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a death in the desert-第1章

小说: a death in the desert 字数: 每页4000字

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〃A Death in the Desert〃

Everett Hilgarde was conscious that the man in the seat

across the aisle was looking at him intently。  He was a large;

florid man; wore a conspicuous diamond solitaire upon his third

finger; and Everett judged him to be a traveling salesman of some

sort。  He had the air of an adaptable fellow who had been about

the world and who could keep cool and clean under almost any


The 〃High Line Flyer;〃 as this train was derisively called

among railroad men; was jerking along through the hot afternoon

over the monotonous country between Holdridge and Cheyenne。 

Besides the blond man and himself the only occupants of the car

were two dusty; bedraggled…looking girls who had been to the

Exposition at Chicago; and who were earnestly discussing the cost

of their first trip out of Colorado。  The four uncomfortable

passengers were covered with a sediment of fine; yellow dust

which clung to their hair and eyebrows like gold powder。  It blew

up in clouds from the bleak; lifeless country through which they

passed; until they were one color with the sagebrush and

sandhills。  The gray…and…yellow desert was varied only by

occasional ruins of deserted towns; and the little red boxes of

station houses; where the spindling trees and sickly vines in the

bluegrass yards made little green reserves fenced off in that

confusing wilderness of sand。

As the slanting rays of the sun beat in stronger and

stronger through the car windows; the blond gentleman asked the

ladies' permission to remove his coat; and sat in his lavender

striped shirt sleeves; with a black silk handkerchief tucked

carefully about his collar。  He had seemed interested in Everett

since they had boarded the train at Holdridge; and kept

glancing at him curiously and then looking reflectively out of

the window; as though he were trying to recall something。  But

wherever Everett went someone was almost sure to look at him with

that curious interest; and it had ceased to embarrass or annoy him。

Presently the stranger; seeming satisfied with his observation;

leaned back in his seat; half…closed his eyes; and began softly

to whistle the 〃Spring Song〃 from Proserpine; the cantata

that a dozen years before had made its young composer famous in a

night。  Everett had heard that air on guitars in Old Mexico; on

mandolins at college glees; on cottage organs in New England

hamlets; and only two weeks ago he had heard it played on

sleighbells at a variety theater in Denver。  There was literally no

way of escaping his brother's precocity。  Adriance could live on

the other side of the Atlantic; where his youthful indiscretions

were forgotten in his mature achievements; but his brother had

never been able to outrun Proserpine; and here he found it

again in the Colorado sand hills。  Not that Everett was exactly

ashamed of Proserpine; only a man of genius could have

written it; but it was the sort of thing that a man of genius

outgrows as soon as he can。

Everett unbent a trifle and smiled at his neighbor across

the aisle。  Immediately the large man rose and; coming over;

dropped into the seat facing Hilgarde; extending his card。

〃Dusty ride; isn't it?  I don't mind it myself; I'm used to

it。  Born and bred in de briar patch; like Br'er Rabbit。  I've

been trying to place you for a long time; I think I must have met

you before。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Everett; taking the card; 〃my name is

Hilgarde。  You've probably met my brother; Adriance; people often

mistake me for him。〃

The traveling man brought his hand down upon his knee with

such vehemence that the solitaire blazed。

〃So I was right after all; and if you're not Adriance

Hilgarde; you're his double。  I thought I couldn't be mistaken。 

Seen him?  Well; I guess!  I never missed one of his recitals at

the Auditorium; and he played the piano score of Proserpine

through to us once at the Chicago Press Club。  I used to be on

the Commercial there before I 146 began to travel

for the publishing department of the concern。  So you're Hilgarde's

brother; and here I've run into you at the jumping…off place。 

Sounds like a newspaper yarn; doesn't it?〃

The traveling man laughed and offered Everett a cigar; and

plied him with questions on the only subject that people ever

seemed to care to talk to Everett about。  At length the salesman

and the two girls alighted at a Colorado way station; and Everett

went on to Cheyenne alone。

The train pulled into Cheyenne at nine o'clock; late by a

matter of four hours or so; but no one seemed particularly

concerned at its tardiness except the station agent; who grumbled

at being kept in the office overtime on a summer night。  When

Everett alighted from the train he walked down the platform and

stopped at the track crossing; uncertain as to what direction he

should take to reach a hotel。  A phaeton stood near the crossing;

and a woman held the reins。  She was dressed in white; and her

figure was clearly silhouetted against the cushions; though it

was too dark to see her face。  Everett had scarcely noticed her;

when the switch engine came puffing up from the opposite

direction; and the headlight threw a strong glare of light on his

face。  Suddenly the woman in the phaeton uttered a low cry and

dropped the reins。  Everett started forward and caught the

horse's head; but the animal only lifted its ears and whisked its

tail in impatient surprise。  The woman sat perfectly still; her

head sunk between her shoulders and her handkerchief pressed to

her face。  Another woman came out of the depot and hurried toward

the phaeton; crying; 〃Katharine; dear; what is the matter?〃

Everett hesitated a moment in painful embarrassment; then

lifted his hat and passed on。  He was accustomed to sudden

recognitions in the most impossible places; especially by women;

but this cry out of the night had shaken him。

While Everett was breakfasting the next morning; the headwaiter

leaned over his chair to murmur that there was a gentleman waiting

to see him in the parlor。  Everett finished his coffee and went in

the direction indicated; where he found his visitor restlessly

pacing the floor。  His whole manner betrayed a high degree of

agitation; though his physique was not that of a man whose nerves

lie near the surface。  He was something below medium height;

square…shouldered and solidly built。  His thick; closely cut hair

was beginning to show gray about the ears; and his bronzed face was

heavily lined。  His square brown hands were locked behind him; and

he held his shoulders like a man conscious of responsibilities;

yet; as he turned to greet Everett; there was an incongruous

diffidence in his address。

〃Good morning; Mr。 Hilgarde;〃 he said; extending his hand;

〃I found your name on the hotel register。  My name is Gaylord。 

I'm afraid my sister startled you at the station last night; Mr。

Hilgarde; and I've come around to apologize。〃

〃Ah!  The young lady in the phaeton?  I'm sure I didn't know

whether I had anything to do with her alarm or not。  If I did; it

is I who owe the apology。〃

The man colored a little under the dark brown of his face。

〃Oh; it's nothing you could help; sir; I fully understand

that。  You see; my sister used to be a pupil of your brother's;

and it seems you favor him; and when the switch engine thre

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