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remember the alamo-第33章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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Rachela taught it to me。〃

〃And you; Lopez。〃

〃That is sure; Luis。〃

〃And I; too!〃 said Antonia; smiling。  〃Here is your mandolin。 
Strike the chords; and we will all sing with you。  My
father will remember also。〃  And the doctor smiled an assent;
as the young man resigned Isabel's hand with a kiss; and swept
the strings in that sweetness and power which flows invisibly;
but none the less surely; from the heart to the instrument。

〃It is to my blessed Lord and Redeemer; I sing;〃 he said;
bowing his head。  Then he stood up and looked at his
companions; and struck the key…note; when every one joined
their voices with his in the wonderful little hymn:

        So noble a Lord
          None serves in vain;
        For the pay of my love
          Is my love's sweet pain。

        In the place of caresses
          Thou givest me woes;
        I kiss Thy hands;
          When I feel their blows。

        For in Thy chastening;
          Is joy and peace;
        O Master and Lord!
          Let thy blows not cease。

        I die with longing
          Thy face to see
        And sweet is the anguish
          Of death to me。

        For; because Thou lovest me;
          Lover of mine!
        Death can but make me
          Utterly Thine!

The doctor was the first to speak after the sweet triumph of
the notes had died away。  〃Many a soul I have seen pass
whispering those verses;〃 he said; 〃men and women; and little

〃The good Marcela in heaven has that for her joy;〃 answered

Lopez rose while the holy influence still lingered。  He kissed
the hands of every one; and held the doctor's in his own until
they reached the threshold。  A more than usual farewell took
place there; though there were only a few whispered words。

〃Farewell; Lopez!  I can trust you?〃

〃Unto death。〃

〃If we never meet again?〃

〃Still it will be FAREWELL。  Thou art in God's care。〃

Very slowly the doctor sauntered back to the parlor; like a
man who has a heavy duty to; do and hardly knows how to begin
it。  〃But I will tell Maria first;〃 he whispered; and then
he opened the door; and saw the Senora bidding her
children good…night。

〃What a happy time we have had!〃 she was saying。  〃I shall
never forget it。  Indeed; my dears; you see how satisfactory
it is to be religious。  When we talk of the saints and angels;
they come round us to listen to what we say; accordingly; we
are full of peace and pleasure。  I know that because I heard
FrayI heard a very good man say so。〃

She smiled happily at her husband; as she took his arm; and
twice; as they went slowly upstairs together; she lifted her
face for his kiss。  Her gentleness and affection made it hard
for him to speak; but there were words to be said that could
be no longer delayed; and when he had closed the room door; he
took her hands in his; and looked into her face with eyes that
told her all。

〃You are going away; Roberto;〃 she whispered。

〃My love!  Yes!  To…nightthis very hour I must go!  Luis and
Dare also。  Do not weep。  I entreat you!  My heart is heavy;
and your tears I cannot bear。〃

Then she answered; with a noble Composure:  〃I will give
you smiles and kisses。  My good Roberto; so true and kind!  I
will try to be worthy of you。  Nay; but you must not weep

It was true。  Quite unconsciously the troubled husband and
father was weeping。  〃I fear to leave you; dear Maria。  All is
so uncertain。  I can only ask you two favors; if you will
grant them; you will do all that can be done to send me away
with hope。  Will you promise me to have nothing to do whatever
with Fray Ignatius; and to resist every attempt he may make to
induce you to go into a religious house of any kind?〃

〃I promise you; Roberto。  By my mother's cross; I promise

〃Again; dear Maria; if you should be in any danger; promise me
that you will do as Antonia and Lopez Navarro think it wisest
and best。〃

〃Go with God; my; husband。  Go with God; in a good hour。  All
you wish; I will do。〃

He held her to his heart and kissed her; and she whispered
amid her tender farewells to himself; messages to her soils
but especially to Juan。  〃Will you see Juan?  If you do; tell
him I repent。  I send him a thousand blessings!  Ah; the
dear one!  Kiss him for me; Roberto!  Tell him how much I love
him; Roberto!  How I sorrow because I was cross to him!  My
precious one!  My good son; who always loved me so dearly!〃

At length Isabel came in to weep in her mother's arms。  〃Luis
is going away;〃 she cried。  The father felt a momentary keen
pang of jealousy。  〃I am going also; queridita;〃 he said
mournfully。  Then she threw her arms around his neck and
bewailed her bad fortune。  〃If I were the Almighty God; I
would not give love and then take it away;〃 she murmured。  〃I
would give orders that the good people should always be happy。 
I would not let men like Santa Anna live。  He is a measureless
monster; and ought to go to the dto purgatory; at the very

While the Senora soothed her complaining; the doctor left。 
One troubled glance of a great love he cast backward from the
door ere he closed it behind him; and then his countenance
suddenly changed。  Stern and strong it grew; with a glow of
anger in the steel…blue eyes that gave an entirely new
character to it。

He called Antonia into his study; and talked with her of
the crisis which was approaching; and of the conduct of their
affairs in it。  He showed her the places in which his gold
coin was hidden。  He told her on whom to rely in any

〃We have sure information that General Urrea; with the
vanguard of a large Mexican army; will be here next month。 
Santa Anna will follow him quickly。  You see that the city
must either be defended or our men must retreat。  I am going
to Houston with this dilemma。  Luis and Dare will join Fannin
at Goliad。  Now; my dear child; you have my place to fill。  If
Santa Anna takes possession of San Antonio; what will you do?〃

〃If we are not disturbed in any way; I will keep very quiet
within my own home。〃

〃If Fray Ignatius attempts to interfere with youwhat then?〃

〃I will fly from him; and take Isabel and mi madre with me。〃

〃That is your only safety。  I shall hear if the Americans
desert the city; then I will send your brother Thomas; if by
any possibility it can be done; to guard you to the eastern
settlements。  But I may not be able to do thisthere may
be no timeit cannot be depended uponLopez Navarro will
help you all he can; and Ortiz。  You may always rely on

〃My father; I cannot trust Ortiz。  Every man is a master to a
peon。  He would mean to do kindly; but his cowardice might
make him false。〃

〃Ortiz is no peon。  He is a Mexican officer of high rank; whom
Santa Anna ordered to be shot。  I saved his life。  He wears
the clothes of a peonthat is necessary; but he has the honor
and gratitude of a gentleman beneath them。  If necessary;
trust Ortiz fully。  One thing above all others remember
FLIGHT before a convent。〃

〃Flight!  Yes; death before it!  I promise you; father。  When
we meet again; you shall say; well done; Antonia。〃

It was now about midnight。  They went back to the parlor。 
Luis and Dare sat by the dying fire。  They were bent forward;
close together over it; talking in a low voice。  They rose
when the doctor spoke; and silently kissed Antonia。

〃It will be a hard ride; now;〃 said the doctor;〃 and Dare
answered; mechanically; 〃but we shall manage it。〃  He
held Antonia's hand; and she went with them to the rear of the
house。  Their horses were standing ready saddled。   Silently
the men mounted。  In a moment they had passed the gate; and
the beat of their horses' hoofs gradually died away。

But all through the clear spaces of the sky the Christmas
bells were ringing; and the serenaders were musically telling
each other;

        〃At twelve will the Child be born!〃



        〃A curious creed they weave;
           And; for the Church commands it;
         All men must needs believe;
           Though no man understands it。
         God loves his few pet lambs;

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