贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the marriage contract >


the marriage contract-第13章

小说: the marriage contract 字数: 每页4000字

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fact that his notary had just told to him。 He pressed the young girl's

hand and kissed it like a man to whom love is more precious than

wealth。 Natalie left the room。

〃Sac…a…papier! Monsieur le comte; you are committing a great folly;〃

said the old notary; rejoining his client。

Paul grew thoughtful。 He had expected to unite Natalie's fortune with

his own and thus obtain for his married life an income of one hundred

thousand francs a year; and however much a man may be in love he

cannot pass without emotion and anxiety from the prospect of a hundred

thousand to the certainty of forty…six thousand a year and the duty of

providing for a woman accustomed to every luxury。

〃My daughter is no longer here;〃 said Madame Evangelista; advancing

almost regally toward her son…in…law and his notary。 〃May I be told

what is happening?〃

〃Madame;〃 replied Mathias; alarmed at Paul's silence; 〃an obstacle

which I fear will delay us has arisen〃

At these words; Maitre Solonet issued from the little salon and cut

short the old man's speech by a remark which restored Paul's

composure。 Overcome by the remembrance of his gallant speeches and his

lover…like behavior; he felt unable to disown them or to change his

course。 He longed; for the moment; to fling himself into a gulf;

Solonet's words relieved him。

〃There is a way;〃 said the younger notary; with an easy air; 〃by which

madame can meet the payment which is due to her daughter。 Madame

Evangelista possesses forty thousand francs a year from an investment

in the Five…per…cents; the capital of which will soon be at par; if

not above it。 We may therefore reckon it at eight hundred thousand

francs。 This house and garden are fully worth two hundred thousand。 On

that estimate; Madame can convey by the marriage contract the titles

of that property to her daughter; reserving only a life interest in it

for I conclude that Monsieur le comte could hardly wish to leave his

mother…in…law without means? Though Madame has certainly run through

her fortune; she is still able to make good that of her daughter; or

very nearly so。〃

〃Women are most unfortunate in having no knowledge of business;〃 said

Madame Evangelista。 〃Have I titles to property? and what are life…


Paul was in a sort of ecstasy as he listened to this proposed

arrangement。 The old notary; seeing the trap; and his client with one

foot caught in it; was petrified for a moment; as he said to


〃I am certain they are tricking us。〃

〃If madame will follow my advice;〃 said Solonet; 〃she will secure her

own tranquillity。 By sacrificing herself in this way she may be sure

that no minors will ultimately harass herfor we never know who may

live and who may die! Monsieur le comte will then give due

acknowledgment in the marriage contract of having received the sum

total of Mademoiselle Evangelista's patrimonial inheritance。〃

Mathias could not restrain the indignation which shone in his eyes and

flushed his face。

〃And that sum;〃 he said; shaking; 〃is〃

〃One million; one hundred and fifty…six thousand francs according to

the document〃

〃Why don't you ask Monsieur le comte to make over 'hic et nunc' his

whole fortune to his future wife?〃 said Mathias。 〃It would be more

honest than what you now propose。 I will not allow the ruin of the

Comte de Manerville to take place under my very eyes〃

He made a step as if to address his client; who was silent throughout

this scene as if dazed by it; but he turned and said; addressing

Madame Evangelista:

〃Do not suppose; madame; that I think you a party to these ideas of my

brother notary。 I consider you an honest woman and a lady who knows

nothing of business。〃

〃Thank you; brother notary;〃 said Solonet。

〃You know that there can be no offence between you and me;〃 replied

Mathias。 〃Madame;〃 he added; 〃you ought to know the result of this

proposed arrangement。 You are still young and beautiful enough to

marry againAh! madame;〃 said the old man; noting her gesture; 〃who

can answer for themselves on that point?〃

〃I did not suppose; monsieur;〃 said Madame Evangelista; 〃that; after

remaining a widow for the seven best years of my life; and refusing

the most brilliant offers for my daughter's sake; I should be

suspected of such a piece of folly as marrying again at thirty…nine

years of age。 If we were not talking business I should regard your

suggestion as an impertinence。〃

〃Would it not be more impertinent if I suggested that you could not

marry again?〃

〃Can and will are separate terms;〃 remarked Solonet; gallantly。

〃Well;〃 resumed Maitre Mathias; 〃we will say nothing of your marriage。

You may; and we all desire it; live for forty…five years to come。 Now;

if you keep for yourself the life…interest in your daughter's

patrimony; your children are laid on the shelf for the best years of

their lives。〃

〃What does that mean?〃 said the widow。 〃I don't understand being laid

on a shelf。〃

Solonet; the man of elegance and good taste; began to laugh。

〃I'll translate it for you;〃 said Mathias。 〃If your children are wise

they will think of the future。 To think of the future means laying by

half our income; provided we have only two children; to whom we are

bound to give a fine education and a handsome dowry。 Your daughter and

son…in…law will; therefore; be reduced to live on twenty thousand

francs a year; though each has spent fifty thousand while still

unmarried。 But that is nothing。 The law obliges my client to account;

hereafter; to his children for the eleven hundred and fifty…six

thousand francs of their mother's patrimony; yet he may not have

received them if his wife should die and madame should survive her;

which may very well happen。 To sign such a contract is to fling one's

self into the river; bound hand and foot。 You wish to make your

daughter happy; do you not? If she loves her husband; a fact which

notaries never doubt; she will share his troubles。 Madame; I see

enough in this scheme to make her die of grief and anxiety; you are

consigning her to poverty。 Yes; madame; poverty; to persons accustomed

to the use of one hundred thousand francs a year; twenty thousand is

poverty。 Moreover; if Monsieur le comte; out of love for his wife;

were guilty of extravagance; she could ruin him by exercising her

rights when misfortunes overtook him。 I plead now for you; for them;

for their children; for every one。〃

〃The old fellow makes a lot of smoke with his cannon;〃 thought Maitre

Solonet; giving his client a look; which meant; 〃Keep on!〃

〃There is one way of combining all interests;〃 replied Madame

Evangelista; calmly。 〃I can reserve to myself only the necessary cost

of living in a convent; and my children can have my property at once。

I can renounce the world; if such anticipated death conduces to the

welfare of my daughter。〃

〃Madame;〃 said the old notary; 〃let us take time to consider and

weigh; deliberately; the course we had best pursue to conciliate all


〃Good heavens! monsieur;〃 cried Madame Evangelista; who saw defeat in

delay; 〃everything has already been considered and weighed。 I was

ignorant of what the process of marriage is in France; I am a Spaniard

and a Creole。 I did not know that in order to marry my daughter it was

necessary to reckon up the days which God may still grant me; that my

child would suffer because I live; that I do harm by living; and by

having lived! When my husband married me I had nothing but my name and

my person。 My name alone was a fortune to him; which dwarfed his own。

What wealth can equal that of a great name? My dowry was beauty;

virtue; happiness; birth; education。 Can money give those treasures?

If Natalie's father could overhear this conversation; his generous

soul would be wounded forever; and his happiness in paradise

destroyed。 I dissipated; foolishly; perhaps; a few of his millions


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