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remember the alamo-第46章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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I escaped by a kind of miracle。〃

The doctor looked at the Senora。  She seemed to be asleep。 
〃Speak low;〃 he said; 〃but tell me all。〃

The man sat upon the floor with his back against the wall。   
The doctor stooped over him。  Antonia and Isabel stood beside
their father。

〃We heard of Urrea's approach at San Patricio。  The Irish
people of that settlement welcomed Urrea with great rejoicing。 
He was a Catholica defender of the faith。  But the
American settlers in the surrounding country fled; and Fannin
heard that five hundred women and children; followed by the
enemy; were trying to reach the fortress of Goliad。  He
ordered Major Ward; with the Georgia battalions; to go and
meet the fugitives。  Many of the officers entreated him not to
divide his men for a report which had come by way of the
faithless colony of San Patricio。

〃But Fannin thought the risk ought to be taken。  He took it;
and the five hundred women and children proved to be a
regiment of Mexican dragoons。  They surrounded our infantry on
every side; and after two days' desperate fighting; the
Georgia battalions were no more。  In the meantime; Fannin got
the express telling him of the fall of the Alamo; and ordering
him to unite with General Houston。  That might have been a
possible thing with eight hundred and sixty men; but it was
not possible with three hundred and sixty。  However; we made
the effort; and on the great prairie were attacked by the
enemy lying in ambush there。  Entirely encircled by them; yet
still fighting and pressing onward; we defended ourselves
until our ammunition gave out。  Then we accepted the
terms of capitulation offered by Urrea; and were marched back
to Goliad as prisoners of war。  Santa Anna ordered us all to
be shot。〃

〃But you were prisoners of war?〃

〃Urrea laughed at the articles; and said his only intention in
them was to prevent the loss of Mexican blood。  Most of his
officers remonstrated with with{sic} him; but he flew into a
passion at Miralejes。  ‘The Senor Presidente's orders are not
to be trifled with。  By the Virgin of Guadelupe!' he cried;
‘it would be as much as my own life was worth to disobey

〃It gave the Mexican soldiers pleasure to tell us these
things; and though we scarcely believed such treachery
possible; we were very uneasy。  On the eighth day after the
surrender; a lovely Sunday morning; we were marched out of the
fort on pretence of sending us to Louisiana; according to the
articles of surrender; and we were in high spirits at the

〃But I noticed that we were surrounded by a double row of
soldiers; and that made me suspicious。  In a few moments;
Fannin was marched into the centre; and told to sit down
on a low stool。  He felt that his hour had come。  He took
his watch and his purse; and gave them to some poor woman who
stood outside lamenting and praying for the poor Americans。 
I shall never forget the calmness and brightness of his face。 
The Mexican colonel raised his sword; the drums beat; and the
slaughter began。  Fifty men at a time were shot; and those
whom the guns missed or crippled; were dispatched with the
bayonet or lance。〃

〃You escaped。  How?〃

〃When the lips of the officer moved to give the order:  Fire! 
I fell upon my face as if dead。  As I lay; I was pierced by a
bayonet through the shoulder; but I made no sign of life。 
After the execution; the camp followers came to rob the dead。 
A kind…hearted Mexican woman helped me to reach the river。  I
found a horse tied there; and I took it。  I have been on the
point of giving up life several times; but I met a man coming
here with the news to Houston; and he helped me to hold out。〃

The doctor was trembling with grief and anger; and he felt
Antonia's hand on his shoulder。

〃My friend;〃 he whispered; 〃did you know JOHN WORTH?〃

〃Who did not know him in Fannin's camp?  Any of us would have
been glad to save poor Jack; and he had a friend who refused
to live without him。〃

〃Dare Grant?〃

〃That was the man; young lady。  Grant was a doctor; and the
Mexicans wanted doctors。  They offered him his life for his
services; but he would not have it unless his friend's life
also was spared。  They were shot holding each other's hands;
and fell together。  I was watching their faces at the moment。 
There wasn't a bit of fear in them。〃

The Senora rose; and came as swiftly as a spirit to them。  She
looked like a woman walking in her sleep。  She touched the
stranger。  〃I heard you。  You saw Dare Grant die。  But my boy! 
My boy!  Where is my Juan?〃

〃Maria; darling。〃

〃Don't speak; Roberto。  Where is my Juan?  Juan Worth?〃

〃Madam。  I am sorry enough; God knows。  Juan Worthwas shot。〃

Then the wretched mother threw up her hands; and with an
awful cry fell to the ground。  It was hours ere she recovered
consciousness; and consciousness only restored her to misery。

The distress of the father; the brother and sisters of the
dead youth was submerged in the speechless despair of the
mother。  She could not swallow food; she turned away from the
the{sic} sympathy of all who loved her。  Even Isabel's
caresses were received with an apathy which was terrifying。 
With the severed curl of her boy's hair in her fingers; she
sat in tearless; voiceless anguish。

Poor Antonia; weighed down with the double loss that had come
to her; felt; for the first time; as if their condition was
utterly hopeless。  The mental picture of her brother and her
lover meeting their tragic death hand in hand; their youth and
beauty; their courage and fidelity; was constantly before her。 
With all the purity and strength of her true heart; she loved
Dare; but she did not for a moment wish that he had taken a
different course。  〃It is just what I should have expected
from him;〃 she said to Isabel。  〃If he had let poor Jack die
alone; I could never have loved him in the same way
again。  But oh; Isabel; how miserable I am?〃

〃Sweet Antonia; I can only weep with you。  Think of this; it
was on last Sunday morning。  Do you remember how sad you

〃I was in what seemed to be an unreasonable distress。  I went
away to weep。  My very thoughts were tired with their
sorrowful journeys up and down my mind; trying to find out
hope and only meeting despair。  Oh; my brave Jack!  Oh; my
dear Dare; what a cruel fate was your's!〃

〃And mi madre; Antonia?  I fear; indeed; that she will lose
her senses。  She will not speak to Thomas; nor even to me。 
She has not said a prayer since Jack's death。  She cannot
sleep。  I am afraid of her; Antonia。〃

〃To…night we are to move further east; perhaps the journey may
waken her out of this trance of grief。  I can see that our
father is wretched about her; and Thomas wanders in and out of
the room as if his heart was broken。〃

〃Thomas loved Jack。  Luis told me that he sat with him and
Lopez; and that he sobbed like a woman。  But; also; he means
a great revenge。  None of the men slept last night。  They
stood by the camp…fires talking。  Sometimes I went to the door
and looked out。  How awful they were in the blaze and
darkness!  I think; indeed; they could have conquered Santa
Anna very easily。〃

Isabel had not misjudged the spirit of the camp。  The news of
the massacre at Goliad was answered by a call for vengeance
that nothing but vengeance could satisfy。  On the following
day Houston addressed his little army。  He reminded them that
they were the children of the heroes who fought for liberty at
Yorktown; and Saratoga; and Bunker Hill。  He made a soul…
stirring review of the events that had passed; he explained to
them their situation; and the designs of the enemy; and how he
proposed to meet them。

His voice; loud as a trumpet with a silver sound; inspired all
who heard it with courage。  His large; bright visage; serious
but hopeful; seemed to sun the camp。  〃They live too long;〃 he
cried; 〃who outlive freedom。  And I promise you that you shall
have a full cup of vengeance。  For every man that fell
fighting at the Alamo; for every one treacherously
slaughtered at Goliad; you shall be satisfied。  If I seem
to be flying before the enemy now; it is for his destruction。 
Three Mexican armies unit

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