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remember the alamo-第21章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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here until we are quite sleepy。〃

With the words she went into the kitchen。  Molly was nodding
over her beads; in the comfortable radius made by the
blazing logs; no one else was present but a young peon。  He
brought a small kettle to the parlor fire; and lifted a table
to the hearth; and then replenished the pile of logs for
burning during the night。  Isabel; cuddling in a large chair;
watched Antonia; as she went softly about putting on the table
such delicacies as she could find at that hour。  Tamales and
cold duck; sweet cake and the guava jelly that was Isabel's
favorite dainty。  There was a little comfort in the sight of
these things; and also; in the bright silver teapot standing
so cheerfully on the hearth; and diffusing through the room a
warm perfume; at once soothing and exhilarating。

〃I really think I shall like that American tea to…night;
Antonia; but you must half fill my cup with those little
blocks of sugarquite half fill it; Antonia; and have you
found cream; my dear one?  Then a great deal of cream。〃

Antonia stood still a moment and looked at the drowsy little
beauty。  Her eyes were closed; and her head nestled
comfortably in a corner of the padded chair。  Then a hand upon
the door…handle arrested her attention; and Antonia turned her
eyes from Isabel and watched it。  Ortiz; the peon; put
his head within the room; and then disappeared; but oh; wonder
and joy!  Don Luis entered swiftly after him; and before any
one could say a word; he was kneeling by Isabel kissing her
hand and mingling his exclamations of rapture with hers。

Antonia looked with amazement and delight at this apparition。 
How had he come?  She put her hand upon his sleeve; it was
scarcely wet。  His dress was splendid; if he had been going to
a tertullia of the highest class; he could not have been more
richly adorned。  And the storm was yet raging!  It was a

〃Dear Luis; sit down!  Here is a chair close to Iza!  Tell her
your secrets a few minutes; and I will go for mi madre。  O
yes!  She will come!  You shall see; Iza!  And then; Luis; we
shall have some supper。〃

〃You see that I am in heaven already; Antonia; though; indeed;
I am also hungry and thirsty; my sister。〃

Antonia was not a minute in reaching her mother's room。  The
unhappy lady was half…lying among the large pillows of her
gilded bed; wide awake。  Her black eyes were fixed upon
a crucifix at its foot; and she was slowly murmuring prayers
upon her rosary。

〃Madre!  Madre!  Luis is here; Luis is here!  Come quick; mi
madre。  Here are your stockings and slippers; and your gown;
and your mantillano; no; no; do not call Rachela。  Luis has
news of my father; and of Jack!  Oh; madre; he has a letter
from Jack to you!  Come dear; come; in a few minutes you will
be ready。〃

She was urging and kissing the trembling woman; and dressing
her in despite of her faint effort to delayto call Rachela
to bring Luis to her room。  In ten minutes she was ready。  She
went down softly; like a frightened child; Antonia cheering
and encouraging her in whispers。

When she entered the cheerful parlor the shadow of a smile
flitted over her wan face。  Luis ran to meet her。  He drew the
couch close to the hearth; he helped Antonia arrange her
comfortably upon it。  He made her tea; and kissed her hands
when he put it into them。  And then Isabel made Luis a cup;
and cut his tamales; and waited upon him with such pretty
service; that the happy lover thought he was eating a meal in

For a few minutes it had been only this ordinary gladness of
reunion; but it was impossible to ignore longer the anxiety in
the eyes that asked him so many questions。  He took two
letters from his pockets and gave them to the Senora。  They
were from her husband and Jack。  Her hands trembled; she
kissed them fervently; and as she placed them in her breast
her tears dropped down upon them。

Antonia opened the real conversation with that never…failing
wedge; the weather。  〃You came through the storm; Luis?  Yet
you are not wet; scarcely?  Now then; explain this miracle。〃

〃I went first to Lopez Navarro's。  Do you not know this festa
dress?  It is the one Lopez bought for the feast of St。 James。 
He lent it to me; for I assure you that my own clothing was
like that of a beggar man。  It was impossible that I could see
my angel on earth in it。〃

〃But in such weather?  You can not have come far to…day?〃

〃Senorita; there are things which are impossible; quite
impossible!  That is one of them。  Early this morning the
north wind advanced upon us; sword in hand。  It will last
fifty hours; and we shall know something more about it before
they are over。  Very well; but it was also absolutely
necessary that some one should reach San Antonio to…night; and
I was so happy as to persuade General Burleson to send me。 
The Holy Lady has given me my reward。〃

〃Have you seen the Senor Doctor lately; Luis;〃 asked the

〃I left him at nightfall。〃

〃At nightfall!  But that is impossible!〃

〃It is true。  The army of the Americans is but a few miles
from San Antonio。〃

〃Grace of God!  Luis!〃

〃As you say; Senora。  It is the grace of God。  Did you not

〃We know nothing but what Fray Ignatius tells usthat the
Americans have been everywhere pulling down churches; and
granting martyrdom to the priests; and that everywhere
miraculous retributions have pursued them。〃

〃Was Gonzales a retribution?  The Senor Doctor came to us
while we were there。  God be blessed; but he startled us like
the rattle of rifle…shots in the midnight!  ‘Why were you not
at Goliad?' he cried。  ‘There were three hundred stand of arms
there; and cannon; and plenty of provisions。  Why were they
not yours?'  You would have thought; Senora; he had been a
soldier all his life。  The men caught fire when he came near
them; and we went to Goliad like eagles flying for their prey。 
We took the town; and the garrison; and all the arms and
military stores。  I will tell you something that came to pass
there。  At midnight; as I and Jack stood with the Senor Doctor
by the camp…fire; a stranger rode up to us。  It was Colonel
Milam。  He was flying from a Mexican prison and had not heard
of the revolt of the Americans。  He made the camp ring with
his shout of delight。  He was impatient for the morning。  He
was the first man that entered the garrison。  Bravissimo! 
What a soldier is he!〃

〃I remember!  I remember!〃 cried the Senora。  〃Mi Roberto
brought him here once。  So splendid a man I never saw before。 
So tall; so handsome; so gallant; so like a hero。  He is
an American fromwell; then; I have forgotten the place。〃

〃From Kentucky。  He fought with the Mexicans when they were
fighting for their liberty; but when they wanted a king and a
dictator he resigned his commision{sic} and was thrown into
prison。  He has a long bill against Santa Anna。〃

〃We must not forget; Luis;〃 said the Senora with a little
flash of her old temper; 〃that Santa Anna represents to good
Catholics the triumph of Holy Church。〃

Luis devoutly crossed himself。  〃I am her dutiful son; I
assure you; Senoraalways。〃

A warning glance from Antonia changed the conversation。  There
was plenty to tell which touched them mainly on the side of
the family; and the Senora listened; with pride which she
could not conceal; to the exploits of her husband and sons;
though she did not permit herself to confess the feeling。  And
her heart softened to her children。  Without acknowledging the
tie between Isabel and Luis; she permitted or was oblivious to
the favors it allowed。

Certainly many little formalities could be dispensed with; in
a meeting so unexpected and so eventful。  When the pleasant
impromptu meal was over; even the Senora had eaten and drunk
with enjoyment。  Then Luis set the table behind them; and they
drew closer to the fire; Luis holding Isabel's hand; and
Antonia her mother's。  The Senora took a cigarette from Luis;
and Isabel sometimes put that of Luis between her rosy lips。 
At the dark; cold midnight they found an hour or two of
sweetest consolation。  It was indeed hard to weary these three
heart…starved women; they asked question aft

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