the psychology of revolution-第60章
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scale; as in France; the engineer does not regard himself as made
of different stuff to the rest of mankind。 It is the same in all
professions。 This is why the class hatred; so intense in Europe;
is so little developed in England and America。
In France the democracy is practically non…existent save in
speeches。 A system of competitions and examinations; which must
be worked through in youth; firmly closes the door upon the
liberal professions; and creates inimical and separate classes。
The Latin democracies are therefore purely theoretical。 The
absolutism of the State has replaced monarchical absolutism; but
it is no less severe。 The aristocracy of fortune has replaced
that of birth; and its privileges are no less considerable。
Monarchies and democracies differ far more in form than in
substance。 It is only the variable mentality of men that varies
their effects。 All the discussions as to various systems of
government are really of no interest; for these have no special
virtue of themselves。 Their value will always depend on that of
the people governed。 A people effects great and rapid progress
when it discovers that it is the sum of the personal efforts of
each individual and not the system of government that determines
the rank of a nation in the world。
1。 The Conflict between Capital and Labour。
While our legislators are reforming and legislating at hazard;
the natural evolution of the world is slowly pursuing its course。
New interests arise; the economic competition between nation and
nation increases in severity; the working…classes are bestirring
themselves; and on all sides we see the birth of formidable
problems which the harangues of the politicians will never
Among these new problems one of the most complicated will be the
problem of the conflict between labour and capital。 It is
becoming acute even in such a country of tradition as England。
Workingmen are ceasing to respect the collective contracts which
formerly constituted their charter; strikes are declared for
insignificant motives; and unemployment and pauperism are
attaining disquieting proportions。
In America these strikes would finally have affected all
industries but that the very excess of the evil created a remedy。
During the last ten years the industrial leaders have organised
great employers' federations; which have become powerful enough
to force the workers to submit to arbitration。
The labour question is complicated in France by the
intervention of numerous foreign workers; which the stagnation of
our population has rendered necessary。'13' This stagnation will
also make it difficult for France to contend with her rivals;
whose soil will soon no longer be able to nourish its
inhabitants; who; following one of the oldest laws of history;
will necessarily invade the less densely peopled countries。
'13' Population of the Great Powers:
1789。 1906。
Russia 。。。 。。。 28;000;000 129;000;000
Germany 。。。 。。。 28;000;000 57;000;000
Austria 。。。 。。。 18;000;000 44;000;000
England 。。。 。。。 12;000;000 40;000;000
France 。。。 。。。 26;000;000 39;000;000
These conflicts between the workers and employers of the same
nation will be rendered still more acute by the increasing
economic struggle between the Asiatics; whose needs are small;
and who can therefore produce manufactured articles at very low
prices; and the Europeans; whose needs are many。 For twenty…five
years I have laid stress upon this point。 General Hamilton; ex…
military attache to the Japanese army; who foresaw the
Japanese victories long before the outbreak of hostilities;
writes as follows in an essay translated by General Langlois:
‘‘The Chinaman; such as I have seen him in Manchuria; is capable
of destroying the present type of worker of the white races。 He
will drive him off the face of the earth。 The Socialists; who
preach equality to the labourer; are far from thinking what would
be the practical result of carrying out their theories。 Is it;
then; the destiny of the white races to disappear in the long
run? In my humble opinion this destiny depends upon one
single factor: Shall we or shall we not have the good sense to
close our ears to speeches which present war and preparation for
war as a useless evil?
‘‘I believe the workers must choose。 Given the present
constitution of the world; they must cultivate in their children
the military ideal; and accept gracefully the cost and trouble
which militarism entails; or they will be let in for a cruel
struggle for life with a rival worker of whose success there is
not the slightest doubt。 There is only one means of refusing
Asiatics the right to emigrate; to lower wages by competition;
and to live in our midst; and that is the sword。 If Americans
and Europeans forget that their privileged position is held only
by force of arms; Asia will soon have taken her revenge。''
We know that in America the invasion of Chinese and Japanese;
owing to the competition between them and the workers of white
race; has become a national calamity。 In Europe the invasion is
commencing; but has not as yet gone far。 But already Chinese
emigrants have formed important colonies in certain centres
London; Cardiff; Liverpool; &c。 They have provoked several riots
by working for low wages。 Their appearance has always lowered
But these problems belong to the future; and those of the present
are so disquieting that it is useless at the moment to occupy
ourselves with others。
2。 The Evolution of the Working…Classes and the Syndicalist
The most important democratic problem of the day will perhaps
result from the recent development of the working…class
engendered by the Syndicalist or Trades Union movement。
The aggregation of similar interests known as Syndicalism has
rapidly assumed such enormous developments in all countries that
it may be called world…wide。 Certain corporations have budgets
comparable to those of small States。 Some German leagues have
been cited as having saved over three millions sterling in
The extension of the labour movement in all countries shows that
it is not; like Socialism; a dream of Utopian theorists; but the
result of economic necessities。 In its aim; its means of action;
and its tendencies; Syndicalism presents no kinship with
Socialism。 Having sufficiently explained it in my Political
Psychology; it will suffice here to recall in a few words the
difference between the two doctrines。
Socialism would obtain possession of all industries; and have
them managed by the State; which would distribute the products
equally between the citizens。 Syndicalism; on the other hand;
would entirely eliminate the action of the State; and divide
society into small professional groups which would be
Although despised by the Syndicalists and violently attacked by
them; the Socialists are trying to ignore the conflict; but it is
rapidly becoming too obvious to be concealed。 The political
influence which the Socialists still possess will soon escape
If Syndicalism is everywhere increasing at the expense of
Socialism; it is; I repeat; because this corporative movement;
although a renewal of the past; synthetises certain needs
born of the specialisation of modern industry。
We see its manifestations under a great variety of circumstances。
In France its success has not as yet been as great as elsewhere。
Having taken the revolutionary form already mentioned; it has
fallen; at least for the time being; into the hands of the
anarchists; who care as little for Syndicalism as for any sort of
organisation; and are simply using the new doctrine in an attempt
to destroy modern society。