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remember the alamo-第42章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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incoherencies; and if Jack had ever received it he would
doubtless have understood and kissed every word; and worn the
white messenger close to his heart。  But between writing
letters and sending them; there were in those days intervals
full of impossibilities。  Love then had to be taken on trust。 
Rarely; indeed; could it send assurances of fidelity and

Jack's letter brightened the day; and formed a new topic of
conversation; until Ortiz returned in the evening。  His
disguise had enabled him to linger about the Plaza and monte
table; and to hear and observe all that was going on。

〃The city is enjoying itself; and making money;〃 he said; in
reply to question from the Senora。  〃Certainly the San
Antonians approve of liberty; but what would you do?  In Rome
one does not quarrel with the Pope; in San Antonio one must
approve of despotism; when Santa Anna parades himself there。〃

〃Has he made any preparations for attacking the Alamo?  Will
the Americans resist him?〃

〃Senorita Antonia; he is erecting a battery on the river bank;
three hundred yards from the Alamo。  This morning; ere the
ground was touched; he reviewed his men in the Plaza。  He
stood on an elevation at the church door; surrounded by his
officers and the priests; and unfurled the Mexican flag。〃

〃That was about eleven o'clock; Captain?〃

〃Si; Senorita。  You are precisely exact。〃

〃I heard at that hour a dull roar of human voicesa roar like
nothing on earth but the distant roar of the ocean。〃

〃To be sure; it was the shouting of the people。  When all was
still; Fray Ignatius blessed the flag; and sprinkled over it
holy water。  Then Santa Anna raised it to his lips and kissed
it。  Holy Maria! another shout。  Then he crossed his sword
upon the flag; and cried out〃Soldados! you are here to
defend this banner; which is the emblem of your holy faith and
of your native land; against heretics; infidels and ungrateful
traitors。  Do you swear to do it?  And the whole army answered
‘Si! si! juramos!' (yes; we swear。)  Again he kissed the
flag; and laid his sword across it; and; to be sure; then
another shout。  It was a very clever thing; I assure you;
Senora; and it sent every soldier to the battery with a great

The Senora's easily touched feelings were all on fire at the
description。  〃I wish I could have seen the blessing of the
banner;〃 she said; 〃it is a ceremony to fill the soul。  I have
always wept at it。  Mark; Antonia!  This confirms what I
assured you ofthe Mexicans make war with a religious feeling
and a true refinement。  And pray; Captain Ortiz; how will the
Americans oppose these magnificent soldiers; full of piety and

〃They have the Alamo; and one hundred and eighty…three men in

〃And four thousand men against them?〃

〃Si。  May the Virgin de los Remedios'4' be their help!  An
urgent appeal for assistance was sent to Fanning at Goliad。 
Senor Navarre; took it on a horse fleet as the wind。  You will
see that on the third day he will be smoking in his balcony;
in the way which is usual to him。〃

'4' The Virgin appealed to in military straits。

〃Will Fanning answer the appeal?〃

〃If the answer be permitted him。  But Urrea may prevent。  Also
other things。〃

Santa Anna entered San Antonio on Tuesday the twenty…third of
February; 1836; and by the twenty…seventh the siege had become
a very close one。  Entrenched encampments encircled the doomed
men in the Alamo; and from dawn to sunset the bombardment went
on。  The tumult of the fightthe hurrying in and out of the
citythe clashing of church bells between the booming of
cannonthese things the Senora and her daughters could hear
and see; but all else was for twelve days mere surmise。  But
only one surmise was possible; when it was known that the
little band of defiant heroes were fighting twenty; times
their own numberthat no help could come to themthat the
Mexicans were cutting off their water; and that their
provisions were getting very low。  The face of Ortiz grew
constantly more gloomy; and yet there was something of triumph
in his tone as he told the miserably anxious women with what
desperate valor the Americans were fighting; and how fatally
every one of their shots told。

On Saturday night; the fifth of March; he called Antonia
aside; and said; 〃My Senorita; you have a great heart; and so
I speak to you。  The end is close。  To…day the Mexicans
succeeded in getting a large cannon within gunshot of the
Alamo; just where it is weakest。  Senor Captain Crockett has
stood on the roof all day; and as the gunners have advanced to
fire it he has shot them down。  A group of Americans were
around him; they loaded rifles and passed them to him quickly
as he could fire them。  Santa Anna was in a fury past
believing。  He swore then ‘by every saint in heaven or hell'
to enter the Alamo to…morrow。  Senor Navarro says he is raging
like a tiger; and that none of his officers dare approach him。 
The Senor bade me tell you that to…morrow night he will be
here to escort you to Gonzales; for no American will his fury
spare; he knows neither sex nor age in his passions。  And when
the Alamo falls; the soldiers will spread themselves around
for plunder; or shelter; and this empty house is sure to
attract them。  The Senorita sees with her own intelligence how
things must take place。〃

〃I understand; Captain。  Will you go with us?〃

〃I will have the Jersey wagon ready at midnight。  I know the
horses。  Before sun…up we shall have made many miles。〃

That night as Antonia and her sister sat in the dark together;
Antonia said:  〃Isabel; tomorrow the Alamo will fall。  There
is no hope for the poor; brave souls there。  Then Santa Anna
will kill every American。〃

〃Oh; dear Antonia; what is to become of us?  We shall have no
home; nothing to eat; nowhere to sleep。  I think we shall die。 
Also; there is mi madre。  How I do pity her!〃

〃She is to be your care; Isabel。  I shall rely on you to
comfort and manage her。  I will attend to all else。  We are
going to our father; and Thomasand Luis。〃

Yes; and after all I am very tired of this dreadful life。  It
is a kind of convent。  One is buried alive here; and still not
safe。  Do you really imagine that Luis is with my father and

〃I feel sure of it。〃

〃What a great enjoyment it will be for me to see him again!〃

〃And how delighted he will be!  And as it is necessary that we
go; Isabel; we must make the best of the necessity。  Try and
get mi madre to feel this。〃

〃I can do that with a few words; and tears; and kisses。  Mi
madre is like one's good angelvery easy to persuade。〃

〃And now we must try and sleep; queridita。〃

〃Are you sure there is no danger to…night; Antonia?〃

〃Not to…night。  Say your prayer; and sleep in God's presence。 
There is yet nothing to fear。  Ortiz and Lopez Navarro are
watching every movement。〃

But at three o'clock in the morning; the quiet of their rest
was broken by sharp bugle calls。  The stars were yet in the
sky; and all was so still that they thrilled the air like
something unearthly。  Antonia started up; and ran to the roof。 
Bugle was answering bugle; and their tones were imperative and
cruel; as if they were blown by evil spirits。  It was
impossible to avoid the feeling that the call was a
PREDESTINED summons; full of the notes of calamity。  She
was weighed down by this sorrowful presentiment; because; as
yet; neither experience nor years had taught her that

The unseen moving multitudes troubled the atmosphere between
them。  In wild; savage gusts; she heard the military bands
playing the infamous Dequelo; whose notes of blood and fire
commingled; shrieked in every ear〃NO QUARTER!  NO
QUARTER!〃  A prolonged shout; the booming of cannon; an awful
murmurous tumult; a sense of horror; of crash and conflict;
answered the merciless; frenzied notes; and drowned them in
the shrieks and curses they called for。

It was yet scarcely dawn。  Her soul; moved by influences so
various and so awful; became almost rebellious。  Why did God
permit such cruelties?  Did He know?  Would He allow a handful
of men to be overpowered by numbers?

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