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remember the alamo-第49章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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During the whole of the 20th; there was almost a Sabbath
stillness。  It was a warm; balmy day。  The wearied children
were under the wagons and under the trees; sleeping the dead
sleep of extreme exhaustion。  The mothers; wherever it was
possible; slept also。  The guides were a little apart;
listening and smoking。  If they spoke; it was only in
monosyllables。  Rest was so much more needed than food that
little or no attempt was made to cook until near sundown。

At dawn next morningnay; a little before dawnwhen all was
chill; and gray; and misty; and there was not a sound but the
wailing of a sick child; the Senora touched her daughters。 
Her voice was strange to them; her face solemnly happy。

〃Antonio!  Isabel! I HAVE SEEN JUAN!  I HAVE SEEN JUAN!  My
eyes were shut; but I have seen him。  He was a beautiful
shadow; with a great; shadowy host around him。  He bent on me
such eyes!  Holy Mother! their love was unfathomable; and I
heard his voice。  It was far off; yet near。  ‘Madre!' he said;
‘TOMORROW YOU SHALL HEAR FROM US。'  Now I am happy。  There
are words in my heart; but I cannot explain them to you。  I
know what they mean。  I will weep no more。  They put my Juan's
body in the grave; but they have not buried HIM。〃

All day she was silent and full of thought; but her face was
smiling and hopeful; and she had the air of one waiting for
some assured happiness。  About three o'clock in the
afternoon she stood up quickly and cried; 〃Hark! the battle
has begun!〃  Every one listened intently; and after a short
pause the oldest of the guides nodded。  〃I'd give the rest of
my life to be young again;〃 he said; 〃just for three hours to
be young; and behind Houston!〃


The words fell from the Senora's lips with a singular
significance。  Her face and voice were the face and voice of
some glad diviner; triumphantly carrying her own augury。 
Under a little grove of trees she walked until sunset; passing
the beads of her rosary through her fingers; and mechanically
whispering the prayers appointed。  The act undoubtedly quieted
her; but Antonia knew that she lay awake all night; praying
for the living or the dead。

About ten o'clock of the morning of the 22d; a horseman was
seen coming toward the camp at full speed。  Women and children
stood breathlessly waiting his approach。  No one could speak。 
If a child moved; the movement was angrily reproved。  The
tension was too great to admit of a touch through any
sense。  Some; unable to bear the extended strain; sank upon
the ground and covered their faces with their hands。  But the
half…grown children; wan with privations and fever; ragged and
barefoot; watched steadily the horse and its rider; their
round; gleaming eyes full of wonder and fear。

〃It is Thomas;〃 said the Senora。

As he came near; and the beat of the horse's hoofs could be
heard; a cry almost inarticulate; not to be described; shrill
and agonizing in its intensity; broke simultaneously from the
anxious women。  It was one cry from many hearts; all at the
last point of endurance。  Thomas Worth understood it。  He
flung his hat up; and answered with a joyful 〃Hurrah!〃

When he reached the camp; every face was wet with tears; and
a crowd of faces was instantly round him。  All the agonies of
war were on them。  He raised himself in his stirrups and
shouted out:

〃You may all go back to your homes!  Santa Anna is completely
overthrown!  The Mexican army is destroyed!  There will be no
more fighting; no more fears。  The independence of Texas
is won!  No matter where you come from; YOU ARE ALL TEXANS
NOW!  Victory!  Freedom!  Peace!  My dear friends; go back to
your homes。  Your husbands will join you at the San Jacinto。〃

Then he dismounted and sought his mother and sisters。  With
joyful amazement he recognized the change in the Senora。  〃You
look like yourself; dear mother;〃 he said。  〃Father sends you
this kiss。  He would have brought it; but there are a few
wounded men to look after; and also I can ride quicker。 
Antonia; cheer up my dear!and Isabel; little darling; you
will not need to cry any more for your ribbons; and mantillas;
and pretty dresses。〃

〃Thomas!  You have not much feeling; I think。  What I want to
know about; is Luis。  You think of no one; and; as for my
dresses; and mantillas; I dare say Fray Ignatius has sold; or
burned them。〃

〃Queridita!  Was I cruel?  Luis is well。  He has not a
scratch。  He was in the front of the battle; too。〃

〃THAT; of course。  Would you imagine that Luis would be at
the rear?  He is General Houston's friend; and one lion
knows another lion。〃

〃Pretty one; do not be angry with me。  I will tell you some
good news。  Luis is coming here; unless you go back at once
with me。〃

〃We will go back with you; Thomas。  I am full of impatience。 
I remember my dear home。  I will go to it; like a bird to its

In half an hour they had turned the heads of their horses
westward again。  They went so rapidly; and were under so much
excitement; that sustained conversation was impossible。  And
the Senora also fell into a sound sleep as soon as the first
homeward steps had been taken。  Whatever had been made known
to her by Juan had received its fulfilment。  She was assured
and happy。  She slept till they reached the victorious camp;
and her husband awakened her with a kiss。  She answered him
with her old childish impulsiveness。  And among the first
words she said; were〃  〃Roberto; my beloved; I have seen

He believed her。  To his reverent soul there was nothing
incredible in the statement。  The tie between a mother and her
child is not broken by death。  Was it unlikely; then;
that Juan should have been conscious of; and touched by; the
mental agony which his untimely death had caused a mother so

And oh! how different was the return to the ground west of the
Buffalo Bayou。  The very atmosphere was changed。  A day or two
of spring had brought out the flowers and unfolded every green
thing。  Doctor Worth took his family to a fine Mexican
marquee; and among other comforts the Senora found there the
chocolate she had so long craved; and some cigaritos of most
delicate flavor。

In a short time a luxurious meal was prepared by Antonia; and
just as they were sitting down to it; Luis and Lopez entered
the tent together。  Isabel had expected the visit and prepared
for it as far as her limited wardrobe permitted。  And her fine
hair; and bright eyes; her perfect face and form; and the
charming innocence of her manners; adorned her as the color
and perfume of the rose make the beauty of the flower。  She
was so lovely that she could dare to banter Luis on the
splendor of his attire。

〃It is evident; mi madre; that Luis has found at least
the baggage of a major…general。  Such velvet and silver
embroidery! Such a silk sash!  They are fit at the
very least for a sultan of the Turks。〃

He came to her crowned with victory。  Like a hero he came; and
like a lover。  They had a thousand pretty things to say to
each other; and a thousand blissful plans in prospect。  Life
to them had never before been so well worth living。

Indeed; a wonderful exaltation possessed both Luis and Lopez。 
The sombre; handsome face of the latter was transfigured by
it。  He kissed the hand of the Senora; and then turned
to Antonia。  Her pallor and emaciation shocked him。  He could
only murmur; 〃Senorita!〃  But she saw the surprise; the
sorrow; the sympathy; yes; the adoring love in his heart; and
she was thankful to him for the reticence that relieved her
from special attention。

Doctor Worth made room for Lopez beside him。  Luis sat by
Isabel; upon a pile of splendid military saddle…cloths。  As
she sipped her chocolate; he smoked his cigarito in a lazy
fashion; and gave himself up with delight to that
foolishness of love…making which is often far wiser than the
very words of wisdom。

As yet the ladies had not spoken of the battle。  It was won。 
That great fact had been as much as they could bear at first。 
The Senora wanted to sleep。  Isabel wanted to see Luis。  Only

Antonia was anxious for the details; and she had been busy in
preparing the respe

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