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小说: 心理学与生活 字数: 每页4000字

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older film; but still worthwhile。 

The Class That Went to War (1997)。 CRM; 35 minutes 

An estimated 40 percent of Vietnam War veterans have had problems adjusting to civilian life。 
Close to a quarter million are unemployed and thousands have bee the forgotten wounded; 
the ones nobody wants to talk about。 Through the microcosm of one New Jersey high school 
class; this film focuses on the war and its legacy。 Useful film to introduce the concept of posttraumatic 
stress disorder。 

Depression: Beating the Blues (1983)。 NCIU (FML); 28 minutes 

Examines how clinical depression differs from the normal day…to…day feelings of being blue。 
Focuses on old and new techniques for treating clinical depression。 Uses interviews with several 
depression sufferers to show reactions to different kinds of therapy: drug; electroshock; cognitive; 
and psychiatric。 Discusses the contribution of modern life to the psychological basis of 
depression; and encourages sufferers to seek help。 An interesting look at the “pre…Prozac” days。 

Frontline: Mind of a Murderer (1985)。 PBS; 120 minutes 

This show is long; but it also is an Emmy Award Winner for 1985。 It describes how Kenneth 
Bianchi; the Hillside Strangler who terrorized the Los Angeles area in the late 1970s; almost did 
not stand trial due to the fact that he was not mentally petent。 The controversy revolved 
around his claim to multiple personalities。 The videotape includes segments revealing Bianchi’s 
interactions with a team of psychologists and psychiatrists。 



Gheel: A Changing Tradition (1973)。 EMC UC; 41 minutes 

Gheel; a Flemish town; is the oldest center of home care of the mentally ill。 The problems and 
advantages of this form of treatment are examined。 

Harry: Behavioral Treatment of Self…Abuse (1980)。 REPR; 38 minutes 

This is an account of the implementation of a behavioral treatment program for a young man 
who engaged in chronic self…abuse。 

Peer…Conducted Behavior Modification (1976)。 VCIREPR; 24 minutes 

Paul Clement discusses the role of peers in shaping deviant behavior; as well as the value of 
peers as positive modifiers in a therapy program。 

Portrait of Manic Depression (1988)。 FANIJI; 60 minutes 

Profiles four individuals who struggle to control the extreme mood swings caused by bipolar 
depression…an illness that affects nearly three million Americans。 Current treatments are 

R。 D。 Laing: A Dialogue on Mental Illness and Its Treatment (1976)。 Assoc。 Films; 22 minutes 
Laing presents his critical views as an “anti…psychiatrist” on what creates abnormal behavior and 
how it should be treated。 

Romance to Recovery (1979)。 FMS; 36 minutes 

Dr。 Joseph Pursch describes how alcoholism adversely affects the normal relationships of the 
family and turns other family members into co…alcoholics who operate to reinforce the alcoholism 
of one member Follows an alcoholic/co…alcoholic family through cover…up; manipulation; 
medical plications; child abuse; remorse; separation; revenge; and reunion。 Emphasizes that 
all family members need treatment and that solutions are available; and talks about how to find 
them。 This is a good depiction of family therapy; and it focuses on a problem that personally 
affects 10% of the American population。 


Social Processes and Relationships 


On pletion of this chapter; students should be able to: 

1。 Explain how the environment or social factors help determine how individuals think; 
feel; and behave 
2。 Discuss the important lessons learned from the Stanford Prison Experiment 
3。 Describe and discuss the processes of conformity 
4。 Describe the concepts and processes involved with persuasion and attitude change 
5。 Explain the concept of the social construction of reality 
6。 Discuss the importance of attributions and the significance of the fundamental
attributional error
7。 Describe theories of social expectancy and self…fulfilling prophecy 
8。 Demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of cognitive dissonance 
9。 Explain how interpersonal attraction relates to prejudice 

I。 The Power of the Situation 
A。 Definitions 
1。 Social psychology is the study of the ways in which thoughts; feelings; 
perceptions; motives; and behavior are influenced by interactions 
and transactions between people 
2。 Social context includes the real; imagined; or symbolic presence of 
other people; the activities and interactions that take place between 
people; the features of the settings in which behavior occurs; and the 
expectations and norms that govern behavior in a given setting 
B。 Roles and Rules 
1。 A social role is a socially defined pattern of behavior that is expected 
of a person when functioning in a given setting or group 
2。 Rules are behavioral guidelines for specific settings 
a) Explicit rules are specifically stated or taught to children 
b) Implicit rules are learned through transactions with others in 
particular settings 

3。 The Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated the effects of roles and 
a) Roles were designated randomly 



(i) “Guards” were put in charge of “prisoners” and 
behaved aggressively; sometimes even sadistically 
(ii) Prisoners behaved passively; resigned to an 
unexpected fate。 
b) The simulated prison environment created a new social 

c) Coercive rules included explicit punishments for violations 

d) Prisoners could only react to the social structure of the 
prison like setting created by those in power 

C。 Social Norms are specific expectations for socially appropriate attitudes and behaviors 
that are embodied in the stated or implicit rule of a group 
1。 Adjustment to group norms occurs in two ways: 
a) Observation of uniformities in certain behaviors of all or most 
members are noted 
b) Observation of negative consequences for norm violation 

2。 Coercive power of the group can be experienced by implementation 
of three painful R’s: 
a) Ridicule 
b) Reeducation
c) Rejection

D。 Conformity 
1。 Conformity is the tendency for people to adopt the behavior and 
opinions presented by other group members。 Two types of forces 
may lead to conformity: 
a) Informational influence where individuals conform in an 
effort to be correct and to understand how best to act in a 
given situation 

b) Normative influence where individuals conform in an effort 
to be liked; accepted; and approved of by others 

2。 Informational Influence: Sherif’s autokinetic effect 
a) Norm crystallization is the formation and solidification of 

b) Autokinetic effect refers to “a type of apparent motion in 
which a small; objectively stationary spot of light in an 
otherwise dark room appears to move about” 

c) Although individual judgments vary widely; stating 
judgments aloud brought about convergence of opinion 

3。 Normative Influence: The Asch Effect 


a) Asch created circumstances in which participants made 
judgments under conditions in which physical reality was 
absolutely clear; but the rest of the group reported that they 
saw the world differently 

b) Procedure 

(i) Both participants and confederates agreed on first 
three trials 
(ii) On fourth trial; first confederate “matched” two 
stimuli that were not a true match; all confederates 
did the same 
(iii) Participants had to determine whether to confirm to 
the group view or remain independent 
c) Results 

(i) Roughly one…fourth of participants remained 
(ii) Between 50% and 80% of participants conformed to 
the false majority estimate at least once 
(iii) Participants yielding to majority were “disoriented” 
and “doubt ridden;” experiencing “a powerful 
impulse not to appear different from the majority” 
(iv) Two plementary lessons learned: 
(a) People are not entirely swayed by normative 
influence。 They assert their independence on a 
majority of occasions 
(b) People will sometimes conform; even in th

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