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legends and lyrics- first series(传奇和抒情歌谣1)-第21章

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blue silence of the sky; Fresh stars shine out; and more and more; Where I 

could see so few before; So; the more steadily I gaze Upon those far…off 

misty days; Fresh words; fresh tones; fresh memories start Before my eyes 

and in my heart。 I can remember how one day (Talking in silly  childish 

way) I said how happy I should be If I were like her sonas fair; With just 

such bright blue eyes as he; And such long locks of golden hair。 A strange 

smile on her pale face broke; And in strange solemn words she spoke: 〃My 

own;   my   darling   oneno;   no!   I   love   you;   far;   far   better   so。   I   would   not 

change the look you bear; Or one wave of your dark brown hair。 The mere 

glance   of   your   sunny  eyes;   Deep   in   my  deepest   soul   I   prize Above   that 

baby fair! Not one of all the Earl's proud line In beauty ever matched with 

thine; And;   'tis   by   thy   dark   locks   thou   art   Bound   even   faster   round   my 

heart; And made more wholly mine!〃 And then she paused; and weeping 

said;   〃You   are   like   one   who   now   is   dead   …   Who   sleeps   in   a   far…distant 

grave。 Oh may God grant that you may be As noble and as good as he; As 

gentle and as brave!〃 Then in my childish way I cried; 〃The one you tell 

me of who died; Was he as noble as the Earl?〃 I see her red lips scornful 

curl; I feel her hold my hand again So tightly; that I shrink in pain … I seem 

to hear her say; 〃He whom I tell you of; who died; He was so noble and so 

gay; So generous and so brave; That the proud Earl by his dear side Would 

look a craven slave。〃 She paused; then; with a quivering sigh; She laid her 

hand upon my brow: 〃Live like him; darling; and so die。 Remember that 

he tells you now; True peace; real honour; and content; In cheerful pious 

toil abide; That gold and splendour are but sent To curse our vanity and 


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pride。〃 One day some childish fever pain Burnt in my veins and fired my 

brain。 Moaning; I turned from side to side; And; sobbing in my bed; I cried; 

Till night in calm and darkness crept Around me; and at last I slept。 When 

suddenly   I   woke   to   see   The   Lady   bending   over   me。   The   drops   of   cold 

November rain Were falling from her long; damp hair; Her anxious eyes 

were dim with pain; Yet she looked wondrous fair。 Arrayed for some great 

feast she came; With stones that shone and burnt like flame; Wound round 

her neck; like some bright snake; And set like stars within her hair; They 

sparkled so; they seemed to make A glory everywhere。 I felt her tears upon 

my face; Her kisses on my eyes; And a strange thought I could not trace I 

felt   within   my  heart   arise; And;   half   in   feverish   pain;   I   said:   〃Oh   if   my 

mother were not dead!〃 And Walter bade me sleep; but she Said; 〃Is it not 

the same to thee That _I_ watch by thy bed?〃 I answered her; 〃I love you; 

too; But it can never be the same; She was no Countess like to you; Nor 

wore such sparkling stones of flame。〃 Oh the wild look of fear and dread! 

The cry she gave of bitter woe! I often wonder what I said To make her 

moan   and shudder   so。 Through   the   long night she   tended   me With   such 

sweet care and charity。 But should weary you to tell All that I know and 

love so well: Yet one night more stands out alone With a sad sweetness all 

its own。 

     The     wind    blew    loud   that   dreary   night:   Its  wailing     voice   I  well 

remember:   The   stars   shone   out   so   large   and   bright   Upon   the   frosty   fir… 

boughs white; That dreary night of cold December。 I saw old Walter silent 

stand;   Watching   the   soft   white   flakes   of   snow   With   looks   I   could   not 

understand; Of strange perplexity and woe。 At last he turned and took my 

hand; And said the Countess just had sent To bid us come; for she would 

fain See me once more; before she went Awaynever to come again。 We 

came  in   silence   through   the   wood   (Our   footfall   was   the  only  sound) To 

where   the   great   white   castle   stood;   With   darkness   shadowing   it   around。 

Breathless; we trod with cautious care Up the great echoing marble stair; 

Trembling;   by   Walter's   hand   I   held;   Scared   by   the   splendours   I   beheld: 

Now thinking; 〃Should the Earl appear!〃 Now looking up with giddy fear 

To   the   dim   vaulted   roof;   that   spread   Its   gloomy   arches   overhead。   Long 

corridors we softly past; (My heart was beating loud and fast) And reached 


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the Lady's room at last: A strange faint odour seemed to weigh Upon the 

dim and darkened air; One shaded lamp; with softened ray; Scarce showed 

the gloomy splendour there。 The dull red brands were burning low; And 

yet a fitful gleam of light; Would now and then; with sudden glow; Start 

forth; then sink again in night。 I gazed around; yet half in fear; Till Walter 

told me to draw near: And in the strange and flickering light; Towards the 

Lady's   bed   I   crept;   All   folded   round   with   snowy   white;   She   lay;   (one 

would have said she slept;) So still the look of that white face; It seemed 

as it were carved in stone; I paused before I dared to place Within her cold 

white hand my own。 But; with a smile of sweet surprise; She turned to me 

her   dreamy   eyes; And   slowly;   as   if   life   were   pain;   She   drew   me   in   her 

arms to lie: She strove to speak; and strove in vain; Each breath was like a 

long…drawn       sigh。   The    throbs    that  seemed      to  shake    her   breast;   The 

trembling clasp; so loose and weak; At last grew calmer; and at rest; And 

then she strove once more to speak: 〃My God; I thank thee; that my pain 

Of day by day and year by year; Has not been suffered all in vain; And I 

may die while he is near。 I will not fear but that Thy grace Has swept away 

my sin and woe; And sent this little angel face; In my last hour to tell me 

so。〃 (And here her voice grew faint and low;) 〃My child; where'er thy life 

may   go;   To   know   that   thou   art   brave   and   true;   Will   pierce   the   highest 

heavens   through; And   even   there   my   soul   shall   be   More   joyful   for   this 

thought   of   thee。〃   She   folded   her   white   hands;   and   stayed; All   cold   and 

silently she lay: I knelt beside the bed; and prayed The prayer she used to 

make me say。 I said it many times; and then She did not move; but seemed 

to be In a deep sleep; nor stirred again。 No sound woke in the silent room; 

Or broke the dim and solemn gloom; Save when the brands that burnt so 

low; With noisy fitful gleam of light; Would spread around a sudden glow; 

Then sink in silence and in night。 How long I stood I do not know: At last 

poor    Walter    came;     and   said   (So   sadly)   that  we    now    must    go;  And 

whispered; she we loved was dead。 He bade me kiss her face once more; 

Then led me sobbing to the door。 I scarcely knew what dying meant; Yet a 

strange grief; before unknown; Weighed on my spirit as we went And left 

her lying all alone。 

     We   went   to   the   far   North   once   more;   To   seek   the   well…remembered 


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home; Where my poor kinsman dwelt before; Whence now he was too old 

to roam; And there six happy years we past; Happy and peaceful till the 

last; When poor old Walter died; and he Blessed me and said I now might 

be A sailor on the deep blue sea。 And so I go; and yet in spit

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