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remember the alamo-第43章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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permit such cruelties?  Did He know?  Would He allow a handful
of men to be overpowered by numbers?  Being omnipotent; would
He not in some way; at least; make the fight equal?  The
instinct of her anglo…American nature revolted at the
unfairness of the struggle。  Even her ejaculations to heaven
were in this spirit。  〃It is so unjust;〃 she murmured; 〃surely 
the Lord of Hosts will prevent a fight which must be a

As she went about the simple preparations for their breakfast;
she wept continuouslytears of indignation and sorrowtears
coming from the strength of feeling; rather than its weakness。 
The Senora could eat nothing。  Isabel was white with terror。 
They wandered from window to window in the last extremity of

About seven o'clock they saw Ortiz pass the house。  There were
so many people on the road he could not find an opportunity to
enter for some time。  He had been in the city all night。  He
had watched the movement of the troops in the starlight。  As
he drank a cup of chocolate; he said:

〃It was just three o'clock; Senorita; when the Matamoras
battalion was moved forward。  General Cos supported it with
two thousand men。

〃But General Cos was paroled by these same Americans who are
now in the Alamo; and his life was spared on condition that he
would not bear arms against them again。〃

〃It is but one lie; one infamy more。  When I left the city;
about four thousand men were attacking the Alamo。  The
infantry; in columns; were driven up to the walls by the
cavalry which surrounded them。〃

〃The Americans!  Is there any hope for them?〃

〃The mercy of God remains; Senorita。  That is all。  The Alamo
is not as the everlasting hills。  What men have made; men can
also destroy。  Senor Navarro is in the church; praying for the
souls that are passing every moment。〃

〃He ought to have been fighting。  To help the living is better
than to pray for the dead。〃

Permit me to assure you; Senorita Antonia; that no man has
done more for the living。  In time of war; there must be many
kinds of soldiers。  Senor Navarro has given nearly all; that
he possesses for the hope of freedom。  He has done secret
service of incalculable value。〃

〃Secret service!  I prefer those who have the courage of their
convictions; and who; stand by them publicly。〃

〃This is to be considered; Senorita; the man who can be silent
can also speak when the day for speaking arrives。〃  No one
opposed this statement。  It did not seem worth while to
discuss opinions; while the terrible facts of the
position were appealing to every sense。

As the day went on; the conflict evidently became closer and
fiercer。  Ortiz went back to the city; and the three lonely
women knelt upon the house…top; listening in terror to the
tumult of the battle。  About noon the firing ceased; and an
awful silencea silence that made the ears ache to be
relieved of itfollowed。

〃All is over!〃 moaned Antonia; and she covered her face with
her hands and sobbed bitterly。  Isabel had already exhausted
tears。  The Senora; with her crucifix in her hand; was praying
for the poor unfortunates dying without prayer。

During the afternoon; smoke and flame; and strange and
sickening odors were blown northward of the city; and for some
time it seemed probable that a great conflagration would
follow the battle。  How they longed for some one to come!  The
utmost of their calamity would be better than the intolerable
suspense。  But hour after hour went past; and not even Ortiz
arrived。  They began to fear that both he and Navarro had been
discovered in some disloyalty and slain; and Antonia was
heartsick when she considered the helplessness of their

Still; in accordance with Navarro's instructions; they dressed
for the contemplated journey; and sat in the dark; anxiously
listening for footsteps。  About eleven o'clock Navarro and
Ortiz came together。  Ortiz went for the horses; and Navarro
sat down beside; the Senora。  She asked him; in a low voice;
what had taken place; and he answered:

〃Everything dreadful; everything cruel; and monstrous; and
inhuman!  Among the angels in heaven there is sorrow and anger
this night。〃  His voice had in it all the pathos of tears; but
tears mingled with a burning indignation。

〃The Alamo has fallen!〃

〃Senorita Antonia; I would give my soul to undo this day's
work。  It is a disgrace to Mexico which centuries cannot wipe

〃The Americans?〃

〃Are all with the Merciful One。〃

〃Not one saved?〃

〃Not one。〃


〃I will tell you。  It is right to tell the whole world such an
infamy。  If I had little children I would take them on my knee
and teach them the story。  I heard it from the lips of one
wet…shod with their blood; dripping crimson from the battle
my own cousin; Xavier。  He was with General Castrillon's
division。  They began their attack at four in the morning; and
after two hours' desperate fighting succeeded in reaching a
courtyard of the Alamo。

〃They found the windows and doors barricaded with bags of
earth。  Behind these the Americans fought hand to hand with
despairing valor。  Ramires; Siesma and Batres led the columns;
and Santa Anna gave the signal of battle from a battery near
the bridge。  When the second charge was driven back; he became
furious。  He put himself in front of the men; and with shouts
and oaths led them to the third charge。  Xavier said that he
inspired them with his own frenzy。  They reached the foot of
the wall; and the ladders were placed in position。  The
officers fell to the rear and forced the men to ascend them。 
As they reached the top they were stabbed; and the ladders
overturned。  Over and over; and over again these attempts
were made; until the garrison in the Alamo were exhausted with
the struggle。〃

Navarro paused a few minutes; overpowered by his emotions。  No
one spoke。  He could see Antonia's face; white as a spirit's;
in the dim light; and he knew that Isabel was weeping and that
the Senora had taken his hand。

〃At last; at the hour of ten; the outer wall was gained。 
Then; room by room was taken with slaughter incredible。  There
were fourteen Americans in the hospital。  They fired their
rifles and pistols from their pallets with such deadly aim
that Milagros turned a cannon shotted with grape and canister
upon them。  They were blown to pieces; but at the entrance of
the door they left forty dead Mexicans。〃

〃Ah Senor; Senor! tell me no more。  My heart can not endure

〃Mi madre;〃 answered Isabel; 〃we must hear it all。  Without
it; one cannot learn to hate Santa Anna sufficiently〃; and her
small; white teeth snapped savagely; as she touched the hand
of Lopez with an imperative 〃Proceed。〃

〃Colonel Bowie was helpless in bed。  Two Mexican officers
fired at him; and one ran forward to stab him ere he died。 
The dying man caught his murderer by the hair of his head; and
plunged his knife into his heart。  They went to judgment at
the same moment。〃

〃I am glad of it!  Glad of it!  The American would say to the
Almighty:  ‘Thou gavest me life; and thou gavest me freedom;
freedom; that is the nobler gift of the two。  This man robbed
me of both。'  And God is just。  The Judge of the whole earth
will do right。〃

〃At noon; only six of the one hundred and eighty…three were
left alive。  They were surrounded by Castrillon and his
soldiers。  Xavier says his general was penetrated with
admiration for these heroes。  He spoke sympathizingly to
Crockett; who stood in an angle of the fort; with his
shattered rifle in his right hand; and his massive knife;
dripping with blood; in his left。  His face was gashed; his
white hair crimson with blood; but a score of Mexicans; dead
and dying; were around him。  At his side was Travis; but so
exhausted that he was scarcely alive。

〃Castrillon could not kill these heroes。  He asked their lives
of Santa Anna; who stood with a scowling; savage face in
this last citadel of his foes。  For answer; he turned to the
men around him; and said; with a malignant emphasis: 
‘Fire!'  It was the last volley。  Of the defenders of the
Alamo; not one is left。〃

A solemn silence followed。  For a few minutes it was p

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