happen to you to…morrow? No; therefore I can only give you general

advice upon the whole tenor of your conduct。〃

〃Dear mother; tell me; quick; all that you know yourself。〃

〃In the first place; my dear child; the cause of the failure of

married women who desire to keep their husbands' heartsand;〃 she

said; making a parenthesis; 〃to keep their hearts and rule them is one

and the same thingWell; the principle cause of conjugal disunion is

to be found in perpetual intercourse; which never existed in the olden

time; but which has been introduced into this country of late years

with the mania for family。 Since the Revolution 

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