贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a death in the desert >


a death in the desert-第3章

小说: a death in the desert 字数: 每页4000字

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bravado of her smile could not conceal the shadow of an unrest

that was almost discontent。  The chief charm of the woman; as

Everett had known her; lay in her superb figure and in her eyes;

which possessed a warm; lifegiving quality like the sunlight;

eyes which glowed with a sort of perpetual salutat to the

world。  Her head; Everett remembered as peculiarly well…shaped and

proudly poised。  There had been always a little of the imperatrix

about her; and her pose in the photograph revived all his old

impressions of her unattachedness; of how absolutely and valiantly

she stood alone。

Everett was still standing before the picture; his hands behind him

and his head inclined; when he heard the door open。  A very tall

woman advanced toward him; holding out her hand。  As she started to

speak; she coughed slightly; then; laughing; said; in a low; rich

voice; a trifle husky: 〃You see I make the traditional Camille

entrancewith the cough。  How good of you to come; Mr。 Hilgarde。〃

Everett was acutely conscious that while addressing him she

was not looking at him at all; and; as he assured her of his

pleasure in coming; he was glad to have an opportunity to collect

himself。  He had not reckoned upon the ravages of a long illness。 

The long; loose folds of her white gown had been especially

designed to conceal the sharp outlines of her emaciated body; but

the stamp of her disease was there; simple and ugly and obtrusive;

a pitiless fact that could not be disguised or evaded。  The

splendid shoulders were stooped; there was a swaying unevenness in

her gait; her arms seemed disproportionately long; and her hands

were transparently white and cold to the touch。  The changes in her

face were less obvious; the proud carriage of the head; the warm;

clear eyes; even the delicate flush of color in her cheeks; all

defiantly remained; though they were all in a lower keyolder;

sadder; softer。

She sat down upon the divan and began nervously to arrange the

pillows。  〃I know I'm not an inspiring object to look upon; but you

must be quite frank and sensible about that and get used to it at

once; for we've no time to lose。  And if I'm a trifle irritable you

won't mind?for I'm more than usually nervous。〃

〃Don't bother with me this morning; if you are tired;〃 urged

Everett。  〃I can come quite as well tomorrow。〃

〃Gracious; no!〃 she protested; with a flash of that quick;

keen humor that he remembered as a part of her。  〃It's solitude

that I'm tired to death ofsolitude and the wrong kind of people。 

You see; the minister; not content with reading the prayers for the

sick; called on me this morning。  He happened to be riding

by on his bicycle and felt it his duty to stop。  Of course; he

disapproves of my profession; and I think he takes it for granted

that I have a dark past。  The funniest feature of his conversation

is that he is always excusing my own vocation to mecondoning it;

you knowand trying to patch up my peace with my conscience by

suggesting possible noble uses for what he kindly calls my talent。〃

Everett laughed。  〃Oh!  I'm afraid I'm not the person to call

after such a serious gentlemanI can't sustain the situation。 

At my best I don't reach higher than low comedy。  Have you

decided to which one of the noble uses you will devote yourself?〃

Katharine lifted her hands in a gesture of renunciation and

exclaimed: 〃I'm not equal to any of them; not even the least

noble。  I didn't study that method。〃

She laughed and went on nervously: 〃The parson's not so bad。 

His English never offends me; and he has read Gibbon's Decline

and Fall; all five volumes; and that's something。  Then; he has

been to New York; and that's a great deal。  But how we are losing

time!  Do tell me about New York; Charley says you're just on from

there。  How does it look and taste and smell just now?  I think a

whiff of the Jersey ferry would be as flagons of cod…liver oil to

me。  Who conspicuously walks the Rialto now; and what does he or

she wear?  Are the trees still green in Madison Square; or have

they grown brown and dusty?  Does the chaste Diana on the Garden

Theatre still keep her vestal vows through all the exasperating

changes of weather?  Who has your brother's old studio now; and

what misguided aspirants practice their scales in the rookeries

about Carnegie Hall?  What do people go to see at the theaters;

and what do they eat and drink there in the world nowadays?  You

see; I'm homesick for it all; from the Battery to Riverside。  Oh;

let me die in Harlem!〃  She was interrupted by a violent attack

of coughing; and Everett; embarrassed by her discomfort; plunged

into gossip about the professional people he had met in town

during the summer and the musical outlook for the winter。  He was

diagraming with his pencil; on the back of an old envelope he

found in his pocket; some new mechanical device to be

used at the Metropolitan in the production of the Rheingold;

when he became conscious that she was looking at him intently; and

that he was talking to the four walls。

Katharine was lying back among the pillows; watching him

through half…closed eyes; as a painter looks at a picture。  He

finished his explanation vaguely enough and put the envelope back

in his pocket。  As he did so she said; quietly: 〃How wonderfully

like Adriance you are!〃 and he felt as though a crisis of some

sort had been met and tided over。

He laughed; looking up at her with a touch of pride in his

eyes that made them seem quite boyish。  〃Yes; isn't it absurd?

It's almost as awkward as looking like Napoleonbut; after all;

there are some advantages。  It has made some of his friends like

me; and I hope it will make you。〃

Katharine smiled and gave him a quick; meaning glance from

under her lashes。  〃Oh; it did that long ago。  What a haughty;

reserved youth you were then; and how you used to stare at people

and then blush and look cross if they paid you back in your own

coin。  Do you remember that night when you took me home from a

rehearsal and scarcely spoke a word to me?〃

〃It was the silence of admiration;〃 protested Everett; 〃very

crude and boyish; but very sincere and not a little painful。 

Perhaps you suspected something of the sort?  I remember you saw

fit to be very grown…up and worldly。

〃I believe I suspected a pose; the one that college boys

usually affect with singers'an earthen vessel in love with a

star;' you know。  But it rather surprised me in you; for you must

have seen a good deal of your brother's pupils。  Or had you an

omnivorous capacity; and elasticity that always met the


〃Don't ask a man to confess the follies of his youth;〃 said

Everett; smiling a little sadly; 〃I am sensitive about some of

them even now。  But I was not so sophisticated as you imagined。 

I saw my brother's pupils come and go; but that was about all。 

Sometimes I was called on to play accompaniments; or to fill out

a vacancy at a rehearsal; or to order a carriage for an

infuriated soprano who had thrown up her part。  But they never

spent any time on me; unless it was to notice the resemblance you

speak of。〃

〃Yes〃; observed Katharine; thoughtfully; 〃I noticed it then;

too; but it has grown as you have grown older。  That is rather

strange; when you have lived such different lives。  It's not

merely an ordinary family likeness of feature; you know; but a

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