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idle thoughts of an idle fellow-第10章

小说: idle thoughts of an idle fellow 字数: 每页4000字

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ourse?  Wholike the belated traveler that stands watching fairy revels till he snatches and drains the goblin cup and springs into the whirling circlecan view the mad tumult and not be drawn into its midst?  Not I; for one。 I confess to the wayside arbor; the pipe of contentment; and the lotus…leaves being altogether unsuitable metaphors。  They sounded very nice and philosophical; but I'm afraid I am not the sort of person to sit in arbors smoking pipes when there is any fun going on outside。  I think I more resemble the Irishman who; seeing a crowd collecting; sent his little girl out to ask if there was going to be a row 〃'Cos; if so; father would like to be in it。〃

I love the fierce strife。  I like to watch it。  I like to hear of people getting on in itbattling their way bravely and fairlythat is; not slipping through by luck or trickery。  It stirs one's old Saxon fighting blood like the tales of 〃knights who fought 'gainst fearful odds〃 that thrilled us in our school…boy days。

And fighting the battle of life is fighting against fearful odds; too。 There are giants and dragons in this nineteenth century; and the golden casket that they guard is not so easy to win as it appears in the story…books。  There; Algernon takes one long; last look at the ancestral hall; dashes the tear…drop from his eye; and goes offto return in three years' time; rolling in riches。  The authors do not tell us 〃how it's done;〃 which is a pity; for it would surely prove exciting。

But then not one novelist in a thousand ever does tell us the real story of their hero。  They linger for a dozen pages over a tea…party; but sum up a life's history with 〃he had become one of our merchant princes;〃 or 〃he was now a great artist; with the world at his feet。〃 Why; there is more real life in one of Gilbert's patter…songs than in half the biographical novels ever written。  He relates to us all the various steps by which his office…boy rose to be the 〃ruler of the queen's navee;〃 and explains to us how the briefless barrister managed to become a great and good judge; 〃ready to try this breach of promise of marriage。〃  It is in the petty details; not in the great results; that the interest of existence lies。

What we really want is a novel showing us all the hidden under…current of an ambitious man's careerhis struggles; and failures; and hopes; his disappointments and victories。  It would be an immense success。  I am sure the wooing of Fortune would prove quite as interesting a tale as the wooing of any flesh…and…blood maiden; though; by the way; it would read extremely similar; for Fortune is; indeed; as the ancients painted her; very like a womannot quite so unreasonable and inconsistent; but nearly soand the pursuit is much the same in one case as in the other。  Ben Jonson's couplet

     〃Court a mistress; she denies you;      Let her alone; she will court you〃       puts them both in a nutshell。  A woman never thoroughly cares for her lover until he has ceased to care for her; and it is not until you have snapped your fingers in Fortune's face and turned on your heel that she begins to smile upon you。

But by that time you do not much care whether she smiles or frowns。 Why could she not have smiled when her smiles would have filled you with ecstasy?  Everything comes too late in this world。

Good people say that it is quite right and proper that it should be so; and that it proves ambition is wicked。

Bosh!  Good people are altogether wrong。  (They always are; in my opinion。  We never agree on any single point。)  What would the world do without ambitious people; I should like to know?  Why; it would be as flabby as a Norfolk dumpling。  Ambitious people are the leaven which raises it into wholesome bread。  Without ambitious people the world would never get up。  They are busybodies who are about early in the morning; hammering; shouting; and rattling the fire…irons; and rendering it generally impossible for the rest of the house to remain in bed。

Wrong to be ambitious; forsooth!  The men wrong who; with bent back and sweating brow; cut the smooth road over which humanity marches forward from generation to generation!  Men wrong for using the talents that their Master has intrusted to themfor toiling while others play!

Of course they are seeking their reward。  Man is not given that godlike unselfishness that thinks only of others' good。  But in working for themselves they are working for us all。  We are so bound together that no man can labor for himself alone。  Each blow he strikes in his own behalf helps to mold the universe。  The stream in struggling onward turns the mill…wheel; the coral insect; fashioning its tiny cell; joins continents to one another; and the ambitious man; building a pedestal for himself; leaves a monument to posterity。 Alexander and Caesar fought for their own ends; but in doing so they put a belt of civilization half round the earth。  Stephenson; to win a fortune; invented the steam…engine; and Shakespeare wrote his plays in order to keep a comfortable home for Mrs。 Shakespeare and the little Shakespeares。

Contented; unambitious people are all very well in their way。  They form a neat; useful background for great portraits to be painted against; and they make a respectable; if not particularly intelligent; audience for the active spirits of the age to play before。  I have not a word to say against contented people so long as they keep quiet。 But do not; for goodness' sake; let them go strutting about; as they are so fond of doing; crying out that they are the true models for the whole species。  Why; they are the deadheads; the drones in the great hive; the street crowds that lounge about; gaping at those who are working。

And let them not imagine; eitheras they are also fond of doingthat they are very wise and philosophical and that it is a very artful thing to be contented。  It may be true that 〃a contented mind is happy anywhere;〃 but so is a Jerusalem pony; and the consequence is that both are put anywhere and are treated anyhow。  〃Oh; you need not bother about him;〃 is what is said; 〃he is very contented as he is; and it would be a pity to disturb him。〃  And so your contented party is passed over and the discontented man gets his place。

If you are foolish enough to be contented; don't show it; but grumble with the rest; and if you can do with a little; ask for a great deal。 Because if you don't you won't get any。  In this world it is necessary to adopt the principle pursued by the plaintiff in an action for damages; and to demand ten times more than you are ready to accept。 If you can feel satisfied with a hundred; begin by insisting on a thousand; if you start by suggesting a hundred you will only get ten。

It was by not following this simple plan that poor Jean Jacques Rousseau came to such grief。  He fixed the summit of his earthly bliss at living in an orchard with an amiable woman and a cow; and he never attained even that。  He did get as far as the orchard; but the woman was not amiable; and she brought her mother with her; and there was no cow。  Now; if he had made up his mind for a large country estate; a houseful of angels; and a cattle…show; he might have lived to possess his kitchen garden and one head of live…stock; and even possibly have come across that _rara…avis_a really amiable woman。

What a terribly dull affair; too; life must be for contented people! How heavy the time must hang upon their hands; and what on earth do they occupy their thoughts with; supposing that they have any? Reading the paper and smoking seems to be the intellectual food of the majority of them; to which the more energetic add playing the flute and talking about the affairs of the next…door neighbor。

They never knew the excitement of expectation nor the stern delight of accomplished effort; such as stir the pulse of the man who has objects; and hopes; and plans。  To the ambitious man life is a brilliant gamea game that calls forth all his tact and energy and nervea game to be won; in the long run; by the quick eye and the steady hand; and yet having sufficient chance about its working out to give it all the glorious zest of uncertainty。  He exults in it as the strong swimmer in the heaving billows; as the athle

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