贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the marriage contract >


the marriage contract-第15章

小说: the marriage contract 字数: 每页4000字

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of course; the guardianship account。 If madame; with Spanish

generosity; robs herself in this way to fulfil her obligations; the

least that her children can do is to give her a full receipt。〃

〃Nothing could be more just than that;〃 said Paul。 〃I am simply

overwhelmed by these generous proposals。〃

〃My daughter is another myself;〃 said Madame Evangelista; softly。

Maitre Mathias detected a look of joy on her face when she saw that

the difficulties were being removed: that joy; and the previous

forgetfulness of the diamonds; which were now brought forward like

fresh troops; confirmed his suspicions。

〃The scene has been prepared between them as gamblers prepare the

cards to ruin a pigeon;〃 thought the old notary。 〃Is this poor boy;

whom I saw born; doomed to be plucked alive by that woman; roasted by

his very love; and devoured by his wife? I; who have nursed these fine

estates for years with such care; am I to see them ruined in a single

night? Three million and a half to be hypothecated for eleven hundred

thousand francs these women will force him to squander!〃

Discovering thus in the soul of the elder woman intentions which;

without involving crime; theft; swindling; or any actually evil or

blameworthy action; nevertheless belonged to all those criminalities

in embryo; Maitre Mathias felt neither sorrow nor generous

indignation。 He was not the Misanthrope; he was an old notary;

accustomed in his business to the shrewd calculations of worldly

people; to those clever bits of treachery which do more fatal injury

than open murder on the high…road committed by some poor devil; who is

guillotined in consequence。 To the upper classes of society these

passages in life; these diplomatic meetings and discussions are like

the necessary cesspools where the filth of life is thrown。 Full of

pity for his client; Mathias cast a foreseeing eye into the future and

saw nothing good。

〃We'll take the field with the same weapons;〃 thought he; 〃and beat


At this moment; Paul; Solonet and Madame Evangelista; becoming

embarrassed by the old man's silence; felt that the approval of that

censor was necessary to carry out the transaction; and all three

turned to him simultaneously。

〃Well; my dear Monsieur Mathias; what do you think of it?〃 said Paul。

〃This is what I think;〃 said the conscientious and uncompromising

notary。 〃You are not rich enough to commit such regal folly。 The

estate of Lanstrac; if estimated at three per cent on its rentals;

represents; with its furniture; one million。; the farms of Grassol and

Guadet and your vineyard of Belle…Rose are worth another million; your

two houses in Bordeaux and Paris; with their furniture; a third

million。 Against those three millions; yielding forty…seven thousand

francs a year; Mademoiselle Natalie brings eight hundred thousand

francs in the Five…per…cents; the diamonds (supposing them to be worth

a hundred thousand francs; which is still problematical) and fifty

thousand francs in money; in all; one million and fifty thousand

francs。 In presence of such facts my brother notary tells you

boastfully that we are marrying equal fortunes! He expects us to

encumber ourselves with a debt of eleven hundred and fifty…six

thousand francs to our children by acknowledging the receipt of our

wife's patrimony; when we have actually received but little more than

a doubtful million。 You are listening to such stuff with the rapture

of a lover; and you think that old Mathias; who is not in love; can

forget arithmetic; and will not point out the difference between

landed estate; the actual value of which is enormous and constantly

increasing; and the revenues of personal property; the capital of

which is subject to fluctuations and diminishment of income。 I am old

enough to have learned that money dwindles and land augments。 You have

called me in; Monsieur le comte; to stipulate for your interests;

either let me defend those interests; or dismiss me。〃

〃If monsieur is seeking a fortune equal in capital to his own;〃 said

Solonet; 〃we certainly cannot give it to him。 We do not possess three

millions and a half; nothing can be more evident。 While you can boast

of your three overwhelming millions; we can only produce our poor one

million;a mere nothing in your eyes; though three times the dowry of

an archduchess of Austria。 Bonaparte received only two hundred and

fifty thousand francs with Maria…Louisa。〃

〃Maria…Louisa was the ruin of Bonaparte;〃 muttered Mathias。

Natalie's mother caught the words。

〃If my sacrifices are worth nothing;〃 she cried; 〃I do not choose to

continue such a discussion; I trust to the discretion of Monsieur le

comte; and I renounce the honor of his hand for my daughter。〃

According to the strategy marked out by the younger notary; this

battle of contending interests had now reached the point where victory

was certain for Madame Evangelista。 The mother…in…law had opened her

heart; delivered up her property; and was therefore practically

released as her daughter's guardian。 The future husband; under pain of

ignoring the laws of generous propriety and being false to love; ought

now to accept these conditions previously planned; and cleverly led up

to by Solonet and Madame Evangelista。 Like the hands of a clock turned

by mechanism; Paul came faithfully up to time。

〃Madame!〃 he exclaimed; 〃is it possible you can think of breaking off

the marriage?〃

〃Monsieur;〃 she replied; 〃to whom am I accountable? To my daughter。

When she is twenty…one years of age she will receive my guardianship

account and release me。 She will then possess a million; and can; if

she likes; choose her husband among the sons of the peers of France。

She is a daughter of the Casa…Reale。〃

〃Madame is right;〃 remarked Solonet。 〃Why should she be more hardly

pushed to…day than she will be fourteen months hence? You ought not to

deprive her of the benefits of her maternity。〃

〃Mathias;〃 cried Paul; in deep distress; 〃there are two sorts of ruin;

and you are bringing one upon me at this moment。〃

He made a step towards the old notary; no doubt intending to tell him

that the contract must be drawn at once。 But Mathias stopped that

disaster with a glance which said; distinctly; 〃Wait!〃 He saw the

tears in Paul's eyes;tears drawn from an honorable man by the shame

of this discussion as much as by the peremptory speech of Madame

Evangelista; threatening rupture;and the old man stanched them with

a gesture like that of Archimedes when he cried; 〃Eureka!〃 The words

〃peer of France〃 had been to him like a torch in a dark crypt。

Natalie appeared at this moment; dazzling as the dawn; saying; with

infantine look and manner; 〃Am I in the way?〃

〃Singularly so; my child;〃 answered her mother; in a bitter tone。

〃Come in; dear Natalie;〃 said Paul; taking her hand and leading her to

a chair near the fireplace。 〃All is settled。〃

He felt it impossible to endure the overthrow of their mutual hopes。

〃Yes; all can be settled;〃 said Mathias; hastily interposing。

Like a general who; in a moment; upsets the plans skilfully laid and

prepared by the enemy; the old notary; enlightened by that genius

which presides over notaries; saw an idea; capable of saving the

future of Paul and his children; unfolding itself in legal form before

his eyes。

Maitre Solonet; who perceived no other way out of these irreconcilable

difficulties than the resolution with which Paul's love inspired him;

and to which this conflict of feelings and thwarted interests had

brought him; was extremely surprised at the sudden exclamation of his

brother notary。 Curious to know the remedy that Mathias had found in a

state of things which had seemed to him beyond all other relief; he

said; addressing the old man:

〃What is it you propose?〃

〃Natalie; my dear child; leave us;〃 said Madame Evangelista。

〃Mademoiselle is not in the way;〃 

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