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that 'when he is precise and dogmatic; he generally contrives to introduce

an element of obscurity into the expostion' (J。 of Philol。)。  The great

master of language wrote as clearly as he could in an age when the minds of

men were clouded by controversy; and philosophical terms had not yet

acquired a fixed meaning。  I have just said that Plato is to be interpreted

by his context; and I do not deny that in some passages; especially in the

Republic and Laws; the context is at a greater distance than would be

allowable in a modern writer。  But we are not therefore justified in

connecting passages from different parts of his writings; or even from the

same work; which he has not himself joined。  We cannot argue from the

Parmenides to the Philebus; or from either to the Sophist; or assume that

the Parmenides; the Philebus; and the Timaeus were 'written

simultaneously;' or 'were intended to be studied in the order in which they

are here named (J。 of Philol。)  We have no right to connect statements

which are only accidentally similar。  Nor is it safe for the author of a

theory about ancient philosophy to argue from what will happen if his

statements are rejected。  For those consequences may never have entered

into the mind of the ancient writer himself; and they are very likely to be

modern consequences which would not have been understood by him。  'I cannot

think;' says Dr。 Jackson; 'that Plato would have changed his opinions; but

have nowhere explained the nature of the change。'  But is it not much more

improbable that he should have changed his opinions; and not stated in an

unmistakable manner that the most essential principle of his philosophy had

been reversed?  It is true that a few of the dialogues; such as the

Republic and the Timaeus; or the Theaetetus and the Sophist; or the Meno

and the Apology; contain allusions to one another。  But these allusions are

superficial and; except in the case of the Republic and the Laws; have no

philosophical importance。  They do not affect the substance of the work。 

It may be remarked further that several of the dialogues; such as the

Phaedrus; the Sophist; and the Parmenides; have more than one subject。  But

it does not therefore follow that Plato intended one dialogue to succeed

another; or that he begins anew in one dialogue a subject which he has left

unfinished in another; or that even in the same dialogue he always intended

the two parts to be connected with each other。  We cannot argue from a

casual statement found in the Parmenides to other statements which occur in

the Philebus。  Much more truly is his own manner described by himself when

he says that 'words are more plastic than wax' (Rep。); and 'whither the

wind blows; the argument follows'。  The dialogues of Plato are like poems;

isolated and separate works; except where they are indicated by the author

himself to have an intentional sequence。

It is this method of taking passages out of their context and placing them

in a new connexion when they seem to confirm a preconceived theory; which

is the defect of Dr。 Jackson's procedure。  It may be compared; though not

wholly the same with it; to that method which the Fathers practised;

sometimes called 'the mystical interpretation of Scripture;' in which

isolated words are separated from their context; and receive any sense

which the fancy of the interpreter may suggest。  It is akin to the method

employed by Schleiermacher of arranging the dialogues of Plato in

chronological order according to what he deems the true arrangement of the

ideas contained in them。  (Dr。 Jackson is also inclined; having constructed

a theory; to make the chronology of Plato's writings dependent upon it 

(See J。 of Philol。and elsewhere。)。)  It may likewise be illustrated by the

ingenuity of those who employ symbols to find in Shakespeare a hidden

meaning。  In the three cases the error is nearly the same:words are taken

out of their natural context; and thus become destitute of any real


(4) According to Dr。 Jackson's 'Later Theory;' Plato's Ideas; which were

once regarded as the summa genera of all things; are now to be explained as

Forms or Types of some things only;that is to say; of natural objects: 

these we conceive imperfectly; but are always seeking in vain to have a

more perfect notion of them。  He says (J。 of Philol。) that 'Plato hoped by

the study of a series of hypothetical or provisional classifications to

arrive at one in which nature's distribution of kinds is approximately

represented; and so to attain approximately to the knowledge of the ideas。 

But whereas in the Republic; and even in the Phaedo; though less hopefully;

he had sought to convert his provisional definitions into final ones by

tracing their connexion with the summum genus; the (Greek); in the

Parmenides his aspirations are less ambitious;' and so on。  But where does

Dr。 Jackson find any such notion as this in Plato or anywhere in ancient

philosophy?  Is it not an anachronism; gracious to the modern physical

philosopher; and the more acceptable because it seems to form a link

between ancient and modern philosophy; and between physical and

metaphysical science; but really unmeaning?

(5) To this 'Later Theory' of Plato's Ideas I oppose the authority of

Professor Zeller; who affirms that none of the passages to which Dr。

Jackson appeals (Theaet。; Phil。; Tim。; Parm。) 'in the smallest degree prove

his point'; and that in the second class of dialogues; in which the 'Later

Theory of Ideas' is supposed to be found; quite as clearly as in the first;

are admitted Ideas; not only of natural objects; but of properties;

relations; works of art; negative notions (Theaet。; Parm。; Soph。); and that

what Dr。 Jackson distinguishes as the first class of dialogues from the

second equally assert or imply that the relation of things to the Ideas; is

one of participation in them as well as of imitation of them (Prof。

Zeller's summary of his own review of Dr。 Jackson; Archiv fur Geschichte

der Philosophie。)

In conclusion I may remark that in Plato's writings there is both unity;

and also growth and development; but that we must not intrude upon him

either a system or a technical language。

Balliol College;

October; 1891。


The chief additions to the Introductions in the Third Edition consist of

Essays on the following subjects:

1。  Language。

2。  The decline of Greek Literature。

3。  The 'Ideas' of Plato and Modern Philosophy。

4。  The myths of Plato。

5。  The relation of the Republic; Statesman and Laws。

6。  The legend of Atlantis。

7。  Psychology。

8。  Comparison of the Laws of Plato with Spartan and Athenian Laws and




The subject of the Charmides is Temperance or (Greek); a peculiarly Greek

notion; which may also be rendered Moderation (Compare Cic。 Tusc。 '(Greek);

quam soleo equidem tum temperantiam; tum moderationem appellare; nonnunquam

etiam modestiam。'); Modesty; Discretion; Wisdom; without completely

exhausting by all these terms the various associations of the word。  It may

be described as 'mens sana in corpore sano;' the harmony or due proportion

of the higher and lower elements of human nature which 'makes a man his own

master;' according to the definition of the Republic。  In the accompanying

translation the word has been rendered in different places either

Temperance or Wi

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