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小说: 心理学与生活 字数: 每页4000字

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in this matter? What are the limits and safeguards on what can be done under the name of 
“education” or “therapy” that is not “research”? 

。 Relate this section to the one on impression management by analyzing how the 
experimenters tried to manage favorable impressions。 Have two student observers code the 
researchers’ behavior and the confirmatory or disconfirmatory questions of the mittee。 
8。 Discuss the issue of living in an “experimenting society;” in which we assume that adequate 
research will be conducted before new drugs are put on the market or we are exposed to certain 
products。 Somewhere in that process; humans or animals were subjects in that research related to 
pain; disease; stress; and other noxious experiences。 
9。 Raise the problems with “debriefing” subjects after an allowable deception has been conducted in 
an experiment。 Can people really be returned to the condition they were in before experiencing an 
experimental treatment; given that it was intense enough to influence their behavior? 
10。 Consider the public’s positive reaction to “Candid Camera” deception episodes。 What does that 
say about us? 

Baumrind; D。 (1964)。 Some thoughts on ethical issues in psychology。 American Psychologist; 19; 421…423。 

Kom J。 H。 (1984)。 Coverage of research ethics in introductory and social psychology tests。 Teaching of 
Psychology; 11; 146…149。 

Steininger; M。; Newell; J。 D。; & Garcia; L。 (1984)。 Ethical issues in psychology。 Homewood; IL: Dorsey Press。 

Zimbardo; P。 G。 (1973)。 On the ethics of intervention in human psychological research: With special 
reference to the Stanford prison experiment。 Cognition; 2; 243…256。 

One survey of IRB actions presents the following data; which the class might find useful。 The data are 
for all types of institutions—universities; medical school; hospitals and others (2389 were surveyed)。 

IRB Actions Percent 
Board modified 33 
Modified after an informal discussion with IRB members 7 
More information requested 10 
No change 44 
No data available 6 
Total: 100 

Here is a description of the infamous U。S。 Public Health Service study of syphilis; in which the control 
group received a placebo—and most died。 It supports arguments for strong IRBs。 

The study was started in 1932 by the service’s venereal disease section。 It involved 625 black men; mostly 
poor and uneducated; from the county surrounding Tuskegee; Alabama; which then had the highest 
syphilis rate in the nation。 Two hundred of the men did not have syphilis and served as a control group for 
parison purposes; 425 had latent (and therefore nonmunicable) syphilis and received little if any 
treatment for it。 As an incentive to participate in the study; they were offered free treatment for any other 


illnesses; free hot lunches; and free burial after autopsies were performed。 

At the time the test began; treatment for syphilis was uncertain at best and involved a lifelong series of risky 
injections of such toxic substances as bismuth; arsenic; and mercury。 However; in the years following 
World War II; the PHS’s test became a matter of medical morality。 Penicillin had been found almost totally 
effective against syphilis; and by war’s end it had bee generally available。 Nevertheless; the PHS did 
not use the drug on those participating in the study unless the patient asked for it。 

Recent reviews of 125 cases by the PHS’s Center for Disease Control in Atlanta found that half had 
syphilitic heart valve damage。 Twenty…eight had died of cardiovascular or central nervous system problems 
that were plications of syphilis。 

The study’s findings on the effects of untreated syphilis have been reported periodically in medical journals 
for years。 It was not until 1972; however; that an Associated Press correspondent noticed and reported that 
the lack of treatment was intentional。 Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin; a member of the 
submittee that oversees PHS’s budget; called the study “a moral and ethical nightmare” and an 
investigation soon followed。 

The probe did not help much; for the damage had already been done。 The officials responsible for the study 
have long since retired。 Present CDC officials agree that such a study could not be conducted today。 
Unfortunately; their solicitude is small consolation for the 74 of the original 425 syphilitics still surviving。 
The agency is treating them for whatever other diseases or physical problems they might have; but it can do 
little for their syphilis。 The average age of the survivors is 74; and the massive penicillin therapy necessary 
to arrest their long…ignored affliction could do more harm than good。 

For them; the PHS reversal has e too late。 But the notoriety of this study has done much to raise the 
consciousness of researchers and research service administrators and legislators。 


Title: Resolution of Social Conflicts 

Department:。 Social Anthropology 

Proposal: Many groups face social conflicts that; without adequate means of resolution; erupt into group 
hostility and destructive behavior。 On the basis of previous research by M。 Sherif; we believe that the critical 
variable in the conflict resolution process is the availability of superordinate goals; that is; mon goals or 
objectives that can be fulfilled only via cooperative rather than petitive strategies。 

Subjects will be housed in an environment that is new to them (a summer camp) with others who are 
strangers。 This is to control for extraneous influences and prior group formation。 The subjects will be 
divided into two groups; each of which will be housed separately; and led by a team of adult supervisor…
observers。 There will be four phases to our study: (1) development of strong within…group cohesion and 
solidarity in each of the two camp groups; (2) creation of the opportunity for conflict between the two 
groups; (3) introduction of a mon problem (e。g。; breakdown in water supply to the camp) facing both 
groups; and (4) observation of strategies of resolution。 

The duration of each phase will be: Phase 1…five days; Phase 2…three days; Phrase 3…one day; Phase 4…five 
days—a total of two weeks。 

Trained observers will record all interactions that occur during meals; sports; recreation; and at other times。 

Subjects: 60 lower…socioeconomic status children whose parents agree to send them to this experimental 
summer camp for two weeks。 There will be no fees at all for transportation; food; tuition; etc。; in return for 
the use of the children as subjects。 The children will not be informed of the experimental nature of the camp; 
but parents will sign an informal consent form (submitted to this mittee separately)。 All parents will 
receive a report of the study in which children’s identity will be confidential。 There will be adequate 
medical and health supervision at all times during this study。 


Remarks: It is expected that we will learn some important principles to help in the design of environments to 
promote cooperation and minimize petition。 Such “social engineering” may remove conflicts not only 
in gangs but also between ethnic and racial groups and be of value even at the political…international level 
(witness cooperation among oil…deprived nations)。 


Title: Low…Pressure Determinants of pliance 

Department: Psychology 

Proposal: Research done in the mid…1960s by Freedman and Fraser demonstrated that pliance with a 
small request greatly increased the probability of future pliance with a large request; even when the 
large request was made two weeks after the small request。 The large request made in this research required 
the subjects to allow their home property to be used in specific ways。 It was thus a request for acquiescence。 

Our study will replicate the Freedman and Fraser investigation; except that the large request will call on 
subjects to actively carry out a rather time…consuming task。 

Subjects: The subjects will be householders in a suburban middle…class munity。 They will be contacted 
in their homes; in person; and treated in one of three w

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