贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > before adam >


before adam-第8章

小说: before adam 字数: 每页4000字

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I was knocked backward fully a dozen feet before I

fetched up against the ground; and I remember;

half…stunned; even as the blow was struck; hearing the

wild uproar of clucking and shrieking laughter that

arose from the caves。  It was a great jokeat least in

that day; and right heartily the Folk appreciated it。

Thus was I received into the horde。  Red…Eye paid no

further attention to me; and I was at liberty to

whimper and sob to my heart's content。  Several of the

women gathered curiously about me; and I recognized

them。  I had encountered them the preceding year when

my mother had taken me to the hazelnut canyons。

But they quickly left me alone; being replaced by a

dozen curious and teasing youngsters。  They formed a

circle around me; pointing their fingers; making faces;

and poking and pinching me。  I was frightened; and for

a time I endured them; then anger got the best of me

and I sprang tooth and nail upon the most audacious one

of themnone other than Lop…Ear himself。  I have so

named him because he could prick up only one of his

ears。  The other ear always hung limp and without

movement。  Some accident had injured the muscles and

deprived him of the use of it。

He closed with me; and we went at it for all the world

like a couple of small boys fighting。  We scratched and

bit; pulled hair; clinched; and threw each other down。

I remember I succeeded in getting on him what in my

college days I learned was called a half…Nelson。  This

hold gave me the decided advantage。  But I did not

enjoy it long。  He twisted up one leg; and with the

foot (or hind…hand) made so savage an onslaught upon my

abdomen as to threaten to disembowel me。  I had to

release him in order to save myself; and then we went

at it again。

Lop…Ear was a year older than I; but I was several

times angrier than he; and in the end he took to his

heels。  I chased him across the open and down a run…way

to the river。  But he was better acquainted with the

locality and ran along the edge of the water and up

another run…way。  He cut diagonally across the open

space and dashed into a wide…mouthed cave。

Before I knew it; I had plunged after him into the

darkness。  The next moment I was badly frightened。  I

had never been in a cave before。  I began to whimper

and cry out。  Lop…Ear chattered mockingly at me; and;

springing upon me unseen; tumbled me over。 He did not

risk a second encounter; however; and took himself off。

I was between him and the entrance; and he did not pass

me; yet he seemed to have gone away。  I listened; but

could get no clew as to where he was。  This puzzled me;

and when I regained the outside I sat down to watch。

He never came out of the entrance; of that I was

certain; yet at the end of several minutes he chuckled

at my elbow。  Again I ran after him; and again he ran

into the cave; but this time I stopped at the mouth。  I

dropped back a short distance and watched。  He did not

come out; yet; as before; he chuckled at my elbow and

was chased by me a third time into the cave。

This performance was repeated several times。  Then I

followed him into the cave; where I searched vainly for

him。  I was curious。  I could not understand how he

eluded me。  Always he went into the cave; never did he

come out of it; yet always did he arrive there at my

elbow and mock me。  Thus did our fight transform itself

into a game of hide and seek。

All afternoon; with occasional intervals; we kept it

up; and a playful; friendly spirit arose between us。

In the end; he did not run away from me; and we sat

together with our arms around each other。  A little

later he disclosed the mystery of the wide…mouthed

cave。  Holding me by the hand he led me inside。  It

connected by a narrow crevice with another cave; and it

was through this that we regained the open air。

We were now good friends。  When the other young ones

gathered around to tease; he joined with me in

attacking them; and so viciously did we behave that

before long I was let alone。  Lop…Ear made me

acquainted with the village。  There was little that he

could tell me of conditions and customshe had not the

necessary vocabulary; but by observing his actions I

learned much; and also he showed me places and things。

He took me up the open space; between the caves and the

river; and into the forest beyond; where; in a grassy

place among the trees; we made a meal of stringy…rooted

carrots。  After that we had a good drink at the river

and started up the run…way to the caves。

It was in the run…way that we came upon Red…Eye again。

The first I knew; Lop…Ear had shrunk away to one side

and was crouching low against the bank。  Naturally and

involuntarily; I imitated him。 Then it was that I

looked to see the cause of his fear。  It was Red…Eye;

swaggering down the centre of the run…way and scowling

fiercely with his inflamed eyes。  I noticed that all

the youngsters shrank away from him as we had done;

while the grown…ups regarded him with wary eyes when

he drew near; and stepped aside to give him the centre

of the path。

As twilight came on; the open space was deserted。  The

Folk were seeking the safety of the caves。  Lop…Ear led

the way to bed。 High up the bluff we climbed; higher

than all the other caves; to a tiny crevice that could

not be seen from the ground。  Into this Lop…Ear

squeezed。  I followed with difficulty; so narrow was

the entrance; and found myself in a small rock…chamber。

It was very lownot more than a couple of feet in

height; and possibly three feet by four in width and

length。  Here; cuddled together in each other's arms;

we slept out the night。


While the more courageous of the youngsters played in

and out of the large…mouthed caves; I early learned

that such caves were unoccupied。  No one slept in them

at night。  Only the crevice…mouthed caves were used;

the narrower the mouth the better。  This was from fear

of the preying animals that made life a burden to us in

those days and nights。

The first morning; after my night's sleep with Lop…Ear;

I learned the advantage of the narrow…mouthed caves。

It was just daylight when old Saber…Tooth; the tiger;

walked into the open space。  Two of the Folk were

already up。  They made a rush for it。  Whether they

were panic…stricken; or whether he was too close on

their heels for them to attempt to scramble up the

bluff to the crevices; I do not know; but at any rate

they dashed into the wide…mouthed cave wherein Lop…Ear

and I had played the afternoon before。

What happened inside there was no way of telling; but

it is fair to conclude that the two Folk slipped

through the connecting crevice into the other cave。

This crevice was too small to allow for the passage of

Saber…Tooth; and he came out the way he had gone in;

unsatisfied and angry。  It was evident that his night's

hunting had been unsuccessful and that he had expected

to make a meal off of us。  He caught sight of the two

Folk at the other cave…mouth and sprang for them。  Of

course; they darted through the passageway into the

first cave。  He emerged angrier than ever and snarling。

Pandemonium broke loose amongst the rest of us。  All up

and down the great bluff; we crowded the crevices and

outside ledges; and we were all chattering and

shrieking in a thousand keys。  And we were all making

facessnarling faces; this was an instinct with us。

We were as angry as Saber…Tooth; though our anger was

allied with fear。  I remember that I shrieked and made

faces with the best of them。  Not only did they set the

example; but I felt the urge from within me to do the

same things they were doing。  My hair was bristling;

and I was convulsed with a fierce; unreasoning rage。

For some time old Saber…Tooth continued dashing in and

out of first the one cave and then the other。  But the

two Folk merely slipped back and for

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