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remember the alamo-第15章

小说: remember the alamo 字数: 每页4000字

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have seen Faulkner!  He turned on him like a tornado。  ‘How
should you know anything about freedom; McDonald?' he cried。 
‘You are in feudal darkness in the Highlands of Scotland。  You
have only just emigrated into freedom。  But we Americans are
born free!  If you can not feel the difference between a
federal constitution and a military and religious despotism;
there is simply no use talking to you。  How would you like to
find yourself in a country where suddenly trial by jury and
the exercise of your religion was denied you?  Of course you
could abandon the home you had built; and the acres you had
bought and put under cultivation; and thus make some Mexican
heir to your ten years' labor。  Perhaps a Scot; for
conscience' sake; would do this。'〃

〃And what answer made he?〃  He said; ‘A Scot kens how to grip
tight to ten years' labor as well as yoursel'; Faulkner;
and neither man nor de'il can come between him and his
religion; but'  ‘BUT;' shouted Faulkner; ‘there is no
BUT!  It is God and our right!  God and our right; against
priestcraft and despotism!'〃

〃Then every one of us leaped to our feet; and we swore to
follow Faulkner to Texas at an hour's notice; and Sandy said
we were ‘a parcel of fools'; and then; would you believe it;
father; when our boat was leaving the pier; amid the cheers
and hurrahs of thousands; Sandy leaped on the boat and joined

〃What did he say then?〃

〃He said; ‘I am a born fool to go with you; but I think there
is a kind o' witchcraft in that word TEXAS。  It has been
stirring me up morning and night like the voice o' the
charmer; and I be to follow it though I ken well enough it
isna leading me in the paths o' peace and pleasantness!'〃

〃Did you find the same enthusiasm outside of New York?〃

〃All along the Ohio and Mississippi we gathered recruits; and
at Randolph; sixty miles above Memphis; we were joined by
David Crockett。〃


〃True; father!  And then at every landing we took on men。  For
at every landing Crockett spoke to the people; and; as we
stopped very often; we were cheered all the way down the
river。  The Mediterranean; though the biggest boat on it;
was soon crowded; but at Helena; Crockett and a great number
of the leading men of the expedition got off。  And as Dare and
Crockett had become friends; I followed them。〃

〃Where did you go to?〃

〃We went ostensibly to a big barbecue at John Bowie's
plantation; which is a few miles below Helena。  Invitations to
this barbecue had been sent hundreds of miles throughout the
surrounding country。  We met parties from the depths of the 
Arkansas wilderness and the furthest boundaries of the Choctaw
nation coming to it。  There were raftsmen from the
Mississippi; from the White; and the St。 Francis rivers。 
There were planters from Lousiana and Tennessee。  There were
woodsmen from Kentucky。  There were envoys from New Orleans;
Washington; and all the great Eastern cities。〃

〃I had an invitation myself; Jack。〃

〃I wish you had accepted it。  It was worth the journey。  There
never was and there never will be such a barbecue again。 
Thousands were present。  The woods were full of sheds and
temporary buildings; and platforms for the speakers。〃

〃Who were the speakers?〃

〃Crockett; Hawkins; General Montgomery; Colonel Beauford; the
three brothers Cheatham; Doc。 Bennet; and many others。  When
the woods were illuminated at night with pine knots; you may
imagine the scene and the wild enthusiasm that followed their

〃Doc。 Bennet is a good partisan; and he is enormously rich。〃

〃And he has a personal reason for his hatred of Mexico。  An
insatiable revenge possesses him。  His wife and two children
were barbarously murdered by Mexicans。  He appealed to those
who could not go to the fight to give money to aid it; and on
the spot laid down ten thousand dollars。〃


〃Nine other men; either present or there by proxy; instantly
gave a like sum; and thirty thousand in smaller sums was
added to it。  Every donation was hailed with the wildest
transports; and while the woods were ringing with electrifying
shouts; Hawkins rallied three hundred men round him and went
off at a swinging galop for the Brazos。〃

〃Oh; Jack!  Jack!〃

In another hour; the rest of the leaders had gathered their
detachments; and every man had turned his face to the Texan
prairies。  Crockett was already far advanced on the way。  Sam
Houston was known to be kindling the fire on the spot; and I
suppose you know; father;〃 said Jack; sinking his voice to a
whisper; 〃that we have still more powerful backers。〃

〃General Gaines?〃

〃Well; he has a large body of United States troops at
Nacogdoches。  He says they are to protect the people of
Navasola from the Indians。〃

〃But Navasola is twenty…nine miles west of Nacogdoches。〃

〃Navasola is in Texas。  Very well!  If the United States feel
it to be their duty to protect the people of Navasola; it
seems they already consider Texas within their boundary。〃

〃You think the Indians a mere pretext?〃

〃Of course。  Crockett has with him an autograph letter from
President Jackson; introducing him as ‘a God…chosen patriot。' 
President Jackson already sees Texas in the Union; and Gaines
understands that if the American…Texans should be repulsed by
Santa Anna; and fall back upon him; that he may then gather
them under his standard and lead them forward to victoryand
the conquest of Texas。  Father; you will see the Stars and
Stripes on the palaces of Mexico。〃

〃Do not talk too fast; Jack。  And now; go lie down on my bed。 
In four hours you must leave; if you want to reach Gonzales

Then Dare was called; and the lovers knew that their hour of
parting was come。  They said nothing of the fears in their
hearts; and on Antonia's lifted face there was only the light
of love and of hope。

〃The fight will soon be over; darling; and then!〃

〃And then?  We shall be so happy。〃



〃Strange sons of Mexico; and strange her fate;
 They fight for freedom who were never free;
 A kingless people for a nerveless state。〃

*   *   *   *   *   *

〃Not all the threats or favors of a crown;
 A Prince's whisper; or a tyrant's frown;
 Can awe the spirit or allure the mind
 Of him; who to strict Honor is inclined。
 Though all the pomp and pleasure that does wait
 On public places; and affairs of state;
 Though all the storms and tempests should arise;
 That Church magicians in their cells devise;
 And from their settled basis nations tear:

 He would; unmoved; the mighty ruin bear。
 Secure in innocence; contemn them all;
 And; decently arrayed; in honor fall。〃

*   *   *   *   *   *

〃Say; what is honor?  'Tis the finest sense
 Of justice which the human mind can frame。〃

The keenest sufferings entailed by war are not on the battle…
field; nor in the hospital。  They are in the household。  There
are the maimed affections; the slain hopes; the broken ties of
love。  And before a shot had been fired in the war of
Texan independence; the battle had begun in Robert Worth's

The young men lay down to rest; but he sat watching the night
away。  There was a melancholy sleepiness in it; the
mockingbirds had ceased singing; the chirping insects had
become weary。  Only the clock; with its regular 〃tick; tick;〃
kept the watch with him。

When it was near dawn; he lifted a candle and went into the
room where Jack and Dare were sleeping。  Dare did not move;
Jack opened his eyes wide; and smiled brightly at the

〃Well; father?〃

〃It is time to get up; Jack。  Tell Dare。〃

In a few minutes both came to him。  A bottle of wine; some
preserved bears' paws; and biscuits were on the table。  They
ate standing; speaking very little and almost in whispers; and
then the doctor went with them to the stable。  He helped Jack
to saddle his horse。  He found a sad pleasure in coming so
close to him。  Once their cheeks touched; and the touch
brought the tears to his eyes and sent he blood to his heart。

With his hand on the saddle; Jack paused and said;
softly; 〃Father; dear; tell mi madre my last look at the
house; my last thought in leav

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