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remember the alamo-第41章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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agreeable; as we were to that outrageous Sam Houston; they say
thank you; madam; and go on thinking their own cruel thoughts。 
I wonder the gentle God permits that such men live。〃

〃Dear mother; refinement in war is not possible。  Nothing can
make it otherwise than brutal and bloody。〃

〃Antonia; allow that I; who am your mother; should know what
I have simply seen with my eyes。  Salcedo; Bravo; Martinez;
Urreaare they not great soldiers?  Very well; then; I
say they brought some pleasure with their armies; and you will
see that Santa Anna will do the same。  If we were only in our
own home!  It must have been the devil who made us leave it。〃

〃How truly splendid the officers looked; mi madre。  I dare say
Senora Valdez will entertain them。〃

〃That is certain。  And as for Dorette Valdezthe coquetteit
will certainly be a great happiness to her。〃

Isabel sighed; and the Senora felt a kind of satisfaction in
the sigh。  It was unendurable to be alone in her regrets and
her longings。

〃Yes;〃 she continued; 〃every night Senora Trespalacios will
give a tertulia; and the officers will have military balls
the brave young men; they will be so gay; so charming; so
devoted; and in a few hours; perhaps; they will go into the
other world by the road of the battlefield。  Ah; how pitiful! 
How interesting!  Cannot you imagine it?〃

Isabel sighed again; but the sigh was for the gay; the
charming Luis Alveda。  And when she thought of him; she
forgot in a moment to envy Dorette Valdez; or the senoritas of
the noble house of Trespalacios。  And some sudden; swift touch
of sympathy; strong as it was occult; made the Senora at the
same moment remember her husband and her sons。  A real sorrow
and a real anxiety drove out all smaller annoyances。  Then
both her daughters wept together; until their community of
grief had brought to each heart the solemn strength of a
divine hope and reliance。

〃My children; I will go now and pray;〃 said the sorrowful wife
and mother。  〃At the foot of the cross I will wait for the
hour of deliverance; and casting herself on her knees; with
her crucifix in her hand; she appeared in a moment to have
forgotten everything but her anguish and her sins; and the
Lamb of God upon whom; with childlike faith; she was
endeavoring to cast them。  Her tears dropped upon the ivory
image of the Crucified; and sympathetic tears sprung into
Antonia's and Isabel's eyes; as they listened to her

That night; when all was dark and still; Ortiz returned with
the wagon。  In the morning Antonia went to speak to him。 
He looked worn…out and sorrowful; and she feared to ask him
for news。  〃There is food in the house; and I have made you
chocolate;〃 she said; as she pitifully scanned the man's
exhausted condition。

〃The Senorita is kind as the angels。  I will eat and drink at
her order。  I am; indeed; faint and hungry。〃

She brought him to the table; and when he refused to sit in
her presence; she said frankly; 〃Captain Ortiz; you are our
friend and not our servant。  Rest and refresh yourself。〃

He bent upon one knee and kissed the hand she offered; and
without further remonstrance obeyed her desire。  Isabel came
in shortly; and with the tact of true kindness she made no
remark; but simply took the chair beside Ortiz; and said; in
her usual voice and manner:  〃Good morning; Captain。  We are
glad to see you。  Did you meet my brother Thomas again?〃

〃Senorita; God be with you!  I have not seen him。  I was at

〃Then you would see our brother Juan?〃

〃Si。  The Senor Juan is in good health and great
happiness。  He sent by my willing hands a letter。〃

〃Perhaps also you saw his friend; Senor Grant?〃

〃From him; also; I received a letter。  Into your gracious
care; Senorita; I deliver them。〃

〃I thank you for your kindness; Captain。  Tell us now of the
fortress。  Are the troops in good spirits?〃

〃Allow me to fear that they are in too good assurance of
success。  The most of the men are very young。  They have not
yet met our Lady of Sorrows。  They have promised to themselves
the independence of Texas。  They will also conquer Mexico。 
There are kingdoms in the moon for them。  I envy such
exaltationsand regret them。  GRACE OF GOD; Senorita!  My
heart ached to see the crowds of bright young faces。  With a
Napoleonwith a Washington to lead themthey would do

〃What say you to Houston?〃

〃I know him not。  At Goliad they are all Houstons。  They
believe each man in himself。  On the contrary; I wish that
each man looked to the same leader。〃

〃Do you know that Santa Anna is in San Antonio?〃

〃I felt it; though I had no certain news。  I came far around;
and hid myself from all passers…by; for the sake of the wagon
and the horses。  I have the happiness to say they are safe。 
The wagon is within the enclosure; the horses are on the
prairie。  They have been well trained; and will come to my
call。  As for me; I will now go into the city; for there will
be much to see and to hear that may be important to us。 
Senoritas; for all your desires; I am at your service。〃

When Ortiz was gone; Isabel had a little fret of
disappointment。  Luis might have found some messenger to bring
her a word of his love and life。  What was love worth that did
not annihilate impossibilities!  However; it consoled her a
little to carry Jack's letter to his mother。  The Senora had
taken her morning chocolate and fallen asleep。  When Isabel
awakened her; she opened her eyes  with a sigh; and a look of
hopeless misery。  These pallid depressions attacked her most
cruelly in the morning; when the room; shabby and unfamiliar;
gave both her memory; and anticipation a shock。

But the sight of the letter flushed her face with expectation。 
She took it with smiles。  She covered it with kisses。  When
she opened it; a curl from Jack's head fell on to her lap。 
She pressed it to her heart; and then rose and laid it at the
feet of her Madonna。  〃She must share my joy;〃 she said with
a pathetic childishness; 〃she will understand it。〃  Then; with
her arm around Isabel; and the girl's head on his shoulder;
they read together Jack's loving words:

〃Mi madre; mi madre; you have Juan's heart in your heart。 
Believe me; that in all this trouble I sorrow only for you。 
When victory is won I shall fly to you。  Other young men have
other loves; I have only you; sweet mother。  There is always
the cry in my heart for the kiss I missed when I left you。  If
I could hold your hand to…night; if I could hear your voice;
if I could lay my head on your breast; I would say that the
Holy One had given me the best blessings He had in heaven。 
Send to me a letter; madrea letter full of love and kisses。 
Forgive Juan!  Think of this only: HE IS MY BOY!  If I
live; it is for you; who are the loveliest and dearest of
mothers。  If I die; I shall die with your name on my
lips。  I embrace you with my soul。  I kiss your hands; and
remember how often they have clasped mine。  I kiss your eyes;
your cheeks; your dear lips。  Mi madre; remember me!  In your
prayers; remember Juan!〃

With what tears and sobs was this loving letter read by all
the women; and the Senora finally laid it where she had laid
the precious curl that had come with it。  She wanted 〃the
Woman blessed among women〃 to share the mother joy and the
mother anguish in her heart。  Besides; she was a little
nervous about Jack's memento of himself。  Her superstitious
lore taught her that severed hair is a token of severed love。 
She wished he had not sent it; and yet she could not bear to
have it out of her sight。

〃Gracias a Dios!〃 she kept ejaculating。  〃I have one child
that loves me; and me only。  I shall forgive Juan everything。 
I shall not forgive Thomas many things。  But Juan! oh! it is
impossible not to love him entirely。  There is no one like him
in the world。  If the good God will only give him back to me;
I will say a prayer of thanks every day of my life long。 
Oh; Juan!  Juan! my boy! my dear one!〃

Thus she talked to herself and her daughters continually。  She
wrote a letter full of motherly affection and loving
incoherencies; and if Jack had ever received it he would

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