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remember the alamo-第16章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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softly; 〃Father; dear; tell mi madre my last look at the
house; my last thought in leaving it; was for her。  She would
not kiss me or bless me last night。  Ask her to kiss you for
me;〃 and then the lad broke fairly down。  The moment had come
in which love could find no utterance; and must act。  He flung
his arm around his father's neck and kissed him。  And the
father wept also; and yet spoke brave words to both as he
walked with them to the gate and watched them ride into the
thick mist lying upon the prairie like a cloud。  They were
only darker spots in it。  It swallowed them up。  They were
lost to sight。

He thought no one had seen the boys leave but himself。  But
through the lattices two sorrowful women also watched their
departure。  The Senora; as wakeful as her husband; had heard
the slight movements; the unusual noises of that early hour;
and had divined the cause of them。  She looked at Rachela。 
The woman had fallen into the dead sleep of exhaustion; and
she would not have to parry her objections and warnings。 
Unshod; and in her night…dress; she slipped through the
corridor to the back of the house; and tightly clasping her
rosary in her hands; she stood behind the lattice and watched
her boy away。

He turned in his saddle just before he passed the gate; and
she saw his young face lifted with an unconscious; anxious
love; to the very lattice at which she stood:  In the dim
light it had a strange pallor。  The misty air blurred and made
all indistinct。  It was like seeing her Jack in some woful
dream。  If he had been dead; such a vision of him might have
come to her from the shadow land。

Usually her grief was noisy and imperative of sympathy。  But
this morning she could not cry nor lament。  She went softly
back to her room and sat down; with her crucifix before her
aching eyes。  Yet she could not say her usual prayers。  She
could not remember anything but Jack's entreaty〃Kiss me; mi
madre!  Bless me; mi madre!〃  She could not see anything but
that last rapid turn in the saddle; and that piteous young
face; showing so weird and dreamlike through the gray mist of
the early dawn。

Antonia had watched with her。  Dare; also; had turned; but
there had been something about Dare's attitude far more cheery
and hopeful。  On the previous night Antonia had put some
sprays of rosemary in his hat band 〃to bring good; and keep
away evil on a journey〃; and as he turned and lifted his hat
he put his lips to them。  He had the belief that from some
point his Antonia was watching him。  He conveyed to her; by
the strength of his love and his will; the assurance of all
their hopes。

That day Doctor Worth did not go out。  The little bravado of
carrying arms was impossible to him。  It was not that his
courage had failed; or that he had lost a tittle of his
convictions; but he was depressed by the uncertainty of his
position and duty; and he was; besides; the thrall of that
intangible anxiety which we call PRESENTIMENT。

Yet; however dreary life is; it must go on。  The brave…hearted
cannot drop daily duty。  On the second day the doctor went to
his office again; and Antonia arranged the meals and received
company; and did her best to bring the household into peaceful
accord with the new elements encroaching on it from all sides。

But the Senora was more 〃difficult〃 than even Rachela had ever
seen her before。  She did not go to church; but Fray Ignatius
spent a great deal of time with her; and his influence was not
any more conciliating than that of early masses and much fasting。

He said to her; indeed:  〃My daughter; you have behaved with
the fortitude of a saint。  It would have been more than a
venial sin; if you had kissed and blessed a rebel in the very
act of his rebellion。  The Holy Mary will reward and comfort

But the Senora was not sensible of the reward and comfort; and
she did feel most acutely the cruel wound she had given her
mother love。  Neither prayers nor penance availed her。  She
wanted to see Jack。  She wanted to kiss him a hundred times;
and bless him with every kiss。  And it did not help her to be
told that these longings were the suggestions of the Evil One;
and not to be listened to。

The black…robed monk; gliding about his house with downcast
eyes and folded hands; had never seemed to Robert Worth so
objectionable。  He knew that he kept the breach open between
himself and his wifethat he thought it a point of religious
duty to do so。  He knew that he was gradually isolating the
wretched woman from her husband and children; and that
the continual repetition of prayers and penances did not give
her any adequate comfort for the wrong she was doing her

The city was also in a condition of the greatest excitement。 
The soldiers in the Alamo were under arms。  Their officers had
evidently received important advices from Mexico。  General
Cos; the brother…in…law of Santa Anna; was now in command; and
it was said immense reinforcements were hourly looked for。 
The drifting American population had entirely vanished; but
its palpable absence inspired the most thoughtful of the
people with fear instead of security。

Nor were the military by any means sure of the loyalty of the
city。  It was well known that a large proportion of the best
citizens hated the despotism of Santa Anna; and that if the
Americans attacked San Antonio; they would receive active
sympathy。  Party feeling was no longer controllable。  Men
suspected each other。  Duels were of constant occurrence; and
families were torn to pieces; for the monks supported Santa
Anna with all their influence; and there were few women
who dared to disobey them。

Into the midst of this turbulent; touchy community; there fell
one morning a word or two which set it on fire。  Doctor Worth
was talking on the Plaza with Senor Lopez Navarro。  A Mexican
soldier; with his yellow cloak streaming out behind him;
galloped madly towards the Alamo and left the news there。  It
spread like wildfire。  〃There had been a fight at Gonzales;
and the Americans had kept their arms。  They had also put the
Mexicans to flight。〃

〃And more;〃 added a young Mexican coming up to the group of
which Robert Worth was one; 〃Stephen Austin has escaped; and
he arrived at Gonzales at the very moment of victory。  And
more yet:  Americans are pouring into Gonzales from every

An officer tapped Doctor Worth on the shoulder。  〃Senor
Doctor; your arms。  General Cos hopes; in the present
extremity; you will set an example of obedience。〃

〃I will not give up my arms。  In the present extremity my arms
are the greatest need I have。〃

〃Then Senor;it is a great affliction to meI must arrest

He was led away; amid the audible murmurs of the men who
filled the streets。  There needed but some one to have said
the word; and they would have taken him forcibly from the
military。  A great crowd followed him to the gates of the
Alamo。  For there was scarcely a family in San Antonio of which
this good doctor was not an adopted member。  The arrest of their
favorite confessor would hardly have enraged them more。

Fray Ignatius brought the news to the Senora。  Even he was
affected by it。  Never before had Antonia seen him walk except
with thoughtful and deliberate steps。  She wondered at his
appearance; at its suppressed hurry; at a something in it
which struck her as suppressed satisfaction。

And the priest was in his heart satisfied; though he was
consciously telling himself that 〃he was sorry for the Senora;
and that he would have been glad if the sins of her husband
could have been set against the works of supererogation which
the saints of his own convent had amassed。〃

〃But he is an infidel; he believes not in the saints;〃 he
muttered; 〃then how could they avail him!〃

Antonia met him at the door。  He said an Ave Maria as he
crossed the threshold; and gave her his hand to kiss。  She
looked wonderingly in his face; for unless it was a special
visit; he never called so near the Angelus。  Still; it is
difficult to throw off a habit of obedience formed in early
youth; and she did not feel as if she could break through the
chill atmosphere of the man an

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