贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > idle thoughts of an idle fellow >


idle thoughts of an idle fellow-第9章

小说: idle thoughts of an idle fellow 字数: 每页4000字

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Dear little souls; they hate flattery; so they tell you; and when you say; 〃Ah; darling; it isn't flattery in your case; it's plain; sober truth; you really are; without exaggeration; the most beautiful; the most good; the most charming; the most divine; the most perfect human creature that ever trod this earth;〃 they will smile a quiet; approving smile; and; leaning against your manly shoulder; murmur that you are a dear good fellow after all。

By Jove! fancy a man trying to make love on strictly truthful principles; determining never to utter a word of mere compliment or hyperbole; but to scrupulously confine himself to exact fact!  Fancy his gazing rapturously into his mistress' eyes and whispering softly to her that she wasn't; on the whole; bad…looking; as girls went! Fancy his holding up her little hand and assuring her that it was of a light drab color shot with red; and telling her as he pressed her to his heart that her nose; for a turned…up one; seemed rather pretty; and that her eyes appeared to him; as far as he could judge; to be quite up to the average standard of such things!

A nice chance he would stand against the man who would tell her that her face was like a fresh blush rose; that her hair was a wandering sunbeam imprisoned by her smiles; and her eyes like two evening stars。

There are various ways of flattering; and; of course; you must adapt your style to your subject。  Some people like it laid on with a trowel; and this requires very little art。  With sensible persons; however; it needs to be done very delicately; and more by suggestion than actual words。  A good many like it wrapped up in the form of an insult; as〃Oh; you are a perfect fool; you are。  You would give your last sixpence to the first hungry…looking beggar you met;〃 while others will swallow it only when administered through the medium of a third person; so that if C wishes to get at an A of this sort; he must confide to A's particular friend B that he thinks A a splendid fellow; and beg him; B; not to mention it; especially to A。  Be careful that B is a reliable man; though; otherwise he won't。

Those fine; sturdy John Bulls who 〃hate flattery; sir;〃 〃Never let anybody get over me by flattery;〃 etc。; etc。; are very simply managed。 Flatter them enough upon their absence of vanity; and you can do what you like with them。

After all; vanity is as much a virtue as a vice。  It is easy to recite copy…book maxims against its sinfulness; but it is a passion that can 〃move us to good as well as to evil。  Ambition is only vanity ennobled。  We want to win praise and admirationor fame as we prefer to name itand so we write great books; and paint grand pictures; and sing sweet songs; and toil with willing hands in study; loom; and laboratory。

We wish to become rich men; not in order to enjoy ease and comfortall that any one man can taste of those may be purchased anywhere for 200 pounds per annumbut that our houses may be bigger and more gaudily furnished than our neighbors'; that our horses and servants may be more numerous; that we may dress our wives and daughters in absurd but expensive clothes; and that we may give costly dinners of which we ourselves individually do not eat a shilling's worth。  And to do this we aid the world's work with clear and busy brain; spreading commerce among its peoples; carrying civilization to its remotest corners。

Do not let us abuse vanity; therefore。  Rather let us use it。  Honor itself is but the highest form of vanity。  The instinct is not confined solely to Beau Brummels and Dolly Vardens。  There is the vanity of the peacock and the vanity of the eagle。  Snobs are vain。 But so; too; are heroes。  Come; oh! my young brother bucks; let us be vain together。  Let us join hands and help each other to increase our vanity。  Let us be vain; not of our trousers and hair; but of brave hearts and working hands; of truth; of purity; of nobility。  Let us be too vain to stoop to aught that is mean or base; too vain for petty selfishness and little…minded envy; too vain to say an unkind word or do an unkind act。  Let us be vain of being single…hearted; upright gentlemen in the midst of a world of knaves。  Let us pride ourselves upon thinking high thoughts; achieving great deeds; living good lives。


Not exactly the sort of thing for an idle fellow to think about; is it?  But outsiders; you know; often see most of the game; and sitting in my arbor by the wayside; smoking my hookah of contentment and eating the sweet lotus…leaves of indolence; I can look out musingly upon the whirling throng that rolls and tumbles past me on the great high…road of life。

Never…ending is the wild procession。  Day and night you can hear the quick tramp of the myriad feetsome running; some walking; some halting and lame; but all hastening; all eager in the feverish race; all straining life and limb and heart and soul to reach the ever…receding horizon of success。

Mark them as they surge alongmen and women; old and young; gentle and simple; fair and foul; rich and poor; merry and sadall hurrying; bustling; scrambling。  The strong pushing aside the weak; the cunning creeping past the foolish; those behind elbowing those before; those in front kicking; as they run; at those behind。  Look close and see the flitting show。  Here is an old man panting for breath; and there a timid maiden driven by a hard and sharp…faced matron; here is a studious youth; reading 〃How to Get On in the World〃 and letting everybody pass him as he stumbles along with his eyes on his book; here is a bored…looking man; with a fashionably dressed woman jogging his elbow; here a boy gazing wistfully back at the sunny village that he never again will see; here; with a firm and easy step; strides a broad…shouldered man; and here; with stealthy tread; a thin…faced; stooping fellow dodges and shuffles upon his way; here; with gaze fixed always on the ground; an artful rogue carefully works his way from side to side of the road and thinks he is going forward; and here a youth with a noble face stands; hesitating as he looks from the distant goal to the mud beneath his feet。

And now into sight comes a fair girl; with her dainty face growing more wrinkled at every step; and now a care…worn man; and now a hopeful lad。

A motley thronga motley throng!  Prince and beggar; sinner and saint; butcher and baker and candlestick maker; tinkers and tailors; and plowboys and sailorsall jostling along together。  Here the counsel in his wig and gown; and here the old Jew clothes…man under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scarlet; and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hat…band and worn cotton gloves; here the musty scholar fumbling his faded leaves; and here the scented actor dangling his showy seals。  Here the glib politician crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap…Jack holding aloft his quack cures for human ills。  Here the sleek capitalist and there the sinewy laborer; here the man of science and here the shoe…back; here the poet and here the water…rate collector; here the cabinet minister and there the ballet…dancer。  Here a red…nosed publican shouting the praises of his vats and there a temperance lecturer at 50 pounds a night; here a judge and there a swindler; here a priest and there a gambler。  Here a jeweled duchess; smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging…house keeper; irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling; strutting thing; tawdry in paint and finery。

Cheek by cheek they struggle onward。  Screaming; cursing; and praying; laughing; singing; and moaning; they rush past side by side。  Their speed never slackens; the race never ends。  There is no wayside rest for them; no halt by cooling fountains; no pause beneath green shades。 On; on; onon through the heat and the crowd and the duston; or they will be trampled down and loston; with throbbing brain and tottering limbson; till the heart grows sick; and the eyes grow blurred; and a gurgling groan tells those behind they may close up another space。

And yet; in spite of the killing pace and the stony track; who but the sluggard or the dolt can hold aloof from the course?  Wholike the belated traveler that stands watching fairy revels till he s

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