贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > before adam >


before adam-第24章

小说: before adam 字数: 每页4000字

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my meat…eating enemies。  I was insane with love of her;

and withanger; too; because she would not let me come

up with her。  It was strange how this anger against her

seemed to be part of my desire for her。

As I have said; I forgot everything。  In racing across

an open space I ran full tilt upon a colony of snakes。

They did not deter me。  I was mad。  They struck at me;

but I ducked and dodged and ran on。  Then there was a

python that ordinarily would have sent me screeching to

a tree…top。  He did run me into a tree; but the Swift

One was going out of sight; and I sprang back to the

ground and went on。  It was a close shave。  Then there

was my old enemy; the hyena。  From my conduct he was

sure something was going to happen; and he followed me

for an hour。  Once we exasperated a band of wild pigs;

and they took after us。  The Swift One dared a wide

leap between trees that was too much for me。  I had to

take to the ground。  There were the pigs。  I didn't

care。  I struck the earth within a yard of the nearest

one。  They flanked me as I ran; and chased me into two

different trees out of the line of my pursuit of the

Swift One。  I ventured the ground again; doubled back;

and crossed a wide open space; with the whole band

grunting; bristling; and tusk…gnashing at my heels。

If I had tripped or stumbled in that open space; there

would have been no chance for me。  But I didn't。  And I

didn't care whether I did or not。  I was in such mood

that I would have faced old Saber…Tooth himself; or a

score of arrow…shooting Fire People。  Such was the

madness of love。。。with me。  With the Swift One it was

different。  She was very wise。  She did not take any

real risks; and I remember; on looking back across the

centuries to that wild love…chase; that when the pigs

delayed me she did not run away very fast; but waited;

rather; for me to take up the pursuit again。  Also; she

directed her retreat before me; going always in the

direction she wanted to go。

At last came the dark。  She led me around the mossy

shoulder of a canyon wall that out…jutted among the

trees。  After that we penetrated a dense mass of

underbrush that scraped and ripped me in passing。  But

she never ruffled a hair。  She knew the way。  In the

midst of the thicket was a large oak。  I was very close

to her when she climbed it; and in the forks; in the

nest…shelter I had sought so long and vainly; I caught


The hyena had taken our trail again; and he now sat

down on the ground and made hungry noises。  But we did

not mind; and we laughed at him when he snarled and

went away through the thicket。 It was the spring…time;

and the night noises were many and varied。 As was the

custom at that time of the year; there was much

fighting among the animals。  From the nest we could

hear the squealing and neighing of wild horses; the

trumpeting of elephants; and the roaring of lions。  But

the moon came out; and the air was warm; and we laughed

and were unafraid。

I remember; next morning; that we came upon two ruffled

cock…birds that fought so ardently that I went right up

to them and caught them by their necks。  Thus did the

Swift One and I get our wedding breakfast。  They were

delicious。  It was easy to catch birds in the spring of

the year。  There was one night that year when two elk

fought in the moonlight; while the Swift One and I

watched from the trees; and we saw a lion and lioness

crawl up to them unheeded; and kill them as they


There is no telling how long we might have lived in the

Swift One's tree…shelter。  But one day; while we were

away; the tree was struck by lightning。  Great limbs

were riven; and the nest was demolished。  I started to

rebuild; but the Swift One would have nothing to do

with it。  As I was to learn; she was greatly afraid of

lightning; and I could not persuade her back into the

tree。  So it came about; our honeymoon over; that we

went to the caves to live。  As Lop…Ear had evicted me

from the cave when he got married; I now evicted him;

and the Swift One and I settled down in it; while he

slept at night in the connecting passage of the double


And with our coming to live with the horde came

trouble。  Red…Eye had had I don't know how many wives

since the Singing One。  She had gone the way of the

rest。  At present he had a little; soft; spiritless

thing that whimpered and wept all the time; whether he

beat her or not; and her passing was a question of very

little time。  Before she passed; even; Red…Eye set his

eyes on the Swift One; and when she passed; the

persecution of the Swift One began。

Well for her that she was the Swift One; that she had

that amazing aptitude for swift flight through the

trees。  She needed all her wisdom and daring in order

to keep out of the clutches of Red…Eye。 I could not

help her。  He was so powerful a monster that he could

have torn me limb from limb。  As it was; to my death I

carried an injured shoulder that ached and went lame in

rainy weather and that was a mark of is handiwork。

The Swift One was sick at the time I received this

injury。  It must have been a touch of the malaria from

which we sometimes suffered; but whatever it was; it

made her dull and heavy。  She did not have the

accustomed spring to her muscles; and was indeed in

poor shape for flight when Red…Eye cornered her near

the lair of the wild dogs; several miles south from the

caves。  Usually; she would have circled around him;

beaten him in the straight…away; and gained the

protection of our small…mouthed cave。  But she could

not circle him。  She was too dull and slow。  Each time

he headed her off; until she gave over the attempt and

devoted her energies wholly to keeping out of his


Had she not been sick it would have been child's play

for her to elude him; but as it was; it required all

her caution and cunning。 It was to her advantage that

she could travel on thinner branches than he; and make

wider leaps。  Also; she was an unerring judge of

distance; and she had an instinct for knowing the

strength of twigs; branches; and rotten limbs。

It was an interminable chase。  Round and round and back

and forth for long stretches through the forest they

dashed。  There was great excitement among the other

Folk。  They set up a wild chattering; that was loudest

when Red…Eye was at a distance; and that hushed when

the chase led him near。  They were impotent onlookers。

The females screeched and gibbered; and the males beat

their chests in helpless rage。  Big Face was especially

angry; and though he hushed his racket when Red…Eye

drew near; he did not hush it to the extent the others


As for me; I played no brave part。  I know I was

anything but a hero。  Besides; of what use would it

have been for me to encounter Red…Eye? He was the

mighty monster; the abysmal brute; and there was no

hope for me in a conflict of strength。  He would have

killed me; and the situation would have remained

unchanged。  He would have caught the Swift One before

she could have gained the cave。  As it was; I could

only look on in helpless fury; and dodge out of the way

and cease my raging when he came too near。

The hours passed。  It was late afternoon。  And still

the chase went on。  Red…Eye was bent upon exhausting

the Swift One。  He deliberately ran her down。  After a

long time she began to tire and could no longer

maintain her headlong flight。  Then it was that she

began going far out on the thinnest branches; where he

could not follow。  Thus she might have got a breathing

spell; but Red…Eye was fiendish。  Unable to follow her;

he dislodged her by shaking her off。  With all his

strength and weight; he would shake the branch back and

forth until he snapped her off as one would snap a fly

from a whip…lash。  The first time; she saved herself by

falling into branches lower down。  Another time; though

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